TOMATO BERRY group of very small, from 1 to 20 g of fruits severe rhm photography variety of colors and different shapes: round, oblong, plumjveida, pear-shaped. Height can be both land and huge bushes, from which you can glean an uncountable number of small tomato bit of an edge. Berry tomato varieties are modest and do not require special care. Can be grown in greenhouses, rhm photography sheds or out buildings at the leeward wall. Pazarīšu breakthrough of the principle laid down is not regulated by the same joint on the basis of site selection and the desired harvest size. All fruit tomato cultivars are suitable rhm photography for canning.
SWEET MILIJONS aromatic tomatoes, fresh housekeeping and marinating. Of fruits beautifully arranged in a herringbone trusses. Suitable for growing in greenhouses and in the field. Greater harvest, kept leaving the central apex and up to six pazarītēm.
YELLOW CHERRY sweet, aromatic Odziņas, tasty freshly rhm photography plucked from the bush. Variety is suitable for growing in greenhouses and in the field. Plant about 2 m long, the bushy branching and abundant produce.
PELLETS smallest berry tomatoes in the world: two tomatoes weighing one gram. Red and yellow tomato beads long chain of clusters. Fruit and a wide range of different applications. Docile, are cultivated in greenhouses and in the field. Highly productive until late autumn.
Gold nuggets (GOLD NUGGET) at the earliest on the sweetest of all berry tomatoes. Variety rhm photography is suitable for growing in greenhouses, rhm photography frames or on the field. rhm photography Plant with fine leaves represent approximately the 1 m high shrub.
RASPBERRY HAT, sweet, oval-shaped tomatoes soft pink color. Consists of approximately 1.2 m high shrub suitable for growing in greenhouses, frames, on the field and in large pots. Produced by long and abundant fruits from the bush crumbple.
CIO - CIO - SANA children's delight and delicacy. Fruit pink, slightly elongated, arranged in large clusters for a fan. Cultivate recommended greenhouses, frames or on the field, leaving the central apex and one to two pazarītes. Heavy yielding 1.5 m tall plant.
Pink Olin of fruits and quail eggs, pale pink in color with a mild flavor, Long lasting fresh and delicious, arranged in a fan-shaped clusters. Ideal for canning. Variety is suitable for growing in greenhouses, leaving rhm photography the central shoot and two to three pazarītes. Seedling 1.8 to 2 m high.
Violet CHERRIES some fairly large, reddish-purple, scented ķiršogas. With its unusual color, looks beautiful table decorations were. Variety is suitable for growing in greenhouses or in the open in a sunny spot, leaving a lot of pazarītes. Seedling 1,6 m high. BROWN OdzIņa unusual color tomato rhm photography fruit. Of fruits and some fairly large, dark brown ķiršogas with refreshingly acidic flavor. rhm photography Variety is suitable for growing in greenhouses, leaving the central endings and lots pazarītes. Plant about 1.8 m high. Abundant and long-producing breed.
JUNIORS more aromatic, sweeter tasting and most productive of the tomatoes. Fruit the size of a walnut, dark red, smooth rounded spout with a small, compact clusters that are grouped. Variety is suitable for growing in greenhouses and large frames, leaving the central apex and two, three and four pazarītes. Seedling darker green, healthy foliage, 1.8 to 2 m high. Replenishing the button bush full of small tomātodziņām the pink buttons. Variety is suitable for growing in greenhouses, frames, on the field or in pots. Plant about 1.5 m high, in pots to 1m shrub powerful. Produces abundant.
BLONDE MIRABELLA round, almost white tomatoes, big enough to throw a healthy mouth and enjoy wonderful, fresh, delicate flavor. Husk thin, drying can crack. Grown in greenhouses rhm photography or as recommended big frames. Tall long, widely branching, increased production yields leave several pazarītes. OdzIņa orange in an original, bright orange berry tomatoes. Cultivated in greenhouses rhm photography or leeward side of the building walls. Bush high, well branched.
* 2009th tried the tomato varieties * 2010th tried the tomato varieties * 2011th tried the tomato varieties * 2012th tried the tomato varieties * room and balcony * Large fruited varieties of tomato tomato tomato varieties rhm photography * pendulous varieties rhm photography of tomato varieties * Berry * Plūmjveida tomato varieties * Tomato varieties with white fruit * Tomato varieties with yellow and orange fruits * Tomato varieties with pink fruit * Tomato varieties with peculiar shapes and colors of fruit * Tomato varieties with dark-colored fruits * Tomato varieties with green fruit * On average, a variety of fruit tomato tomato varieties * Winter * Zodiac rhm photography signs made of tomato varieties
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