Fanaticism about "name conflict": ACSA TV - Assyrian Chaldean Syriac Association
ACSA Swedish Svenska Turkce Suryoyo Supplies Swedish Svenska methods of preserving foods Turkce Deutsch Video / TV Politics Motions Interpellations FAQ Debates EU Parliament EU Commission Conventions Reports Academic Writings Historical Documents Books / Books Contact Old Acsatv
Latest comments Hello. I am interested methods of preserving foods in this issue because methods of preserving foods it recently fell to me ... What a good opinion piece, you are really paying attention. This is really gratifying, for by this article have you noticed why ... Shlomo haurone ya, u artiel ano towewa bu alemanoyo towo getowewa that one can be so naive and think that it's just about a name and nothing else, why write ... hardly methods of preserving foods think I need some lessons in either history or about how state looks like in today's Syria and the rest ... Very intelligent response, creep back under the rock you came from instead of discussing things you do not understand any of. Hi, would be great if you could view the source for me to spread this news! Taoro, instead of you to sit and preach about what is false and what is not, think instead ... Taoro. It is dirty types you doing to our people will never agree. Do us all a favor ... Such as you will certainly not uttryka behind a screen Altt call themselves Taoro just shows that you do not ...
Some reactionary groups as life's mission to keep the "name dispute" alive. Most recently, when News did a feature on the Assyrians / Syriacs all hell broke loose and rained down on protests Aktuellts editorial. Still have Johny Messo and SUA has not reported the EU decision that recognizes the Syrians as indigenous.
Would it be so hard to let the most talented researchers gather, of course with the payment, and prove from where our roots are derived, considering the language, culture, environment. We also think that the Assyrians it is sad that we throw our national and mighty name, Assyrians, and adopts an unadorned name that can take away all our rights to our ethnicity and roots. This is what we stand by the Assyrians. We can not just throw our mighty roots and adopt other names that can pass us away from our roots in total. Is that what the Syrians / Chaldeans want us to be uprooted forever and disappear from history completely gone with the wind on a few centuries? When you have succeeded, for we are unfortunately on the way to our worst nightmare ever !! All people, regardless of their names and whatever their church methods of preserving foods names are on the road to what I call the end of the world, our dear people's downfall, then we can continue the war in the end of the world, then we have really succeeded in achieving the devil wanted, the worst thing people can do to another, against his own brother. Good luck to war against each other, you have managed methods of preserving foods to build a great future for the coming generations, so sad, so sad, my sadness has no funds.
A eshmone hrere flighutho li ne, lu hrowo, li chsara, fshore lu, lu ksho'o, u lu kattlo ne! Ida ahna dqo Korena Ruhan u a'mo d Aloho, u QO saymina a medonani, WA wayle a'hlan! Ayqo yo in hubo dbaynothan dqomar a'hla in Mgalin awqith u Qthobo Kadisho!
U shroro writes:
A jeddonaydan ksaymatte mdaglone? methods of preserving foods U eshmo suroyo Hesh cateq mu suryoyo methods of preserving foods yo. Kitle shetesto cateqter mu suryoyo. Base cal you lishonaydan lo kthiw, in macnayda lishono hathoyo? U SUROYO kitle maktabzabno the 2600 eshne, ma lo hathe cow makfyo elan?
How long must we keep on sand box level is not enough 40 years of energy consumption of this conflict what does matter if we called one or the other as long as we do not produce something themselves. Stop now concentrate on more important issues "our languages are dying out" our culture melts away "our heritage is taken confiscated by the second we die out as a people Nation what are we with names Assyrian Chaldean Syriac Aramean Maronites Malkoye list goes but for what purpose. ???????
