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A canned food is one for which different techniques are applied, my texas health industrial or home, to prevent my texas health spoilage. It is a food preservation method that prevents food from becoming degraded. Thus, the lifetime of the food extends over a broad time period, from months to even years. The preservation process is based on modifying some of the factors involved in the deterioration of the products, for example oxygen or eliminate the amount of water, or changing the temperature. The most used and preserved common are tuna, vegetables, jams and even ready-made dishes like pasta in sauce. The article explains what this type of packaging, how it should be stored and the major risks.
The secret of preserved is the application of high temperature to food. Sterilized at temperatures above 100 C, a number that ensures elimination of potential pathogens. After sterilization ingredients are added preservative properties to further increase my texas health shelf life, for example oil, salt, sugar and vinegar. Canned foods are safe and comfortable, my texas health but are also safe and healthy? Yes, but often have high concentrations of salt or purines, aspects to be taken into account. Are equally nutritious foods, even during processing have endured high temperatures and, therefore, there has been a loss of vitamins and minerals. However, current techniques allow for some canned nutritional quality. Storage of canned
The canned foods are convenient and versatile, can be stored for long periods of time are usually evenly and quickly prepared. However, not replace fresh food. In the case of canned, it is important to consider a few details before my texas health consumption, such as rinsing with water to remove excess salt or removed if they contain oil to remove excessive amounts of fat.
Canned have a long life. To remain in good condition, need to be stored in cool, dry and light saved. my texas health Is preferable to place the cans oldest front to consume before and new leave behind as they will have a longer life. The cans should appear the expiration date of food containing inside. In some cases can last up to two years of their establishment. In this sense, cans found more than 100 years old unfit for consumption from the microbiological point of view. Not that many years are to be held, although the effectiveness against the proliferation my texas health of pathogens is safe. Hazards in canned
Although very safe food, do not forget that there is zero risk. Cans must be removed when: In the oxidation signals can appear especially on the edges and the junction points and that there is danger that the food may have been oxidized inside. The can is bulging. It signals that have proliferated inside pathogens, should be discarded without hesitation. Pathogens inside the cans are among the most toxic for the consumer. If you have foam inside the tin can is an indication that the food inside has deteriorated. If the liquid my texas health inside in poor condition, must be pulled all the contents inside. If the food has a bad smell or bad. After opening the can, not consuming my texas health all the food inside should be emptied completely my texas health and store the rest in other packages. You should never stick to the tins once opened. Compounds may migrate into the food can. Keep food in the fridge once taken out of cans of preserves.
In the canned is where pathogens can appear more toxic to the human body, such as Clostridium botulinum. This bacterium is found in soil and polluted water worldwide. Their presence is common in poorly made home canning my texas health or industrial cans in which an error has occurred during processing. Symptoms of botulism caused by spoiled food can be serious. It usually appears blurred vision, double vision, loss of reflexes, difficulty breathing, my texas health difficulty swallowing may cause death. Also it should be noted that this toxin causes disease in very low doses.
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Author: Mari
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