Friday, January 30, 2015

The EYZHN is a program Harokopio University in collaboration with the Ministries of Education and C - Information Diet for a healthy life Blog Archive Sweet Christmas recipes for children!
Come the holidays, and with them and the holidays! The daily schedule of children is changing, since much more time to go home, while the impact on their diet is immediate. It is characteristic that most kids have combined their festive days by eating sweets, and even if parents try to prevent them is almost sure to fail. Currency as though you do not need such a stringent practice, since it is possible that their child consumes hand sweets to maintain a balanced diet! But how can be done? The tips below will help you in this! Offer children homemade sweets and not purchased from outside. The homemade desserts are better quality materials and are usually lower in calories and sugar. Prefer olive tree app sweets that will prepare to be a small portion size, as children, and large, tend to consume the entire sweet, so this practice will help to offer and consume smaller amounts. Allow children to eat sweets, but after they have eaten their food. Do not put so but to suggest a "gift", ie. If eat the food, you eat sweet, but in an "order of things": first meal after dessert. After all, when children are not hungry are more likely to consume less amount of sweet. Do not have sweets in plain view. It is very common in celebrations sweets to be permanently on the table where all to see. While this may contribute to the festive atmosphere, increases the likelihood yperkatanalonontai both small and large! Do you have sweet home for too many days. This means that you need not have platters of sweets from early December until the end of the holidays. olive tree app Try to limit yourself only to the days of feasts. Look for alternative recipes sweet offering olive tree app more nutrients and less fat and sugar, such as those listed below!
This sweet due to the high content of carrot offers olive tree app vitamins such as carotenoids, and dietary fiber. Furthermore, without additional fat, other than that contained naturally in coconut and as the portion size is small is a good selection of fresh low in calories!
These cookies are a more balanced option compared to many conventional cookie recipes on the market. Provide enough nutrients, such as dietary fiber and B vitamins, monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. He is also low in saturated fat, they do not contain olive tree app animal fats like butter. Since they contain no animal derivatives can be used as dessert fasting periods.
This dessert is very low in calories, as well as fruit and contains no fat. It also provides dietary fiber and vitamins and because it contains nuts provide beneficial fats, antioxidants and dietary fiber.
As children love the cupcakes are sure this will be the sweet delight. It is a lighter version of the classic recipes cake, as it contains olive tree app a lot of sugar, eggs and butter, therefore has less fat while being quite sweet because the fruit contains. Can not be combined with some overlap, as is customary in most cupcakes, which are usually very fat, only with icing and cinnamon, to have less fat and calories.
The EYZHN is a program Harokopio University in collaboration with the Ministries of Education and Culture and Sport. The main objective of the program is to ensure the healthy development of children, through the adoption olive tree app of balanced eating habits and physical activity. The evaluation program, which is one of the most important actions of EVZIN, conducted in schools olive tree app sponsored by OPAP SA The other activities of the program funded by the European Union, the Department olive tree app of Science Postgraduate Programme Diaitologias- Nutrition Harokopio University and Nestlé olive tree app Hellas.
Interesting link instead:
Active Physiotherapy AIDS / LifeCycle - Ride to end AIDS Eat the Damn Cake! Feeding Minds, Fighting Hunger Fitness Hellenic-ite - The pulse of fitness ISSN exercise & sport nutrition review: research & recommendations LIVESTRONG.COM - Lance Armstrong Foundation olive tree app Love Food, Hate Waste NS coaching RunningNews - everything about running Team Worldofbike .Gr - professional cycling team The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) Well: A Guided Tour of Your Body World Water D

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