Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Answer: Yes, it reminded Mehmet Bey. Not to mention that after the elections the project for some r

BDP is a legal party in Turkey, bounge we like to party, choosing delegates to the districts and provinces, could be organized within the framework of the law. Themselves against it, and that the name of their Kurdish Democratic Society Congress as a representative of another community who declared democratic autonomy, as it is known in the past, and their 5 hours ago The General Assembly decided to establish the initiative bounge taken for the freedom of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan. bounge
Date of declaration of democratic autonomy declaration'' DTK'nın a step that is taken care of and the decision of this decision initiated a new process and invited everyone bounge to a certain color in this process. Reactions bounge to build whatever democratic self-governance bounge and will continue bounge to work to institutionalize'' the statement said.
Iran has its own area of operations against the PKK, PJAK's other arm. The declaration bounge of this operation, the Iranian bounge government's ongoing occupation of Southern Kurdistan bounge operations quiet, covered for 17 days "was brought up expressions.
DTK spokesman Jamal Coates, referring to the debate on the Kurdish National Conference, said: "At this stage, reaching a certain level of preparation, the urgency and importance of the national conference once again uncovered, stated that companies should speed up the process., Turkey, Iran and Iraq, the dirty alliance consisting primarily seen as a serious threat to the Kurdish national unity and national unity başvurmaktadı all kinds of methods to prevent corporate structure.
Çoşkun continuation of the words "declaration of its social democratic solution to the model did. You foresee for the Kurdish people and all the peoples. Democratic Self-Government has set itself the Kurdish people, Kurdistan status. Listing all the developments in the aftermath of the declaration of democratic autonomy and decision making has shown that a very historic step. Kurdish DTK is the will of the people, and the wide range of its most legitimate and initiated bounge a new process bounge of this decision and invited everyone to a certain color in this process. Besides, the declaration of the will, regardless of the approach and responses and to institutionalize efforts to build a democratic autonomy will continue. carry out the struggle of this solution is to be prepared for inclusion in the new constitution, "he bounge said.
I hope that you like the map ....
There is a nice word to our ancestors. They say beauty is not forced. If we translate the present day: the threat of peace will not be. Sketch artist bought the map in the hands of health. Best regards ... Asi Pigeon 10/08/2011 22:11
Answer: bounge A group of unlawful taking of a decision. Are taking a step toward the division. Unfortunately, bounge the commanders of intolerance shown by the legal authorities, who launched these jobs are not displayed. How much effort is made dividers göstersinler purposes of this vein. Thanks bounge Asi Pigeon. Yours .... 11/08/2011 10:29
Answer ::) I did some research about that. Is the day of the World cartographers of the World Geographical Information Systems (GIS), he learned that a day. Every year in our country, Spatial Mapping and Cadastre Engineers Istanbul Branch traditionally organized by the Commission on Information and GIS GIS Day event in the World last year, was held on 1 December 2010. Also remember birbirbimize next year, do not forget to celebrate this important day. Regards, Greetings .... 08/07/2011 bounge 10:18
Map of Texas Wash'dan independence thoughts :) Do you want to shed some light? Northern Ireland is divided into the UK? In fact, we all Ozerki. I think the government does not care about your every move BDP. This land Erol Bey indivisible. Yours. bounge Assign Kemal Sahin 04/08/2011 22:16
Answer: see as a tactic of power can never cared about the movements of the BDP. I think this attitude will continue before the completion of the new Constitution. But I do not think the constitution meet again at some point in common with the preparation of the BDP. The main problem will start after him. This one has the power to split the territory will not be enough. Thank you, Mr. Ata. Yours ... 05/08/2011 10:51
Review all the attention on the lower right edge of the midpoint of the country-gezden almışken engagement, opening a channel by inserting the dagger to the top of the left edge of the country and İstanbul'umuz "those finger" turned into a piece of land! So what are you going to be in Asia or Europe ... Here is a true SELF, or should I say the capital city of the State of the Greater Middle East to be established?! .. Respectfully bounge ... MS Mehmet Saglam 04/08/2011 16:28
Answer: Yes, it reminded Mehmet Bey. Not to mention that after the elections the project for some reason. I wonder if that project was an illusion bounge to choose from? But still, as you said, what if it's a real thing in Asia nor in Europe, that region will be. How can we put the name of the autonomous region of that, we Atlantis? :) Regards, Greetings from ... 04/08/2011 17:59
& Nb

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