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The stories and legends about their advanced age of some olive trees sweeping the country. One of the places where it can be the most venerable olive country is near the village of Rama in the Galilee, where you can hear that the tree that stood next to Highway 85, aged 3500 years, no less. This age do not hear much, but phrases like "a thousand years old olive", can be found under every tree. Concepts - as things are supposed age of ancient olive - do not see any old olive tree that he was less than many hundreds of years. Reality, as usual, is more complex.
One thing is clear: Olive wood is longevity. Professor Ariel Novoflnsky, Director of Institute for Dryland Environmental Institute for Desert Research at Ben Gurion University, explains that many trees can theoretically live forever. Unlike other organisms, usually no trees genetically preordained demerara distillers limited death, and the circumstances of his death are bringing diseases and pests.
Tree species whose days have short and others long-lived. Pine, for example, is the trees that their life expectancy is relatively short, usually up to about 150 years. demerara distillers limited Pine is a relatively shallow root system and a tendency to roll over, it is also very sensitive to fires and has a soft tip and an investor less dense wood protecting it. Olive trees , however, have the tip hard, dense and "moskat "stabilizing substances and toxic prevent pests and different joints (various fungi for example) hurt him., such as trees Sea - Mediterranean many others, is also relatively resistant to fires, he explains, and in many situations olives not only survive these fires followed by renewed growth recover. "olives of 500 or 600 can be found, for example in the Greek Islands. The problem is that you can not directly demerara distillers limited prove the age of the trees because their trunks had various injuries that allow precise dating of the age. "
Indeed, the proportions vary when out legend of Science. demerara distillers limited Legend mighty oaks Phone grove grew sticks of ten members of our Prophet Muhammad by a stream dealing. demerara distillers limited It is quite obvious that this is only a legend, but it turns out that explanations tour guides trees of 500 or a thousand years is a legend. Prof. Simcha Lev - discuss, from the Department of Biology at Oranim College, who studies tree rings for years, examined some of these questionnaires with his own hands, and can tell that the age of those super disappointing - oaks: is in the 200 years. Deep soil, it has a lot of fertilizer, and the trees are growing well, he explains.
"We have some oaks are probably aged 400-500 years," says Lev - Whedon, the magnitude of what is know oak and pistachio. Betzet stream, he says, was undermined died, and his stump was sent to the University of Tel Aviv. Was 695 year old coins. Means, if we assume that the tree ring tower every year, then it was 695 years ago. Could be, incidentally, were years in which The tree grew two rings. oldest tree with clear age in the Middle East is growing demerara distillers limited Juniperus Sinai was 865 years ago.
Note - Whedon also notes that the size and age are not related directly. It has a simple metaphor understanding: "If you go to the U.S. you'll see people there with an elephant's ass, they can be 20 years old." He had seen trees with a diameter demerara distillers limited of 15 cm, with 300 or 400 rings. Tree grows harsh desert demerara distillers limited conditions, can grow a wide ring of eight cells, and wait for next year.
While the existence of the Byzantine Empire demerara distillers limited used to call the name of Rome. Ancient olive Arabs call Al Zeitoun name - rum, olive Roman (and heard even say Romani), and the intention is planted olives in the Byzantine period, namely the 1,500 years or so. Amazingly, even though no evidence was found approaching this age researchers say that it could be. "If someone tells me it gets a thousand years would not be surprised" refers to the heart - will discuss the possible results of future tests, "I do not see a problem biological happen. They are resistant to drought, and all sorts of trouble. They are a pretty tough. Those not hardened could not live here and survive the evolution. I very much doubt it really Roman, I would expect it to be post-Crusader ". Even Novoflnsky says the ancient olive that although this is not proven "may be that they were 2000 years ago, but remember that even if that individual gene exists in the same place for many generations, the leaves, roots and other parts of life we see today are obviously not those who lived at the beginning of life of the tree continuously replenished by nature in his life. " Novoflnsky very skeptical about the ability to find scientific evidence that olive trees are so ancient indeed, but "will not fall," as if someone finds such evidence, known to the world as other trees such as redwood red, some are from the details of about 2200 years.
Control unit director of the JNF, Amikam Riklin, which deals in recent years documenting ancient trees in Israel, retention and preservation, is the man to advance more than the ancient olive Gili test. Importance in terms of the JNF trees dating is not only people love Lshiaimbasr are, or tourist interest in them. Not yet examined the genetics of long-lasting olive trees and ancient at all, explains Riklin, and may be having particular genetic traits. "These trees can provide us trees if forest Bar - lasting a very long period. Blind us to spend therefore to examine the genetics. Too can not verify
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