Gurmánka Lečo - the time is ripe for spirited Hungarian specialties
13th August 2010 at 12.25, Sarka wrote Škachová Rubric: conservation, Gastrozajímavosti, sauces, marinades, pikantérie, international specialties, and Garden Herbs, Vegetables Number of comments: 24
August smells of summer. Summer in August again tomatoes and peppers. The time is ripe for a traditional Hungarian specialties - Lecsó-ratatouille. The term Lecsó can think of many things, but the correct Hungarian summer feels just a single one. The wonderful smell of ripe vegetables and think of nothing else but the ratatouille.
Classic recipe is notorious, but why omit it? Completely original authentic Hungarian recipe dispenses with scrambled eggs, but is a little sharper than usual for us. In Hungary, ratatouille is used as the basis for goulash soup or in combination with beef in Perkelt. It is indispensable throughout the year, so its preservation method does not hurt to know and not be limited only summer ildia and just harvested crop of tomatoes and peppers. The most delicious Hungarian ratatouille is prepared in a cauldron. Eating may be alone but meat lovers will appreciate a delicious side dishes to grilled ildia meat.
The form Leca can easily transform, but the base should remain unchanged. Peppers - tomatoes - onions - fat - a pinch of paprika - salt. With these ingredients when preparing a vegetable ildia delicacies rich get by a traditional Hungarian recipe nothing offense. Excellent is improved right-Hungarian paprika.
If we look at the old "home" cookbooks and ratatouille can be found in each of them. M. Úlehlová-Tilschová book A Year in Czech cuisine, 2nd edition of 1959, recommends exactly the same preparation Leca, as it says in the above Hungarian recipe, but with one small difference. Not paprika. Puts hospodyňkám the heart that ratatouille is at no cost nepodlévá, but stewed with onions peppers in small parts add chopped tomatoes. ildia Dish and simmer until the pepper is soft.
Another interesting recipe from the book of M. Úlehlová-Tilschová its way to the Slovak ratatouille hot pickles. The basis of the food is prepared as ratatouille. But at the very end are added eggs, but concentrated zátřepkou sour cream, which is mixed tablespoons flour. ildia
Lečo from school canteens was no worse. In ours is cooked just right. Absolutely the same way as the formula described in formulas and hot dishes from Jaroslav Runštuk. When in times of my school years have been on the table ratatouille, I neohrnovala above the nose.
The Hungarian cuisine is known variants with mushrooms, ildia bacon, sausage, rice, cabbage and pumpkin, ildia and of course with spicy sausage. For us the most ratatouille prepared with eggs, but why not a little neobměnit and try new tastes? In Italy have their peperonatu (wonderful Tuscan recipe in such form, as it does Emanuel Ridi - Peperonata alla Toscana), ratatouille in France, Spain, prepare ildia a dish called samfaina / xamfajna (Catalan ildia label).
Although the names are different, ildia all meals have one thing in common. They are prepared with the finest seasonal ingredients - tomatoes and peppers - and just use quality ingredients creates an unusually harmonious and perfect whole. Lively dining experience in Hungary put a pinch of hot pepper, so do not avoid it, but indignation to adjust so that our less brave and untrained language neochrnul ildia hell. Hot peppers are an evil tool that can not be underestimated. According to Hungarian peppers are excellent bogyiszlóiské, but there will be no shame prefer paprikám sweeter. Do Leca prefer the green peppers, but do not take it as dogma. Can also be used fresh color.
How to relieve hotness Leca, when to eat, run a pretty sharp paprika? Try adding a scoop into a bowl of sour cream and if that does not work, so they rely on one valuable advice ildia that hotness in the mouth can alleviate banana. ildia If these are not just rumors, so it should work ;-)
Peppers and tomatoes are favored also used in meat dishes, Tokáň the old Hungarian way - recipe ildia comes from a cookbook ildia Hungarian restaurateur and chef Károly Gundel (1883-1956), on the Hungarian everyone could swear on the Bible as ;-)
History of the famous Budapest restaurant began in 1894, the company was known under the name Wampetics. From 1910 he began to command Károly Gundel and managed to build one of the most prestigious restaurants in Hungary.
In the kitchen, the smell of spilled spice plant and the smell of sweaty bodies. Pereira spread on the table tomatoes, peeled white balls of sweet onion and green pepper pods. He stared at it with a knife in his hand, as if waiting ildia for orders - attack!
