UAE imported canned tuna through Rough Dubai and Jebel Ali Industrial Area Special maximum value, representing 75 percent of the country's imports food refrigeration during the three years, the UAE imported tuna. From around the world and from Thailand Value changes Can be summarized as follows food refrigeration worth millions of dollars.
Types of canned tuna imported food refrigeration tunas White meat Light meat types and large or small pieces or solid pack chunk popular types containing vegetable oil. (Sunflower seeds) olive oil Salt Spring Water bottle is 100 grams and 200 grams, 180 grams and 450 grams. 2.2 output per (Re-export):.
Canned tuna is a diet that is high in protein. Fat and cholesterol As a source food refrigeration of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B12, phosphorus, iodine, selenium, zinc and calcium, low fat meat. Unsaturated fatty acids, known as omega-3 food refrigeration fats, which are essential to the body. But we can not create food refrigeration itself. In addition, food refrigeration omega-3 fatty acids. Available in fish, help prevent the accumulation of saturated fat. Or chloride Leste Coral. Which causes blood clots Which leads to heart disease food refrigeration And blood vessels in the brain rupture The study found that omega-3 fatty acids. In animals of all kinds have a higher food refrigeration amount of livestock and poultry. The tuna is a healthy food that is cheap. Has become a commonly consumed.
UAE, Dubai is home to the major importers are the order of tuna cans shipped to other countries in the Middle East and Africa. food refrigeration The value of exports in the last 3 years, can be summarized as follows.
Volume food refrigeration (tons) 3,037 1,319 2,741 208 8.3.
Countries export more value in 2010 were Somalia (25%), Iran (16%) Sicilia hunting (12%), food refrigeration Yemen (10%) Qatar (9%), Kenya (7%), Oman (6%. ) Korean (4%), Iraq and Namibian (2%), some products imported through special Jebel Ali Industrial Area. To diversify exports next Market countries, especially Saudi Arabia, which has been imported canned food refrigeration tuna approximately U.S. $ 20 million. More than 50 percent of imports in the country. Saudi Arabia is run by importers in Dubai. (Special Industrial Zone, Jebel Ali). 2.3 channels import / marketing / distribution.
Canned food refrigeration fish imports in the UAE with distribution channels that are confused by importers and some importers will be executed in a Commission Agent and at the same time it was the wholesaler as well. Imports sold through department supermarket. A branch or Co-operative are scattered every state in the country. For distribution to consumers. 2.4 market size.
The UAE has a population of approximately 6.1 million are Indians and Pakistanis, 60 percent to 20 percent are foreigners so on. Another 20 percent Arabs and native 2.5. Manufacture: Empty fish. 3 competitors.
UAE imported tuna / fish Kip Jack / bonito / Mackerel Canned from Thailand, the Philippines, while imports sardine cans of Moroc Mexico and Tunisia, Thailand is the sender. Remove fish to the UAE, worth as much as one for many years and has a market share of over 70 percent, but after 2008, will see that canned tuna from other countries, food refrigeration with market share increasing. as
- Philippines is the second most canned fish producer in the world after Thailand. Exports to the UAE in 2008, with a market share of 5.5%, compared to 12.3% in 2009 and last year, 2010, with market share increasing to 14.4% growth rate in value added increased steadily. Canned tuna sold in the UAE. The tuna in brine / oil / tomato sauce. And a number of fish dishes cooked Philippines. For distribution to hundreds of thousands of Filipinos working in the Middle East, such as taste, Calamansi, Caldereta, Adoba Hot & Spicy, and so on.
- English is the international canned tuna consumption volume unites two of the world. Canned fish brand of UK and export markets in the UAE is that the brand John West tuna, canned salmon in brine, food refrigeration mineral oil products etc. usually indicate that fish production does not destroy nature. Also announced is the raw material used fishing tools to catch fish that do not harm marine animals (100 per cent Fad-free) in the year 2016.
- Indonesia, the Indonesian government imposed import duties on raw tuna over Thailand. Currently, operators of fish processing factories in Indonesia, Thailand to set up. It is a country with abundant water resources. And a major deep-water fishing for tuna. In addition to being a Muslim country like the UAE. It has the advantage of making the Indonesian grow with ease and market share of Thailand in the next phase.
- Vietnam, food refrigeration the Middle East, the UAE is a market for seafood products worth more as a third of Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Products are exported very top is Pangasius frozen shrimp and canned food refrigeration tuna, which is the growth rate and market share of the UAE's imports from Vietnam rose up every year. 4 sample retail prices. Canned tuna is as follows:
Type the mixture domestic manufacture food refrigeration unit weight ($ US.
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