Monday, September 30, 2013

Tree species whose days have short and others long-lived. Pine, for example, is the trees that thei

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The stories and legends about their advanced age of some olive trees sweeping the country. One of the places where it can be the most venerable olive country is near the village of Rama in the Galilee, where you can hear that the tree that stood next to Highway 85, aged 3500 years, no less. This age do not hear much, but phrases like "a thousand years old olive", can be found under every tree. Concepts - as things are supposed age of ancient olive - do not see any old olive tree that he was less than many hundreds of years. Reality, as usual, is more complex.
One thing is clear: Olive wood is longevity. Professor Ariel Novoflnsky, Director of Institute for Dryland Environmental Institute for Desert Research at Ben Gurion University, explains that many trees can theoretically live forever. Unlike other organisms, usually no trees genetically preordained demerara distillers limited death, and the circumstances of his death are bringing diseases and pests.
Tree species whose days have short and others long-lived. Pine, for example, is the trees that their life expectancy is relatively short, usually up to about 150 years. demerara distillers limited Pine is a relatively shallow root system and a tendency to roll over, it is also very sensitive to fires and has a soft tip and an investor less dense wood protecting it. Olive trees , however, have the tip hard, dense and "moskat "stabilizing substances and toxic prevent pests and different joints (various fungi for example) hurt him., such as trees Sea - Mediterranean many others, is also relatively resistant to fires, he explains, and in many situations olives not only survive these fires followed by renewed growth recover. "olives of 500 or 600 can be found, for example in the Greek Islands. The problem is that you can not directly demerara distillers limited prove the age of the trees because their trunks had various injuries that allow precise dating of the age. "
Indeed, the proportions vary when out legend of Science. demerara distillers limited Legend mighty oaks Phone grove grew sticks of ten members of our Prophet Muhammad by a stream dealing. demerara distillers limited It is quite obvious that this is only a legend, but it turns out that explanations tour guides trees of 500 or a thousand years is a legend. Prof. Simcha Lev - discuss, from the Department of Biology at Oranim College, who studies tree rings for years, examined some of these questionnaires with his own hands, and can tell that the age of those super disappointing - oaks: is in the 200 years. Deep soil, it has a lot of fertilizer, and the trees are growing well, he explains.
"We have some oaks are probably aged 400-500 years," says Lev - Whedon, the magnitude of what is know oak and pistachio. Betzet stream, he says, was undermined died, and his stump was sent to the University of Tel Aviv. Was 695 year old coins. Means, if we assume that the tree ring tower every year, then it was 695 years ago. Could be, incidentally, were years in which The tree grew two rings. oldest tree with clear age in the Middle East is growing demerara distillers limited Juniperus Sinai was 865 years ago.
Note - Whedon also notes that the size and age are not related directly. It has a simple metaphor understanding: "If you go to the U.S. you'll see people there with an elephant's ass, they can be 20 years old." He had seen trees with a diameter demerara distillers limited of 15 cm, with 300 or 400 rings. Tree grows harsh desert demerara distillers limited conditions, can grow a wide ring of eight cells, and wait for next year.
While the existence of the Byzantine Empire demerara distillers limited used to call the name of Rome. Ancient olive Arabs call Al Zeitoun name - rum, olive Roman (and heard even say Romani), and the intention is planted olives in the Byzantine period, namely the 1,500 years or so. Amazingly, even though no evidence was found approaching this age researchers say that it could be. "If someone tells me it gets a thousand years would not be surprised" refers to the heart - will discuss the possible results of future tests, "I do not see a problem biological happen. They are resistant to drought, and all sorts of trouble. They are a pretty tough. Those not hardened could not live here and survive the evolution. I very much doubt it really Roman, I would expect it to be post-Crusader ". Even Novoflnsky says the ancient olive that although this is not proven "may be that they were 2000 years ago, but remember that even if that individual gene exists in the same place for many generations, the leaves, roots and other parts of life we see today are obviously not those who lived at the beginning of life of the tree continuously replenished by nature in his life. " Novoflnsky very skeptical about the ability to find scientific evidence that olive trees are so ancient indeed, but "will not fall," as if someone finds such evidence, known to the world as other trees such as redwood red, some are from the details of about 2200 years.
Control unit director of the JNF, Amikam Riklin, which deals in recent years documenting ancient trees in Israel, retention and preservation, is the man to advance more than the ancient olive Gili test. Importance in terms of the JNF trees dating is not only people love Lshiaimbasr are, or tourist interest in them. Not yet examined the genetics of long-lasting olive trees and ancient at all, explains Riklin, and may be having particular genetic traits. "These trees can provide us trees if forest Bar - lasting a very long period. Blind us to spend therefore to examine the genetics. Too can not verify