István removed from the refrigerator smoked bacon, cut it into strips and threw the pan. Before ildia the fat is dissolved, vydloubal inside peppers, shook grains, cut into tiny pieces. Cook followed him, they went to work well, it looked like a concerto for four
13th August 2010 at 12.25, Sarka wrote Škachová Rubric: conservation, Gastrozajímavosti, sauces, marinades, pikantérie, international specialties, and Garden Herbs, Vegetables Number of comments: 24
August smells of summer. Summer in August again tomatoes and peppers. The time is ripe for a traditional Hungarian specialties - Lecsó-ratatouille. The term Lecsó can think of many things, but the correct Hungarian summer feels just a single one. The wonderful smell of ripe vegetables and think of nothing else but the ratatouille.
Classic recipe is notorious, but why omit it? Completely original authentic Hungarian recipe dispenses with scrambled eggs, but is a little sharper than usual for us. In Hungary, ratatouille is used as the basis for goulash soup or in combination with beef in Perkelt. It is indispensable throughout the year, so its preservation method does not hurt to know and not be limited only summer ildia and just harvested crop of tomatoes and peppers. The most delicious Hungarian ratatouille is prepared in a cauldron. Eating may be alone but meat lovers will appreciate a delicious side dishes to grilled ildia meat.
The form Leca can easily transform, but the base should remain unchanged. Peppers - tomatoes - onions - fat - a pinch of paprika - salt. With these ingredients when preparing a vegetable ildia delicacies rich get by a traditional Hungarian recipe nothing offense. Excellent is improved right-Hungarian paprika.
If we look at the old "home" cookbooks and ratatouille can be found in each of them. M. Úlehlová-Tilschová book A Year in Czech cuisine, 2nd edition of 1959, recommends exactly the same preparation Leca, as it says in the above Hungarian recipe, but with one small difference. Not paprika. Puts hospodyňkám the heart that ratatouille is at no cost nepodlévá, but stewed with onions peppers in small parts add chopped tomatoes. ildia Dish and simmer until the pepper is soft.
Another interesting recipe from the book of M. Úlehlová-Tilschová its way to the Slovak ratatouille hot pickles. The basis of the food is prepared as ratatouille. But at the very end are added eggs, but concentrated zátřepkou sour cream, which is mixed tablespoons flour. ildia
Lečo from school canteens was no worse. In ours is cooked just right. Absolutely the same way as the formula described in formulas and hot dishes from Jaroslav Runštuk. When in times of my school years have been on the table ratatouille, I neohrnovala above the nose.
The Hungarian cuisine is known variants with mushrooms, ildia bacon, sausage, rice, cabbage and pumpkin, ildia and of course with spicy sausage. For us the most ratatouille prepared with eggs, but why not a little neobměnit and try new tastes? In Italy have their peperonatu (wonderful Tuscan recipe in such form, as it does Emanuel Ridi - Peperonata alla Toscana), ratatouille in France, Spain, prepare ildia a dish called samfaina / xamfajna (Catalan ildia label).
Although the names are different, ildia all meals have one thing in common. They are prepared with the finest seasonal ingredients - tomatoes and peppers - and just use quality ingredients creates an unusually harmonious and perfect whole. Lively dining experience in Hungary put a pinch of hot pepper, so do not avoid it, but indignation to adjust so that our less brave and untrained language neochrnul ildia hell. Hot peppers are an evil tool that can not be underestimated. According to Hungarian peppers are excellent bogyiszlóiské, but there will be no shame prefer paprikám sweeter. Do Leca prefer the green peppers, but do not take it as dogma. Can also be used fresh color.
How to relieve hotness Leca, when to eat, run a pretty sharp paprika? Try adding a scoop into a bowl of sour cream and if that does not work, so they rely on one valuable advice ildia that hotness in the mouth can alleviate banana. ildia If these are not just rumors, so it should work ;-)
Peppers and tomatoes are favored also used in meat dishes, Tokáň the old Hungarian way - recipe ildia comes from a cookbook ildia Hungarian restaurateur and chef Károly Gundel (1883-1956), on the Hungarian everyone could swear on the Bible as ;-)
History of the famous Budapest restaurant began in 1894, the company was known under the name Wampetics. From 1910 he began to command Károly Gundel and managed to build one of the most prestigious restaurants in Hungary.
In the kitchen, the smell of spilled spice plant and the smell of sweaty bodies. Pereira spread on the table tomatoes, peeled white balls of sweet onion and green pepper pods. He stared at it with a knife in his hand, as if waiting ildia for orders - attack!
István removed from the refrigerator smoked bacon, cut it into strips and threw the pan. Before ildia the fat is dissolved, vydloubal inside peppers, shook grains, cut into tiny pieces. Cook followed him, they went to work well, it looked like a concerto for four
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