Friday, November 22, 2013

Hirasawa factory crops grown in africa uprising by

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If ~ of Fall Grun ~ green 1966? Month? Sun topper Yamaya village release strategy August 12, 1965 The road to the village Yamaya August 12, 1965 Yamaya village defense operations August 12 (Japan invasion shocker) 1965 red wind (People's Army invaded Japan) National Highway Route 448-Route448_DF-Snow ball strategy-Snowball_Fight-The Red Wind ~ 1968 年? month? hard day of Horses strategy in 1970? month? Sun hotel operations Operation crops grown in africa Pokpoong ~ ~ storm strategy - February 29 Whale Wars ~ whale war - February 29, 1972 underground waterway crops grown in africa September 24, 1969 Hirasawa plant October crops grown in africa 21, 1968 Tokyo street fighting September 21 ("red wind" uprising), 1968 ( ~ object of attack crops grown in africa from Chicken) fried chicken strategy-Chicken_in_sea-fried chicken strategy The Thing from Jupiter ~ Jupiter (X Alien drop) Onae offense and defense-onae-Onae offense and defense Atamahen-ro district-Zubero Area-Atamahen-ro district Fall Grun ~ Yamaya village defense operations August 12 (Japan invasion shocker) 1965 <Explanation> constable this morning, there was a witness report of the person looked like shocker if-green, but it seems to have been very much true. Station fell into the hands of the guys. Occupation of the whole village also might be a matter of time. Evacuation of villagers was almost complete, there is a possibility of mortar. So then, we had to expand the delay tactics in the village because of the time earning. It's become a shield of villagers literally. Earlier on, the Corps of reinforcements from police headquarters arrived, shot dead and authorization permission to fire shocker was also issued at the same time. There is no need to arrest, crops grown in africa even for a one person. It all, everyone. 's All shot dead. Troops occupied the station pattern that hold firearms. However, we're police officers. You can not afford to run away. White prepared for skipping a grade. crops grown in africa The show 'em to both the collapse Nazi pride of Japan police. Shocker Marines E! Command was sent down to us is the securing of this village. A stepping stone, it's the invasion to Tokyo this village. This small country village, but to say the first step toward world domination. Under the command of Colonel, this village became a shocker that Japan Branch became new system to overwhelm the first time, will prove to be a critical site later. defense forces of the enemy's against police sent from the police in addition to the resident constable. Rural police, not only have older equipment and should not our enemies. So, expect a strong showing of combatants gentlemen! Heil Shocker! Police forces to defend it with shocker to try to occupy the <map information> countryside village. Police equipment while a shotgun or handgun at best, shocker may not spared struggled AK rifle, such as the United States and weapons from the former German equipment.
Name: Comment: At the request way to Yamaya Village August 12, 1965 from <Explanation> land Guard police, in order to release the Yamaya village from the hands of shocker from the Defense Agency, dispatch instruction crops grown in africa is issued to the land Guards were. Same day, Guards went to the old road of mountainous area that leads to the village Yamaya Hikitsure armored forces. To the crisis of Shocker <map information> village, Defense Corps called out, fighting in the mountainous area of shocker troops Tachifusagaru to it. Guards The key is how to protect the Risupon APC.
Name: Comment: that around noon <Explanation> land Guards today Yamaya village release strategy August 12, 1965, Yamaya village was occupied by Shocker's as everybody you know. Delay tactics of the police form a Gong, casualties of residents was kept to a minimum it's a blessing in disguise. However, the main enemy arrival, police were rout before sunset. Our mission is that eliminating the enemy forces to assault the village Yamaya, stationed, to recapture this. Because it is the invasion of using the railway, this strategy will be able several vehicles also forces deployed at the same time carrying crops grown in africa along with the equipment and personnel. The effective use of these, Get back the village. In addition, the presence of non-combatants have also been confirmed to enemy forces. Dear members, to the note. Shocker E! Combatant gentlemen, was hard work. Was successful in securing Yamaya village, but we do not yet alert. Forces of land Guards seems toward the village According to the report of the intelligence unit. Forces of land Guards is a heavy equipment enough not to be able to compare with the police that battle in the morning, it will be turned on vehicles such as tanks for the capture of this village. But peace of mind case. Introduction of powerful crops grown in africa cyborg crops grown in africa troops were ordered to direct people Colonel Ha in defense operations. We are are you possess sufficient striking power to destroy the tanks of Guards. So, expect a strong showing of combatants gentlemen! Heil Shocker! Combat troops of the Shocker Monster Defense Corps arrived in <map information> village. Defense Corps Nikki equipped with tanks, but Phantom Corps may issue a capability more. Because it has fallen, both difficult to find the enemy the day already.