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Are trees planted in Gethsemane in Jerusalem are indeed members of 900 years, or much older, and you can associate them to the trees Romans, who sell land? Harvest Time "Coltiviamo la Pace" - Italian body that works in Florence, decided to adopt and explore the ancient olive trees of Gethsemane in Jerusalem. Trees, some of which were considered 800 years and more recently it became the subject of research, part of which is designed to support the Christian community in Jerusalem and Israel. Considered Gethsemane where Jesus prayed according to tradition and his apostles on the night before his crucifixion, and the place in which found him Judas. "Church of All Nations", one of the most beautiful monte del rey churches in Jerusalem was set in place, he has been a destination for pilgrims for centuries; Documentation Sunday that at 333 by "Pilgrim of Bordeaux".
Most of the trees you see in the country - including those abandoned orchards Negev - originated after planting or around World Wars: 1017-1920, and forties of the last century. Usually hard to be impressed the age of the olive tree at first glance, but there are some rules that facilitate the assessment of age, if you walk or see a particularly interesting tree: young trees - 10-20 years - will have the white races - silver, smooth and without monte del rey cracks. Older trees, decades old, will have a rough and dark races, monte del rey often with large galls that developed over time. Surround race is not always an indicator, since over the years decay often begins in the race, and he twists separate races. So - a real old trees will have been split races will be arranged monte del rey in a kind of "cycle" (when a whole tree). Precisely the distance between these breeds can give a good estimate on the age of the tree.
Also assessing age by cutting the tree and counting the rings - like they do in woodland and forest trees many - is not a simple matter, since olive completes his race parts (Kmbiom) form rather than uneven or irregular. Is intermittent and is influenced by a wife, water, and more. Because of the split trunks and decay interior, there is not only a problem with Word rings - which, as noted, an effective olives - but even with the methods of carbon 14: The question is always where taking the sample timber for testing; center of the tree, the oldest part, may all be missing, and at best it will be rotten. Sometimes try to estimate the age of the original tree - or central - by the sub-sample trunks split away, and the addition of several hundred years of age ones.
If you are interested in the subject of ancient olive trees in general and Israel in particular, you should read the excellent article by Yigal Sela, "olives two thousand years?" Where there is not only explanations monte del rey and photos, but also descriptions monte del rey of place ancient trees in several villages in the Galilee.
Six. Examination and nutritional value of olive oil produced from the fruit of these trees
May 2009 was the first visit there, where samples were taken from each of the trees - flowers, branches monte del rey and leaves, and roots. Samples were taken to Italy and were there to evaluate the status of the trees, a complete genetic profile and more. Second visit there, monte del rey in 2010, the experts examined the foliage of the trees, and their races, to determine the age of the trees. Samples were taken from the races, to be able to compare the age obtained with other methods monte del rey of dating (mainly carbon-14).
Three. None of the trees was tested for viruses (nine types) monte del rey or five other plant viruses that are known to be hazardous to olive trees. The researchers determined whose health of the trees 'excellent', and is likely the trees will die from an illness or cease to bear fruit sooner or later.
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Sunday, September 29, 2013

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Copy the painting see olive trees, from place to place. Copying means moving from place to place. Copying is the name of the action, the book of Daniel the word 'antique' as an adjective: "Until quite - you ancient of days, and Dina Yahav dedicates Alionin" (Daniel Z. - verse as)
Kabbalah term 'ancient' is the name of the internal face crown. Its name is derived from the verse in the book of Daniel describes the Lord sitting on a throne sentence: "an ancient and Itib, dressed in snow pale, and the exchange Rishia Amar clean" [1] (= and the Ancient of Days sat, dressed as snow white, his hair pure wool).
As a crown that is the Word of the unconscious (no exam, written Where is Wisdom found, meaning wisdom that stems from not counting crown), the ancient face reflects the copied dimension and distinct from reality. So "ancient" is an image of an old man, died and was make-believe automaa raisio and cancel from the world "[2], and in a way it has been copied.
Worlds in a person's mind, there's the way the copy is a pleasure, the essence of renunciation and annihilation (Misses far examined). Counting the crown is the average automaa raisio between Hmatzil noble. This review stated in the Zohar "Thieu impressive list to the ancient of days." This feature is reflected in the name. Ancient Tongue copy, and as copying the original book another copy that is copied to face this infinite light.
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Saturday, September 28, 2013

