Wednesday, February 26, 2014

So we have to look at the many movements and projects that have already begun to take on this new c

Text written by François Houtart and presented in collaboration with Francine Mestrum to the Conference Of the Common Good commons of humanity ', organized by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in Rome (28 and 29 April 2011) and revised after discussions. This text also formed the basis of a job for National Institute of Advanced Studies of Ecuador (Quito) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador.
CONTENTS PREFACE TO THE COMMON PROPERTY 'COMMON biscotti ringo GOOD OF MANKIND 1 Introduction 2 Why associate the notion of' common goods 'to the concept of, Common Good of Humanity'? 3 The Many Faces of the crisis 3.1 The various crises 3.1.1 The financial and economic biscotti ringo crisis Food crisis 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 The energy crisis 3.2 That climate crisis solutions? 3.2.1 Change the players, not the system 3.2.2 3.2.3 Establish regulations Find alternatives to the prevalent paradigm 4 4.1 Redefining the relationship with nature: biscotti ringo from exploitation to respect as a life 4.2 Reorient production basis of life, favoring the use value over exchange value 4.3 Reorganizing collective life by the spread of democracy biscotti ringo in social relations and institutions 4.4 Establish multiculturalism in the construction of the universal common good 5 The Common Good Humanity as a global goal 6 For a Universal Declaration of the Common Good of Humanity 7Bibliografía
Should we really destroy the planet to develop? Economic growth requires the sacrifice biscotti ringo of millions of men and women? Youth unemployment biscotti ringo is a price to pay to save the economy? The succession of crises, the obstinacy in following the path of neoliberalism, the generalization of injustices: all these pose some fundamental questions for mankind. The outrage continues to grow worldwide. The cries of the oppressed are reflected in the cries of Mother Earth .. Initiatives to resolve the crisis continue to fail: the UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen in 2009 and subsequent meetings have not resulted in binding decisions. The recommendations of the UN Conference on the financial and economic crisis for regulation of destructive speculative capital have been ignored .. the time to act and to do so through the development of new ideas has come. However, repair dysfunctions capitalist market economy, the preaching of green capitalism, regulating financial markets, the fight against poverty through the distribution of aid, development of security systems that are increasingly militaristic and criminalize resistance are simply ways to adapt the existing system. What we need now is a radical change, another paradigm: in other words, a completely new orientation of life of human beings on the planet. The capitalist biscotti ringo system has run its course: it has become more destructive than creative. We have to build an alternative. Most people live in confusion. Many politicians announce a gradual end to the crisis, biscotti ringo but everything points to the contrary. Considered progressive political parties have become crisis managers. Moral institutions usually limited to report abuses without indicating the causes or condemn the system logic. The economic insecurity of broad sectors of the population tends to make them cling to what they have acquired with such effort, rather than take the risk of change. So we think we have to analyze, we must anticipate. This is a task for all of us, not just a few experts. Where are we going? To answer this question, we need to establish a permanent two-way dialectic exchange between doing and thinking.
So we have to look at the many movements and projects that have already begun to take on this new challenge. Los Indignados movements in Europe, the Occupy Wall Street movement in the U.S., global justice networks, environmental movements, biscotti ringo indigenous movements, movements of small farmers and the landless, and democratic movements in North Africa and the Arab world are an expression of the search for a new perspective. Exemplary projects as regional development bank in Latin America, biscotti ringo that is, the South Bank, and the new system of payments between the countries of Latin America to test speculation, ie, the Sucre, guaranteed income for small Farmers in India (NREGA), Network Transformation and Social Protection (NTSP) in Southeast Asia and many other local and regional projects, show the determination of the people who do not waste time and Job

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