Name: Comment: crops grown in africa Operation Pokpoong ~ ~ storm strategy (People's Army invaded Japan) national highway 448? Line-Route448_DF-Snow ball? Strategy-Snowball_Fight-wind-red The Red Wind ~ 21 September ("red wind" Uprising) 1968 Tokyo street crops grown in africa fighting at <Explanation> Tokyo riot police, the hideout of "Red Wind" leather cross extremist organization has been discovered. Only small scale "Red Wind", but it is also one of the most radical left-wing extremist organization. In addition, according to some sources, that they were smuggling explosives crops grown in africa and firearms through certain communist country. If left untreated it, is visible to the eye that they threaten the lives of citizens. Mission of riot gentlemen is, is to put down this before kill or arrest the "red wind" activist, and thus developed into civil war. Suspect shot dead and firing of handguns crops grown in africa are allowed. Regardless ensure the safety of civil life. "Red Wind" comrade gentlemen leather Vatu extremist organization's emergency! Hand of the magic of public gang is approaching the activities of our home! Let's take gentlemen comrades Now, the gun! I will spider the ranks! Let Kakageyo the flag! Is the destruction of public and gang defense, activities of home mission imposed on gentlemen! Now, it is time that "red wind" is show off the brave figure the people of Tokyo us! In other words, it is a defense of the revolution, is a challenge by public gangsters this struggle! Do not stop the revolution of the people! Do not let the wind takes up red! For the rapid execution of our revolution, and to exercise Gevaert, crops grown in africa it's the success of the struggle! <Map crops grown in africa information>
Hirasawa factory crops grown in africa uprising by "red wind" Hirasawa factory <Explanation> riot police leather Vatu militant group is 30 day siege in today October 21, 1968 Name: Comment. It is in this paint factory, explosives has been bootlegged by the "red wind". Supply routes of food goods such as electric, gas and water are cut completely crops grown in africa during the siege, has been kept secret for a long time in the last week also seized. We suspect he was conciliatory factory crops grown in africa workers of several people. Order that it owns firearms and explosives of a large amount had been found, all at once rush has been postponed, but it's also far from suspect. Now that they have exhausted what is a good opportunity to the resolution of a case. Local command post was issued a rush strategy, which has been planning for some time. For obliterate the anxiety of all from civic life, you must hit an end to this incident and what do we even have. Was 30 ll Nikkei paint shop facilities avowed "red wind" we leather Vatu extremist organization "guerrilla company" acquired is under siege. that this one month, the destruction again and again of the crackdown, were scattered kick the authorities will be admired by comrades around the world. Damned authorities were cut lifeline of our shield the corruption power. Of course, absolutely not to be considered as obliterated in this despicable act of revolution fire blazing in our hearts. There is a bomb and gun to us. Guns and revolution, the revolution bomb. Were prepared for this day, is our sword to defeat the authorities! According to the radio report, riot police and carried out the Storm Tactics even today. Regardless carry out a revolution in the former comrade gentlemen, of loyalty! Gevaert! ! <Map information>
Name: Comment: underground waterway September 24, 1969 <Explanation> riot police earlier, crops grown in africa an anonymous report was in when there is a base of "red wind" leather cross militant group in Tokyo underground waterway inside. Things and are hoarding explosives and firearms were smuggled. If suppression here, "red wind" which only originally weak organization would be to lose power at once. In addition, leading to recovery of security throughout the country if you can grasp the root of arms smuggling. Mission of riot gentlemen, crops grown in africa is that it seized explosives and firearms that are savings, crops grown in africa to locate the source smuggling. If there is a resistance of "red wind" activist, Regardless conquered all. We are to protect the Japanese people from the despicable violence as their. "Red Wind" comrade crops grown in africa gentlemen leather Vatu militant group, the anti-revolutionary molecule had crept in among us, unfortunately. By way of carrying out summary later in this traitor, crops grown in africa it is necessary to perform the transfer of equipment from comrade Shi bestowed a great hurry. But public gangsters audited Mai allow it. First, he drives off 'em. In the dominance of those we in terms of weapon equipment. It's a toy that does trivial to Ru afraid of guys such as pea shooter. Get Your Gun Comrade Now, Nase the ranks. I show loyalty to each revolution, and, to my party. I believe anti-revolutionary molecule is not here as one who no longer among gentlemen. Regardless annihilation here the public gang! The Shizumeyo dingy to muddy water the public gang! And let 'em Uzukumara Yes like a dog those guys! <Map information>
"Red Wind" activity glue leather Vatu militant group that lurked in <Explanation> riot police crops grown in africa mountain camp February 29 February 29, 1972 Name: Comments

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