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Friday, September 27, 2013

Concha Hello and welcome! I

Concha Hello and welcome! I'm Constance, aka Concha, a sewing enthusiast and a great believer in seasonal living. barilla holding spa In January 2010 my husband and I moved from Lisbon, Portugal to rural Staffordshire, England, then in December 2012 we embraced a new adventure in New Zealand. But my goal remains the same-: to lead a simple, meaningful, handmade life in a lovely home with my family. View my complete profile barilla holding spa
We are in full season canning! One of my dreams is to one day have a big kitchen that fits in a square table-topped limestone as it was in my grandfather's house, where I can make jellies and jams group. Until then, I'll barilla holding spa compotando and gelificando alone or with James. I found these pictures taken two years ago while preparing blackberry barilla holding spa jam and I remembered to dedicate this week to the art of making preserves. However, if you know my tricks and techniques, you can read this post on how to make raspberry jam.
It's preserving season! One of my dreams is to have a big kitchen one day, where I can place a big square table like the one que existed in my grandfather's house and where I can make jams and jellies in the company of some friends. Until then I'll keep on jamming and jellying alone or with James. I came across these pictures taken two years ago whilst I was making blackberry jelly and I thought I'd dedicate this week to the art of preserving. barilla holding spa In the meantime, if you want to find out about some of my tips and tricks on preserving, take a look at this post I wrote about making raspberry jam.
Pepona said ...
Even in good weather, I want to see if I start making jams, the first is that I will try to make tomato, and you have a recipe to share tips, thanked immense.: D 19 May 2012 19:50:00 GMT +12
It is also in my dreams a spacious kitchen with a center barilla holding spa island. And jam is also something I love to do. This year has left my jam kitchen tangerine, lemon, strawberry and now I'm doing cherries. 19 May 2012 22:38:00 GMT +12
Hello Constance, this jam should be delicious, I'll try. I am a big fan of homemade jams. Every year I make of blackberries, barilla holding spa cantaloupe, pumpkin and courgette recently. I pick the blackberries in a village of Castelo barilla holding spa Branco and how locals say the blackberry is only good when the grapes are ready for harvest, take this recommendation and is actually a compote delicious. Melon always do that disappoints us as the fruit on the palate, but in jam is always good. Pumpkin beyond the usual way and if you like coconut, barilla holding spa I suggest you try what I learned many years ago with my godmother. When the sweet pumpkin is ready but still the fire and for each pound of pumpkin, then add 100g of grated coconut and let it boil a little love. From cougette barilla holding spa is a delight and can join at the end, walnuts, pine nuts or almonds to taste, as is done for the sweet pumpkin. Good jams! Beijinnhos full of sun Portugal Ana Lopes 19 May 2012 23:07:00 GMT +12
Hello Constance! These green berries in the photos are crab apples? This morning I noticed that I have some in the backyard - still green, but I think it is because the flowers sprouted two months ago are similar to that tree - Constanta ever made jelly that taste? A hug, Daniela 20 May 2012 01:00:00 GMT +12
Mirella, was making blackberry jam, so the liquid was strained. Maria, these photos were taken in September 2010. But it is true, the time in England barilla holding spa lives up to its reputation! Ana, great tips, thank you! Dani, are crab apples, yes! Never tried making jam with them but I know that English is a specialty! 20 May 2012 01:55:00 GMT +12
Preserving season?! Oh my goodness our rowan has only just stopped flowering ... no sign of fruits or berries anywhere yet. The season is so short up here. Make the most of it. 20 May 2012 09:09:00 GMT +12
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Thursday, September 26, 2013

The rest of your life to devote Appert improve their methods. Arriving using a machine pgpr emulsif

