It is a method of growing crops and communication in nature, which in their works articulate thinkers and experimenters 18th and 19 century Karl von Reichenbach, (ODE theory), Samuel Hahnemann (founder of homeopathy) del monte juice and Rudolf Steiner (biodynamic practices). Their research established in the 20th cent. Nicolas Joly (biodynamic viticulture) Martin Setox (ether theory and radioniky), Hans Andeweg del monte juice (theory of morphic fields and resonance in nature), George E. Marek (use ódických del monte juice zones and morphic fields during fermentation) and others. The unifying idea was simple. del monte juice The emphasis on natural processes in the cultivation of crops without the use of chemicals based on extreme harmony of nature that would produce healthy food without intensification burdens associated del monte juice with their production.
Each subject matter, including organisms, del monte juice has an aura. This is actually the ether formation information field, in Chinese philosophy, chi generated chakras, which can communicate not only with their own body, but also its surroundings. This statement is not an official scientific doctrine, but it is an indisputable fact, with the evidence and the people we meet in everyday life. Biodynamics is actually a return to the harmonization of agricultural practices that would assist environmental harmony composed of yin and yang. This ancient harmony operates not only in living organisms, including del monte juice humans, but also on the microbiological level.
We often talk about odically information field, which can be thought of as a magnetic liquid (the dispersed particles of ferrite) responsive to the north and south magnetic pole, yin and yang (masculine and feminine del monte juice principle). It is the same thing, only philosophical del monte juice depends on the category you are using. This information odically field is not only animalistic own world, but also geological del monte juice materials and their mutual relationship creating the pathogenic zones, light, sound and movement at all. Odes is also characteristic geometric shapes: Jang Setův cross Fig. 1; yin triangles Fig. 2; pyramid, spiral and fractal shapes (shapes of leaves, snow flakes, etc. cow horns. del monte juice (Fig. 3).
Treat like a similar (similia similibus curentur) based on the existence of morphic resonance and is a basic rule of homeopathy and partly del monte juice biodynamics. In order to biodynamic viticulture means of well applied, it is important to understand their effects. In order to operate the information contained in the dissolved substance is necessary to use a very dilute aqueous solution. Substance carrying information del monte juice does not react chemically, but their aura level molecule. The degree of dilution is called potency. When applied to plants, it is recommended to use the potency of 1000 to first million. This means one molecule of information on up to one million molecules of water. This example works when spraying the soil in the fall and early spring, when not yet been fully developed leaves.
In addition to dilution is important activation thorough shaking and stirring (potency) and mother homeopathic biodynamic preparations it is also a major cause of their critics. The fluid motion creates del monte juice a strong odically zone that becomes a natural carrier of information and under appropriate conditions spread to the surrounding area. This is the same phenomenon that occurs in the search for water diviner. In search of water does not react wand (divining rod) to the water itself, but the aura of dowsers in response to OD - the aura of moving water, which occurs del monte juice around the odically zone.
Example: if we dug in the garden barrel motionless water, no water is found. Odically or movement in solution using information ode zone using morphic field that reacts to the spray that was applied in the vineyard. Mutual interaction is called radionikou.
Enabling dynamic solution before application is made by mixing anti-clockwise long. Anti-clockwise so that the solution is activated yin odically zone during rightward movement of the fluid prevailing zone Yang, which is not suitable for dynamic activation.
This mixing can be reduced by using radionického jinového activator, in experiment worked best left-handed helix coiled into a rectangular cone or pyramid del monte juice 96 open. It is important to mix the solution in an open timber, stone, glass, plastic container. Basically you need to avoid all metal, because there is faradyovy cage effect., Which Russians from and thus absorbs more dynamic solution.
Biodynamics in agriculture is not completely identical with homeopathic remedies used for the treatment and he works very similarly. Homeopathy is suitable especially in the long term treatment, while biodynamic interventions are evident del monte juice in less time and create the antithesis of the tragic use of chemicals in agricultural scale.
The seventh note Fractals or period can be found in the structure of crystals, snowflakes, del monte juice branches, leaves, animal tissues and bodies. Fractals are also blood vessels, blood cells, immune cells, but also the human brain. Also Helix DNA j
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