( , some or all of the contents sugar as preservative of the article, be sure to cite your sources say. Especially statistical data sources as much, but please, please.) May 19, 2013 I have to start this blog so far, since the publication of 230 Open access most read article writing, readers have a serious sugar as preservative population problem in the Republic of Korea was about ( "Population Change in South Korea and the seriousness of" sugar as preservative reference). So even among Koreans and their current and future impact of demographic change on the areas that interest will be considered. In view of the seriousness of the issue and thus I think that high interest for granted. The crux of the problem I pointed out at the time: 1) population has decreased from around sugar as preservative 2031, and 2) production activities than the population decreased from around early 2017, and 3) longer life expectancy will continue to jimyeonseo the population dependency ratio exceeded 100% in 2065 It will be the world's best that the dependency ratio will rise, such was the speed of the world's sugar as preservative best. After all look at these three problems are all too rapidly decreased birth is no exaggeration to say that from what reason. After the article was published I break one, I was worried they look for relevant statistics. In particular, future population projections every five years, the government has announced sugar as preservative to write how this situation is going to ensure that you have failed to take adequate measures could not understand. The material sugar as preservative is not covered sugar as preservative in the last article look to see one of the two found that pretty important happened. First, the declining birth statistics seems to have finished and, second, that the government's future population sugar as preservative projections were modified dwae on history. For more information, see the illustration below describes the add groups. Just look at the people see the problem that makes it even more a concern. It's just Korea government and public institutions, and society, including the media, including the problem of the population than the long-term future for the people in their problems enough attention to the fact that a failure. Lies before us a number of uncertainties. Problem of climate change and unity is important, of course. However, the population is also an important issue, the problem is found, sure enough happened here is that this does not deal properly functioning society does not accept that the meaning. Spoil almost every day without a major daily newspaper of the ruling party and the opposition press and commentary arguing nonsense of having to spend a considerable ground. Other than partisan voters to support each fact, this does not seem interested in talking much. Moreover, the content is really arguing more and no less often. Much more important than the future of this country has to worry about a lot of work for. North Korean leader deokdam New Year's eyebrows and domestic politicians are more important things than the outer surface being at least. The graph below are not covered in detail in the last article intended to enhance information, please refer to the photo description. For more information, see the last article before (see link above) is recommended to read first. (Korea's population is also the core of the problem reduced the population to come. Those from 15 years to 64 years among the active population trend is alarming is not the production of this figure with the total population in 1990 to 100 in each place of production since the active population trends and shown in Fig. actual population by 2010, after which the future population projections published in 2011, follows the material production sugar as preservative activities until the population is currently growing faster than the population growth around 2016, but decreased rapidly after the peak of the other expected which population control policy enforcement is too steeply declined since the birth is the biggest reason which causes the slow growth of the economy as a whole as well as the support they need for the youth and the elderly population is rapidly neundaneun problem sugar as preservative burden, while the peak of the total population 2030 from reaching this point, it seems to still have a little room. Moreover, whenever population projections were revised back to that point tends to be delayed, sugar as preservative but this is not a good thing in life that extend the core of the elderly population is increasing weaning because after all I think the total population sugar as preservative is decreasing more slowly than the population dependency ratio means that the higher the mean.)
(Described in the previous figure haetdeut Korea The core of the problem, the total population of the world an unprecedented sugar as preservative rise in the dependency ratio is total dependency ratio is the production activities should support the youth population of 100 people, and the proportion of elderly population in this ratio results in 2011, 2060, about a year Fall neomeoseoge 100%, that is a population of production activities besides their names means that you need to support one person in this picture, the dependency ratio in 2001 trend forecast for 2006, and How to Fix happened in the Fall 2011 shows Also dependency ratio less than 40% increase in the current speed is increased it can be seen that the vertical.)
(South Korea's total population dependency ratio will rise rate that far ahead in terms of key comparisons likely target station sugar as preservative in Japan since 2060 and is expected to be ahead of the world's best. Dotted line is the median age of the population in Korea, where the median age is shown which when it's time to stop the rise in the dependency ratio will continue to rise it can be seen that it would not continue sugar as preservative to decrease in the future, only to give birth, thereby sugar as preservative adding to the youth dependency sugar as preservative ratio is going up because of a certain period of time.)
(Births per year, the number of deaths and life expectancy trends show first the number of deaths among persons born life is not in accordance with generally decreases rapidly gaining on it can be seen that, although the declines were born after 2005 you want to stop the increase, albeit slightly showing the movement for some time, but this would lead to an increase in child support, while the population of these trends and do not provide adequate measures of social competence is a Korea-intensive, this problem did not mean it as well, I think.)
(2020 population of youth and old age population projections for the last three times the picture is showing the difference between the forecast information. Born prediction is very difficult, it can be seen that the contrary results speak estimated delivery policy for 2001 was slightly anyihage 2006 Estimated delivery policy to actively transition the results can also be seen that while the outlook for elderly population among the relatively painless life expectancy sugar as preservative increases and it can be seen that.)
(Elderly population and the increasing poverty sugar as preservative of the elderly now can be more serious in Korea compared to the target sugar as preservative station is already in the elderly poverty rate is the highest level.) (Population projections is not an easy task, but as long as the difference between the actual situation and the population projections that The cost of the society increases. population projections at the time the picture presented by the 2001 births and deaths predicted (F as shown) and the actual situation (A as shown) will show. Fortunately, born in 2005, recovering somewhat to the floor showing signs.)
Three brothers demographic ugly ... Korea, Japan, Italy ... this country since World War II have in common is that past history would neglect the liquidation. Maintain long-term vested interest in not unjust when the forces of the social economy, society, culture, and all aspects of the population structure is also hogwash is being returned to the side. Just let him be ruined me. No answer. Difficult because the other guy pension debt crisis, just when carrying a no money to buy government bonds, but the law. Delete comment
(IMF report) chammoseup new normal era of monetary policy can not find jobs, many young people have already lost a ... (IMF report) industrialized countries, emerging economies and the economic slowdown impacts regarding necessary countermeasures established (reports) Beyond 2000: rather than retiring go places (graph) W, JPY REER trends 10 years the Bank of Korea Governor's debut press conference remarks yijuyeol sugar as preservative content clean-up (report) El Nino year, the potential is high - also large economic impact (Report) recently sugar as preservative relatively strong background of exporting country sugar as preservative and the public Outlook (Report) Construction and evaluation of Japan's regulatory reform (Report) IMF Report: How to boost Korea has further growth potential
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