How were invented canned '
In the eighteenth century, retains lived a most important revolution that modern techniques. At that time, and that after centuries, the only means of preserving foods were drying, salting, pgpr emulsifier smoking, pickling, pgpr emulsifier fermenting, preserving in fat or sugar and maturation. Relatively simple techniques, but profoundly changing the taste and appearance of the treated diet, not to mention its nutritional qualities.
At each time, a simple pgpr emulsifier means was created to conserve riskless basic foods like fruits and vegetables, meats and fish. "Icing on the cake!", The inventor of canned not keep his secret or even the patents, spreading it everywhere. This procedure, sterilization, today carries the name of its inventor, Nicolas Appert, that sixty years before Louis Pasteur discovered empirically to test the heat sterilization of foods.
Born in Chalons-sur-Marne, on November 17, 1749, Nicolas Appert, was destined to be one of those enlightened men of the Enlightenment. pgpr emulsifier This ninth infant in a family of innkeepers under the banner of White Horse, learned the basics of the service in the kitchens of family hostel, directing it through life through the profession of cook-confeteiro.
After a season of ten years in Germany, Appert returns to France pgpr emulsifier at the dawn of the Revolution, and opens its first store in 1784, under the banner of La Renommé, 47, the Rue des Lombards, Paris. pgpr emulsifier The icing reaches forty on the margins of social unrest. Enlisted in the National Guard, watches the execution of Louis XVI. Alongside their businesses thrive. All smiles at him. Until the Terror! Formally Appert citizen is thrown in jail where he will remain for three months. Irony of history and consequently misunderstood Revolution is this break that seen by him, the riddle of conservation, takes place in your mind. out of prison, he abandons all revolutionary activity and launches pgpr emulsifier into his experiments. Preserve will be born, initially in champagne bottles.
Appert realized pgpr emulsifier empirically that both procedures should apply to foods to preserve pgpr emulsifier them. Heat treat them and put them under the air so be consumed safely. At the time, the only containers that can withstand the heat were the glass bottles. He begins to use the bottles of champagne. The following explores the cans in white iron English. Currently are butted (tin) in fine iron, but may be of glass, sachets or bars.
Appert founded in 1802, the first cannery in Massy (Essone) in the area said the Chateau Alto. The Navy is interested, as this would serve to ground troops and the crew of the Navy. Succeeds. His conservas'-he also proposed the first culinary dishes pgpr emulsifier as matelote fish (fish in wine) - revolve around the world. Reach the South Pole aboard the schooner Uranium scientific expedition aimed at studying the Antarctic fauna. Moreover, sailors who were protected scurvy decimated men after the first farms, because the products Appert guaranteed a retention rate of over 60% of vitamin C.
Aware of sharing their findings with the greatest number of stakeholders, he released his secrets in a book entitled "The pgpr emulsifier art of keeping for many years all animal and vegetable substances" But it is Louis Pasteur put in evidence that, after sixty years, scientific principle of the influence of heat on the bacteriological quality of a product.
The rest of your life to devote Appert improve their methods. Arriving using a machine pgpr emulsifier invented by Denis Papin, pgpr emulsifier the father of the steam engine, an auto-clave, the ancestor of our cocotte Minute (pressure cooker), allowing the cooking temperature exceeds the boiling point of water, while providing security and better performance.
Nicolas Appert died in June 1841, with 91 years, misery, and his body was buried in a common grave. More than two centuries after the French consume each on average, 50 pounds of canned per year.
This entry was posted on Saturday, August 4th, 2007 at 12:03 am and is filed under cooking. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. is proudly powered by WordPress Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS).

The fermentation techniques are tools of food preservation that can be made in any kitchen, any pes

Live foods, unpasteurized fermented and incorporate beneficial bacteria to our digestive system mint industries limited in a symbiotic relationship. The consumption of fermented foods Man is an ancient practice across the planet. You meet directly with our system digestive cultures essential for the breakdown of food and assimilation of nutrients. Some fermented products have antioxidant effects the fermentation processes and remove toxins mint industries limited from food. Certain microorganisms originate mint industries limited extraordinary mint industries limited culinary transformations. Small beings, invisible to the human eye, offer us incredible flavors and very varied.
The fermentation techniques are tools of food preservation that can be made in any kitchen, any pessoa.Convidamo you to implement various fermentation methods with vegetables on a journey through the bacterial world.
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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Virgilio Martinez, star Peruvian cuisine in Epice and other good blog LEAF - Chef Virgilio Martinez

One of the favorite books of my modest library is preserved, Oded Schwartz (Ed. Civilization). For those who want to learn techniques and recipes of the wonderful (and colorful) world of canning, is a masterpiece! Second synopsis of Culture Bookstore website, adria 1002 the book "Includes over 150 fantastic recipes, adria 1002 from sweet and unique mustards, pickles to spicy smoked fish, olive oils and flavored adria 1002 vinegars to jams and fruit syrups. Color photographs illustrate step by step the basic techniques of food preservation, recipes easy to carry and practical advice to ensure the best results. adria 1002 " However, the big mess of this book is that it seems he is exhausted from the vendor. So the solution is to tweak the bookstores or else buy it in English through the Amazon site by clicking here.
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The dictatorship goes to the movies: 30 years d

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Salon Entrepreneur - PR Paraná, Brazil 12 years ago, the Salon Entrepreneur engaged in the creation