The problem really is not about what we call ourselves mutually, without it, we can continue to call us what we want. The key is to have a collective name internationally! If we call ourselves Suraya or suroyo. That comes from surayu originally. It's about dialects. I do not think the old Assyrians were ignorant. methods of preserving foods Calling his country suryoyo his people suryoyo their language suryoyo writing suryoyo! You see how crazy it sounds. One must say real truth because we took advantage assurayu and surayu simultaneously methods of preserving foods in the Akkadian language tyngvikten put the "u". But östassyrierna methods of preserving foods developed Suraya from surayu to fit into the language as we developed suroyo. methods of preserving foods Our spoken language units surayt church language specification suryoyo suryoyto Church we
ACSA Swedish Svenska Turkce Suryoyo Supplies Swedish Svenska methods of preserving foods Turkce Deutsch Video / TV Politics Motions Interpellations FAQ Debates EU Parliament EU Commission Conventions Reports Academic Writings Historical Documents Books / Books Contact Old Acsatv
Latest comments Hello. I am interested methods of preserving foods in this issue because methods of preserving foods it recently fell to me ... What a good opinion piece, you are really paying attention. This is really gratifying, for by this article have you noticed why ... Shlomo haurone ya, u artiel ano towewa bu alemanoyo towo getowewa that one can be so naive and think that it's just about a name and nothing else, why write ... hardly methods of preserving foods think I need some lessons in either history or about how state looks like in today's Syria and the rest ... Very intelligent response, creep back under the rock you came from instead of discussing things you do not understand any of. Hi, would be great if you could view the source for me to spread this news! Taoro, instead of you to sit and preach about what is false and what is not, think instead ... Taoro. It is dirty types you doing to our people will never agree. Do us all a favor ... Such as you will certainly not uttryka behind a screen Altt call themselves Taoro just shows that you do not ...
Some reactionary groups as life's mission to keep the "name dispute" alive. Most recently, when News did a feature on the Assyrians / Syriacs all hell broke loose and rained down on protests Aktuellts editorial. Still have Johny Messo and SUA has not reported the EU decision that recognizes the Syrians as indigenous.
Would it be so hard to let the most talented researchers gather, of course with the payment, and prove from where our roots are derived, considering the language, culture, environment. We also think that the Assyrians it is sad that we throw our national and mighty name, Assyrians, and adopts an unadorned name that can take away all our rights to our ethnicity and roots. This is what we stand by the Assyrians. We can not just throw our mighty roots and adopt other names that can pass us away from our roots in total. Is that what the Syrians / Chaldeans want us to be uprooted forever and disappear from history completely gone with the wind on a few centuries? When you have succeeded, for we are unfortunately on the way to our worst nightmare ever !! All people, regardless of their names and whatever their church methods of preserving foods names are on the road to what I call the end of the world, our dear people's downfall, then we can continue the war in the end of the world, then we have really succeeded in achieving the devil wanted, the worst thing people can do to another, against his own brother. Good luck to war against each other, you have managed methods of preserving foods to build a great future for the coming generations, so sad, so sad, my sadness has no funds.
A eshmone hrere flighutho li ne, lu hrowo, li chsara, fshore lu, lu ksho'o, u lu kattlo ne! Ida ahna dqo Korena Ruhan u a'mo d Aloho, u QO saymina a medonani, WA wayle a'hlan! Ayqo yo in hubo dbaynothan dqomar a'hla in Mgalin awqith u Qthobo Kadisho!
U shroro writes:
A jeddonaydan ksaymatte mdaglone? methods of preserving foods U eshmo suroyo Hesh cateq mu suryoyo methods of preserving foods yo. Kitle shetesto cateqter mu suryoyo. Base cal you lishonaydan lo kthiw, in macnayda lishono hathoyo? U SUROYO kitle maktabzabno the 2600 eshne, ma lo hathe cow makfyo elan?
How long must we keep on sand box level is not enough 40 years of energy consumption of this conflict what does matter if we called one or the other as long as we do not produce something themselves. Stop now concentrate on more important issues "our languages are dying out" our culture melts away "our heritage is taken confiscated by the second we die out as a people Nation what are we with names Assyrian Chaldean Syriac Aramean Maronites Malkoye list goes but for what purpose. ???????
The problem really is not about what we call ourselves mutually, without it, we can continue to call us what we want. The key is to have a collective name internationally! If we call ourselves Suraya or suroyo. That comes from surayu originally. It's about dialects. I do not think the old Assyrians were ignorant. methods of preserving foods Calling his country suryoyo his people suryoyo their language suryoyo writing suryoyo! You see how crazy it sounds. One must say real truth because we took advantage assurayu and surayu simultaneously methods of preserving foods in the Akkadian language tyngvikten put the "u". But östassyrierna methods of preserving foods developed Suraya from surayu to fit into the language as we developed suroyo. methods of preserving foods Our spoken language units surayt church language specification suryoyo suryoyto Church we