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Fungal diseases history of meat preservation are caused by the cultivation of forage and cereals enormous damage. Moist and warm weather for the growth and development of mildew Fusarium extremely favorable. When the mold to colonize plant exploiting organic mass plants, just plant it in adverse weather conditions excrete their metabolites. These secretions are called toxins (poisons), or more specifically mycotoxins (toxic history of meat preservation secretions history of meat preservation mold). How much damage can lead to the presence of mycotoxins in feed it showed in 2010 and 2011, especially on those farms where cereals were fed contaminated with toxins. The conditions for mold growth are again extremely favorable. According to the most common method history of meat preservation and degree of contamination history of meat preservation of feed mold divided into 2 groups, namely Poland and storage. history of meat preservation On the grain cereals have been encountered in the fields history of meat preservation of Polish molds Fusarium.
Poland molds appearing on cereal grain during flowering and ripening. The most commonly proliferate in cool, damp weather during the ripening crops, as was the case last year for maize. Types of Fusarium molds produce trichothecenes (including deoksinivalenon, 3- and 15 acetildeokinivalenon, nivalenon, T - 2 toxin, HT - 2 toxin, diacetoksiscirpenon), fumonisins (B1, B2, B3) and zearalenone. history of meat preservation In appropriate storage facilities, most of these mold dies, but the beans remain their spores and toxic secretions called mycotoxins. Certain disputes (design a new generation of dance), in favorable conditions resume replication (moist storage) and secrete mycotoxins in grains.
For said genus Fusarium is characterized by its host grass, including corn. Therefore, it is desirable history of meat preservation to follow the principles history of meat preservation of good farming practices and avoid contamination of crops with molds from the genus Fusarium. When processing history of meat preservation fields themselves considering a few basic guidelines of Good Agricultural Practice:
1. Spigot: is one of the effective ways of reducing the possibility of infection with a fungus and mycotoxins in the field. The rotation should be classified crops not host mold Fusarium and do not belong to the grass family (potatoes, sugar beet, alfalfa, clover, vegetables). Alfalfa and clover eligible to cattle farms. Significant differences in the levels of mycotoxins primarily DON comes in a variety of ways of the basic processing of fields. In plowing and crop residues in zaoravanju globejše layers Ornice the next season is less the content of DON than the minimum processing.
2. Choice of variety or hybrid: this makes use of recommended varieties or hybrids that give the specified Klimat and certain ground optimum yields. Such varieties or hybrids are best adapted to a particular AHU, they are less subject to stress, plants are more resistant and less susceptible to fungal infection. Therefore, in certain areas, try using the recommended varieties and hybrids that are already tested and well proven both in terms of fertility, such as resistance to lodging and diseases.
3. Plan of sowing and reaping: history of meat preservation it is necessary to take into account the row distance and distance in rows. Each plant needs space for its growth and development. Planirajmo harvest time, and while the selection of such varieties that are well withstand stress due to drought.
4. Processing of the ground: considering soil erosion. Soil is plowed and plowed under harvest residues furrow. The coming crop residues and the spores of the fungus in the depth of the furrow history of meat preservation and thus reduce the possibility of contamination of the following history of meat preservation crop. In the fields, which are exposed to erosion and soil just loosen it is recommended to harvest residues other finely ground and bury in the ground, to accelerate their degradation. history of meat preservation
5. Stress the plants during the growing season as plants may experience stress due to various factors (drought, cold, lack of nutrients ..). For irrigation we have to be careful and reduce the possibility of contamination with Fusariumom during flowering plants, they are the most susceptible to this infection, so during flowering avoid soaking history of meat preservation spray.
Seeding is recommended to disinfect seeds with fungicides and insecticides. history of meat preservation Disinfection is an effective measure to reduce infections from mold and reduce damage to the crop caused by insects. The timely application of fungicide is crucial for the control of infections caused by mold, we must take into account the meteorological data and the condition of the crop. The risk of infection is greatest history of meat preservation during the flowering of the cereals.
During the growing season they have been set a whole range of molds Fusarium on grass and other broadleaf weeds. After analysis it was shown that in a strong zapleveljenem crop increased infection history of meat preservation toxins mold Fusarium. Therefore, it is necessary to carried out
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