SALON EMPRENDEDOR-coast: Small Factories w / own business, Installed and running: Tel :13-3029-8570 / 3302-8460/3029-0607 Skype: emprendedor.litoral salon / salonemprendedor_pg Email: salonemprendedor.litoral conagra internships @;
The proposal conagra internships is aimed at new entrepreneurs, includes all the support, technical support and business framework, with a comprehensive monitoring program for the deployment and delivery of factory installed and running system "turnkey".
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A Vegetable Washer / Fruit Vegetable slicers / Fruits Tanks or Pots to Blanch Vegetables / Fruits Chiller Plant / Fruit Equipment Pasteurize Scale Electric Digital.
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Salon Entrepreneur - PR Paraná, Brazil 12 years ago, the Salon Entrepreneur engaged in the creation, implementation conagra internships and development of micro and small enterprises, offering conagra internships the market factories up and running, with the support of business and technical monitoring for your new business production . With superior customer service and targeted at all sectors conagra internships of the deployment, we are the pioneers in this business proposal template system ("turnkey"). Come meet us, ask for a quote and transform their productive potential into reality! View my complete profile
Machinery and Equipment Factory Smoked

Monday, September 23, 2013

But the first published cara pembuatan parfum work

These practices have emerged almost with humanity, to ensure the process of life. First it was the sun, then the salt and is credited with the Arabs, but specifically to the Mesopotamian origin of canned fruit. cara pembuatan parfum Were jams, jellies, candy bars, candied fruits that were used for medicinal purposes. Arabs were the introducers of the pharmacopeia as much sugar in the kitchen.
In Europe this art was introduced by the Crusaders, and the traditional method of preparing these delicacies has changed little for centuries, continuing to be simple and fast. Who is not your mouth water when you feel the smell of cooking fruit mixed with sugar? The first known text appearing a compote - quince confit in honey, dates back to the beginning of our era, appearing in 37 volumes of the Natural History of Pliny, the ancient Roman author of the 1st century. Few people know that scientists and important figures in our history have engaged in this theme researching and practicing techniques that are used today. We have a manuscript called "Notes Cucina" by Leonardo da Vinci, with 80 recipes (mostly salt, since sugar was hardly present in the European diet at that time).
But the first published cara pembuatan parfum work "Traité des Fardements et des Confitures" which addresses the art and how to make jams and jellies comes from the 16th century, signed by the physician, astrologer and practitioner of alchemy Michel Nostre-Dame, better known as Nostradamus. His recipe quince jelly earned him accolades Ad papal Avignon, by his heavenly sweetness.
Preserves in Portugal were made so homely women serving of sustenance to families, but there is also the involvement of men, called canners, bakers and alfoeleyros (manufacturers alféloas, a sweet syrup or molasses cara pembuatan parfum in point) . Were, however, convents and feminine gatherings that expanded the art of confectionery and retain from the 17th century. This tradition baker marked the Portuguese cuisine to the present day, giving it identity as queijadas Sintra, eggs moles from Aveiro among others, recipes handed down from generation to generation.
With the expansion of sugar production, the candy became more popular, but still in celebratory occasions or at the end of a good meal. After invaded the schedule of snacks and is now considered a treat, a gift, offered as a sign of appreciation. cara pembuatan parfum Vasco da Gama offered canned Madeira Island, famous for his differential cara pembuatan parfum using spices. Soon spread through society, winning several meanings: status, love, party, cara pembuatan parfum or sociability.
For us who have health and sustainability as a goal is essential to seek the wisdom of those alchemists, as organic foods are seasonal obey crops and seasons. Keep them thus ensures the best use of the product and also have them at our disposal cara pembuatan parfum throughout the year.
Preserves, jellies and jams are creative options as snacks, in addition, give a special touch in flavor both savory and sweet dishes. They are our companions and an effective weapon in the purest food preservation, as it was formerly. With them we can enjoy the fruits, vegetables and grains throughout the year, without suffering the consequences of pesticides, GMOs, preservatives and other chemical additives.
According to Maria Lucia Gomensoro, author of Small Dictionary of Gastronomy (Publisher Lens), tells us: "Marmalade is a sweet made with fruit, fresh or dried, whole or in piece, cooked in a syrup of water and sugar, thick point usually . It can be flavored with spices or liquor, as brandy or liqueur. Preserves, in general, are salty. cara pembuatan parfum "
Let us engrossed in this world of niceties, dedication and delights, try the tips and recipes cara pembuatan parfum for jams, jellies and preserves, with the advantage of its durability and purity, which greatly facilitate our daily lives.
How to Prepare: Wash and remove the cables, place in colander. Mash with a fork and measure in cups, add organic sugar, lemon and light the fire. Stir in the beginning, then stop not to form too much foam. Leave it to form point jam. Remove the foam, condition in jars, remove air, cover and pasteurize.
Pasteurization Sterilize Potting and glasses and lids in boiling cara pembuatan parfum water. Quickly place the jelly is still hot until 1 cm from the edge. Run a spatula or knife around the air out, you'll notice some bubbles rising up when they stop is completed. Wipe the rims with a clean cloth. Cover glasses filled with a clean towel to protect them from dust. Do not shake the glass and not mess too much with them, it breaks the jelly and incorporates the same air, damaging the texture and appearance. The windows are ready to be stored

