Those printed Ergenekon Operation homes, a common feature of almost all of those arrested were detained and. Detachment of the Atlantic axis of Turkey, NATO's emergence, to abandon its bid to join the EU and the IMF wanted to finish the relationship. This alphabetical Turkey, Eurasia axis, China, Russia, Iran, and Turkic republics in Central Asia kurmalıydı a new alliance. For example, the former Secretary-General of the National Security Council Tuncer Kilinc had expressed the wish out loud. For example, after the Doctor Eruygur per ADD to advocate for the axis shift. For example, Erol Istanbul consuming all scholars, as an intellectual, her efforts towards this goal. For example, for a long time a lot Perinçek Eurasia foods that can be preserved "Option" in the defense. Yalcin infected with names such as the operation is small or Merdan volcano, which is already the world views of socialism, NATO, the United States and imperialism karşıtıydılar, so they were for inside and outside the axis shift. Moreover, Turkey's Republican Rallies forces who wanted to Atlantic axis, showing the rapid kitleselleşebileceğini. Hundreds of thousands in meetings in unison, "neither the U.S. nor the EU, fully independent Turkey slogan of" throwing. At this point, the outside and the interior Atlanticist forces could remain in Turkey's imperialist plans to convert it into line with the targets they think might cause a shift in the axis engaged foods that can be preserved in the operation of a liquidation. The first of these forces for the establishment of the second republic collapsed and had to be removed from being obstacles. In light of this we say "why 3 Army Commander Saldıray Berk target board "may ask the question. First, the commander of the Erzincan 3.Ordu 's against the Soviet Union was founded in the past, we need to know now protects the borders of Georgia and Armenia, the United States is closely interested and cared for at all times can predict. 3.Ordu 's current commander of the biography of Saldirai Berk, apparently, 2.Ordu Commander Gen. Necdet foods that can be preserved Özel'le, with one of the two commanders who did not serve in NATO. Berk, NATO did not do the task again, as can be seen looking biography, Land Office in Moscow and Baku has also served the Armed Forces Attaché. Also Berk, TAF is one of the finest names in a small number of Russian speaking. Saldıray Berk, Erzincan to the congregation the target board can be placed in the context of the investigation, but it should not be the only reason, is not NATO'cu Berk yazılanlardan about biography, foods that can be preserved and close to the Kemalist foods that can be preserved Eurasian fikriyata concluded that a pasha. Turkey, foods that can be preserved Russia, close to the borders of the non NATO'cu an army commanded by a pasha comes to the defense of the United States can not remain silent. They are given the Berk Atlanticist forces and their collaborators inside no surprise that in being selected target.
NO ONE HAVE ANY knocked all Show referendum and the Socialists warned Ahmet Altan THE USA! SOME SUPPORT U.S.? 10 ITEM THAT HAD BEEN LEFT SALDIRAY BERK WHY TARGET "WHAT IS HAPPENING" Elazig Governor UN communitarian ANSWER IS THE REAL CAUSE OF HONOR suicides WHAT? WHY IS THE ENEMY Liberal Tekel workers
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Vuvuzelas PKK and the Kurds, such as steep a little impersonal, how one who is a little steep nolurda keep Ergenekon is a paşalarımla not forget to say ..... thumbs up to thousands of Kurdish Kurdistan Kurdistan hi hi nara shout casts forget the mountains of Kurdistan
Ilhan Cıhaner Pasha and identities just because they carry saldıray ergenokoncu lmişlerdir announcement, edi ... who loves his country, fight against the enemy, against non-state structure CeMAT, from the people to the flame of a crime in this country .... How would ergenokuncu? sheer flame villages, foods that can be preserved schools, roads yaptırldı foods that can be preserved he can not be executed, foods that can be preserved please for God's sake let's be honest and truthful NO one but millions of times ....
BOP why he loves you so, as co-chairman of the country, Mr. Recep Bey
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