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Cancer sanpellegrino spa under the collective name of at least one hundred different malignant diseases which are common characteristics of abnormal cell proliferation. The abnormal cell growth spreads to the surrounding tissues and malignant activated the adjacent bodies. At any age can occur in cancer, and all organs of the body affected.
The good news is that many types of cancer can be prevented or, if recognized in time, or even cured. It is best to take part in regular screening tests, and I try to live healthier. The latter, of course, includes a healthy diet as well. It is estimated that because 35% of the cases of inadequate nutrition liable for the formation of cancer. sanpellegrino spa
Development and spread of cancer is complex, sanpellegrino spa multi-step process. I often take years until the disease progresses. Probably a number of factors in the background. Examples of inherited predispositions, genetic disorders, environmental influences, lifestyle, and that trend. Healthy cells prior to cancer of the degeneration can be caused by environmental factors such as cigarette smoke, harmful chemicals, sanpellegrino spa alcohol, ultraviolet, and X-rays. However, these cells may not be cancerous cells. How to develop the disease, mostly dependent on individual differences. To help the food?
Many nutrients have been tested for researchers in terms of their ability sanpellegrino spa to prevent the development of cancer. Scientists generally believe that a fruit can view hundreds of useful fitovegyületek sanpellegrino spa included. So it is best if it equips your organization against the development of cancer, you get more fruits and vegetables you consume.
Do well in place of the saturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids if you consume because it is not only the cancer but a number of other fatal disease risk is reduced. These compounds provide protection against breast and colon cancer. Avocados, olives, olive oil and nuts are a great source of monounsaturated fatty acids. sanpellegrino spa Alliumvegyületek
These materials are also known kénvegyületként - which stimulate the immune system's defense against cancer - have the ability to slow the growth of tumors. As a dietary supplement regularly onion wedges, garlic, because these plants contain many alliumvegyületet. Antocianidok
Vegetable dyes belonging to the flavonoids through their antioxidant to neutralize sanpellegrino spa free radicals, thereby reducing the risk of developing cancer. Antocianidokban rich berries and apples, cherries, red grapes and red wine.
Acids of polyphenols ability to neutralize free radicals and activate the body's anti-cancer enzymes. At the beginning sanpellegrino spa of the latter processes can reduce the size of cancerous tumors. Dietary pomegranate, green tea, apples, berries, because they are all excellent source of phenolic acid.
According to research, this powerful carotenoid antioxidant, thus protecting the cells against free radicals. Ed enough of this trend include sweet potatoes, apricots and carrots, if you want to prevent sanpellegrino spa the development of cancer. These same plants also rich in beta-carotene. Phytoestrogens sanpellegrino spa
Phytoestrogens bind to the natural estrogen receptors reduce estrogen levels in the body. Due to this and may prevent the formation of many hormone-dependent cancer such as breast, cervical and prostate cancer.