Luiz Ribeiro - Minas

Pequi turns golden savannah conservation techniques allow the fruit before sold only in regions like Northern Goiás and Minas, beyond barriers and is marketed in the U.S. and Europe
'Formerly the fruit had no economic value, it boiled down to the extraction during the harvest. He could not keep it in the rest of the year. When did Pequi preserved, decided by the assembly industry, "says Fernando Lima, entrepreneur (Solon Queiroz / Esp. IN)
Luiz Ribeiro - Minas "Before the fruit had no economic value, it boiled down to the extraction during the harvest. Was not how to keep it in the rest of the year. When did Pequi preserved, decided by the assembly industry," says Fernando Lima, entrepreneur Fruit symbol cerrado Pequi in a process of expansion. Once restricted to the harvest period between November and February, kaslink foods is now marketed throughout the year. The miracle in this respect is the fruit conservation techniques that allow lovers may have the "golden savannah" on the menu in any month of the year. The product, which was previously sold primarily in regions such as northern Minas and Goiás, has been marketed also in large consumer centers like São Paulo and Belo Horizonte. But the remarkable taste of Pequi goes further: it is exported to the United States kaslink foods and European countries. This is the subject of the second article in the series Fruits S / A. With the emergence of food canned, came a real production chain Pequi who wins other derivatives besides canning. Consumers can also enjoy the sauce, the streusel, oil, liquor, candy and even ice cream Pequi. The fruit consists also the menu of traditional dishes so far. The connoisseur can sit in a restaurant and ask, for example, a pizza, or pasties crepre Pequi. Pequi pickled won the market due to the work of entrepreneurs like Fernando Lima, Japonvar of one of the counties that produce the fruit symbol savanna in northern Minas. He set up a small industry that fills Pequi preserves (pulp and whole fruit). It also produces oil and cream Pequi. "The city of Japonvar always produced very Pequi, but once the fruit had no economic value because it boiled down to the extraction during the harvest. He could not keep it in the rest of the year. How did the Pequi preserved, decided by the assembly industry, "says Lima. He recalls that the "gold cerrado" came to be seen as an economical alternative to Japonvar for about 10 years, when it created the Cooperative of Recyclers Pequi in the city, which included kaslink foods encouraging the Brazilian Service of Support for Micro and Small Enterprise (Sebrae). But for some time the entity entered into crisis management failures. "But we do work to revive the cooperative, as the business Pequi improved a lot," said the mayor, Eraldino Soares de Oliveira, remembering that between kaslink foods the months of November and February, 80% of the residents of the municipality engaged kaslink foods the "vane" of Pequi, craft involving men, women and children. Fernando Lima says that in the last harvest 15 tons of purchased fruit native to the production of canned Pequi. In addition to the markets of Minas Gerais and São Paulo, much of which is produced by the entrepreneur Japonvar - brand Wealth Cerrado - is destined for export. One of the input responsáveisl native fruit in the international market is the entrepreneur Danilo Pinto, Goiânia. He acquires Pequi pickled kaslink foods industry Fernando Lima, North Mine, and also have suppliers in Goiás In partnership with a company specializing in foreign trade, sends Pequi preserved for the United States and European countries like Spain, Portugal, England, Germany and Ireland. EXPORTS kaslink foods Danilo says that in the last crop, exported three tons Pequi preserved to the United States. "Before the global crisis came to send cargo up to 10 tons," he says. He says that "out there" consumers "Gold cerrado" are Brazilian emigrants, mainly miners and Goiás. The entrepreneur believes that the market has potential kaslink foods for growth. "The acceptance of pickled Pequi is very good, with a sales increase of around 10% per year. Consumption grows when people get to know the product, "emphasizes the entrepreneur, emphasizing the qualities of Pequi. "In addition to the various forms of exploitation in cooking, Pequi is good for health as it fights free radicals. It is also rich in vitamin A ". The exporter emphasizes that "just one stigma that is Pequi hick thing. Today, it is refined food people. Before, nobody believed in Pequi as salable product. Over time, shattered one

