Monday, November 17, 2014

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The Central Europeans have for thousands of years in the Middle Ages were able to digest milk, yogurt and cheese - held an international research team that studied the ancient inhabitants of the medieval German city of Mannheim Song genes.
The ability to digest milk, showing that the first widespread than believed earlier - read the communication of the University of Zurich online scientific journal PLoS One published research. The University Center for Evolutionary Medicine Frank Ruhl led team of researchers found the song Mannheim medieval graveyard teeth examined 36 human remains to analyze örökítőanyagukat. They discovered that 72 percent of the former residents of Mannheim song already had the genetic mutation that would enable the organization to have been manufactured lactose degrading enzyme lactase in the individual's life. This value is consistent with the present-day inhabitants of Germany and Austria conagra naperville typical 71-80 percent. The ability to digest milk really exceptional thing. Milk - in particular, a component of the lactose, i.e. milk sugar - as the basic food for infants. Lose this ability in most mammalian small increment, the gene coding for the production of the enzyme lactase is turned off. Europe, Saudi Arabia and East Africa, however, five different populations at established independently of the mutation, which allows for the whole life laktózbontó production of the enzyme. Previous studies have shown that living around 5000 BC, farmers have hardly emészthették the milk - researchers read the statement. Two thousand years later, 27 percent of the Neolithic conagra naperville Spanish peasant communities, 5 percent of the Scandinavian hunters and gatherers conagra naperville had the gene mutation. High values recorded in the medieval song Mannheim residents contradict the previously measured the rate for those living in medieval Hungary according to the researchers. conagra naperville 61 percent of today's Hungarians able to digest milk, medieval proportion was only 35 percent. The evolution of the digestibility of milk was so unlike area - the researchers wrote. The study suggests that the former may have spread from Central Europe to the genetic conagra naperville mutation allowing the digestion of milk than in Central and Eastern Europe. The ability to digest milk today among the peoples of Europe and from Europe are so high, that the sensitivity to milk even after the disease recently. Recognized only during the 20th century, campaigns promoting the consumption of milk, the majority of the world's population can not digest conagra naperville milk.
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