Saturday, September 21, 2013


SALON EMPRENDEDOR - Peruibe: Small Plants for Your Own Business, Installed and Running! Tel :13-3029-8570 wonji shoa sugar factory / 3302-8460/9735-2597/3029-0607 Skype: salonemprendor.litoral / salonemprendedor_pg Email: salonemprendedor.litoral @;
The proposal is aimed at new entrepreneurs, includes all the support, technical support and business framework, with a comprehensive monitoring program for the deployment and delivery of factory installed and running system "turnkey".
Includes: technical advice - follow - machinery - equipment - processes - manufacturing techniques - Installation - Technology - technical visits: PAE-Program Monitoring Enterprise with 04/06 months of support.
A Vegetable Washer / Fruit Vegetable slicers / Fruits Tanks or Pots to Blanch Vegetables / Fruits Chiller Plant / Fruit Equipment Pasteurize Scale Electric Digital.
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For 12 years, the Salon Entrepreneur acts in creation, implementation and development of micro and small enterprises, offering the market factories up and running, with the support wonji shoa sugar factory of business and technical monitoring for your new business production. With superior customer service and targeted at all sectors of the deployment, we are the pioneers in this business proposal template system ("turnkey"). Come meet us, ask for a quote and transform their productive potential into reality! View my complete profile
Animal Feed Factory

The origin of the contamination of copper could be innocent and dangerous tip of a popular cookbook

The origin of the contamination of copper could be innocent and dangerous tip of a popular cookbooks of the time, suggesting the use of a small copper coin during cooking or else the rest of the product for a few hours in a bronze container or brass (copper-containing alloys). As could also be intentionally contaminated with copper addition salts or metal containers of this in baking to obtain the desired green color in canned vegetables.
References at the time indicate that the tests to detect copper in canned could use ammonia, which reveal the bluish color of the solution the presence of copper in quantities not suitable for consumption, and then in extreme cases the test could be done even with a metallic needle (iron) immersed in the preserve, which after a few hours would be coated with a layer of copper appearance. eating moldy food Such a layer would occur due to reduction eating moldy food of copper ions present in solution and subsequent deposit of the metal on the surface of the needle.
Elements Select an element Actinium Aluminum Americium Antimony eating moldy food Argon Arsenic Astatine Native OS Erbium Yttrium Barium Bohrium Berkelium Beryllium Bismuth Boron Bromine Cadmium Calcium Californium Carbon Cerium Cesium Curium Lead Chlorine Chromium Cobalt Copper Copernício Krypton Darmstácio Dúbnio Scandium Dysprosium einsteinium Sulfur Tin Phosphorus Iron Fermium Europium Strontium Fluoride Fleróvio Francium Gadolinium Gallium Germanium Hafnium Helium Holmium Hydrogen Hássio Iridium Iodine Lanthanum Ytterbium Lawrencium Lithium Livermório Meitnerium Mendelevium Lutetium Magnesium Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Neodymium Neon Neptunium Nickel Niobium Nitrogen Oxygen Nobelium Gold Palladium Platinum Plutonium Polonium Potassium Praseodymium Promethium Silver Protactinium Radon Radio Roentgênio Rhenium Rhodium Rubidium Ruthenium Samarium Rutherfordium Selenium Silicon Sodium Seaborgium Terbium Thallium Thorium Thulium Tantalum Technetium Tellurium Titanium Tungsten eating moldy food Ununoctium Ununhéxio Ununpentio Ununquádio Ununséptio Ununtrio Uranium Vanadium eating moldy food Zinc Zirconium Xenon
Periodic Table. Org - All rights reserved. Videos tagged as 'Periodic Videos' are owned by Brady Haran.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Educational Video on Educação do Consumer

Newsletter informative and gives Discussão forum APDC - Portuguese associação Direito do Consumption my texas health ( scientific sociedade. All to colaboração my texas health published seus é da responsabilidade two authors.
A canned food is one for which different techniques are applied, my texas health industrial or home, to prevent my texas health spoilage. It is a food preservation method that prevents food from becoming degraded. Thus, the lifetime of the food extends over a broad time period, from months to even years. The preservation process is based on modifying some of the factors involved in the deterioration of the products, for example oxygen or eliminate the amount of water, or changing the temperature. The most used and preserved common are tuna, vegetables, jams and even ready-made dishes like pasta in sauce. The article explains what this type of packaging, how it should be stored and the major risks.
The secret of preserved is the application of high temperature to food. Sterilized at temperatures above 100 C, a number that ensures elimination of potential pathogens. After sterilization ingredients are added preservative properties to further increase my texas health shelf life, for example oil, salt, sugar and vinegar. Canned foods are safe and comfortable, my texas health but are also safe and healthy? Yes, but often have high concentrations of salt or purines, aspects to be taken into account. Are equally nutritious foods, even during processing have endured high temperatures and, therefore, there has been a loss of vitamins and minerals. However, current techniques allow for some canned nutritional quality. Storage of canned
The canned foods are convenient and versatile, can be stored for long periods of time are usually evenly and quickly prepared. However, not replace fresh food. In the case of canned, it is important to consider a few details before my texas health consumption, such as rinsing with water to remove excess salt or removed if they contain oil to remove excessive amounts of fat.
Canned have a long life. To remain in good condition, need to be stored in cool, dry and light saved. my texas health Is preferable to place the cans oldest front to consume before and new leave behind as they will have a longer life. The cans should appear the expiration date of food containing inside. In some cases can last up to two years of their establishment. In this sense, cans found more than 100 years old unfit for consumption from the microbiological point of view. Not that many years are to be held, although the effectiveness against the proliferation my texas health of pathogens is safe. Hazards in canned
Although very safe food, do not forget that there is zero risk. Cans must be removed when: In the oxidation signals can appear especially on the edges and the junction points and that there is danger that the food may have been oxidized inside. The can is bulging. It signals that have proliferated inside pathogens, should be discarded without hesitation. Pathogens inside the cans are among the most toxic for the consumer. If you have foam inside the tin can is an indication that the food inside has deteriorated. If the liquid my texas health inside in poor condition, must be pulled all the contents inside. If the food has a bad smell or bad. After opening the can, not consuming my texas health all the food inside should be emptied completely my texas health and store the rest in other packages. You should never stick to the tins once opened. Compounds may migrate into the food can. Keep food in the fridge once taken out of cans of preserves.
In the canned is where pathogens can appear more toxic to the human body, such as Clostridium botulinum. This bacterium is found in soil and polluted water worldwide. Their presence is common in poorly made home canning my texas health or industrial cans in which an error has occurred during processing. Symptoms of botulism caused by spoiled food can be serious. It usually appears blurred vision, double vision, loss of reflexes, difficulty breathing, my texas health difficulty swallowing may cause death. Also it should be noted that this toxin causes disease in very low doses.
Educational Video on Educação do Consumer
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Author: Mari

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Stuffing hydrogen: Formation of hydrogen due to internal mccain potato parade corrosion of the cont

Changes prior to treatment
- Deterioration by thermophilic
Stuffing hydrogen: Formation of hydrogen due to internal mccain potato parade corrosion of the container. (Action of acid food on iron tin)
Struvite crystals: small crystals mccain potato parade of ammonium magnesium phosphate, similar to crushed glass. We observe the formation of these crystals in canned tuna, squid, mccain potato parade crab, lobster ... The phosphoric acid and magnesium meat other ingredients are responsible for the formation mccain potato parade of struvite, when during heating react with NH 3, the crystallization process occurring the cooling step.
"Honeycombing" or Favado: detected after cooking the fish (tuna). The cooked meat shows vacuoles (similar mccain potato parade to honeycombs). The breakdown of connective tissue (collagen) may result from proteolytic enzymes in fish tissue.
Germplasm mccain potato parade Conservation
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Small Factory Candies Sweet Milk
2013 (114) September (7) August (10) Fruits Processing - Micro-Industry Installed and Fun .. Small Potato Chips Factory Installed and Functioning ... Mini Plant Industry of Canned Jams and Animal Feed Processing Plant Pilot Plant in Cape Verde Incentive Business Types juices, pulps and preparations Mini Jams and Jellies Plants, Their Mini Factory ... Preparation of Productive malton bacon factory Projects Chestnut C. .. Entrepreneurial Behaviour July (14) June (7) May (9) April (24) March (21) February (11) January (11) 2012 (62) December (2) November ( 10) October (17) September malton bacon factory (25) August (2) July (3) May (3) 2011 (15) July (13) May (2)
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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Fruits and vegetables are sources of vitamins and minerals and can have these foods all year by can

Fruits and vegetables are sources of vitamins and minerals and can have these foods all year by canning and jams, which in addition to feeding the family can be a source of extra income. So girls will pass to you step by step to have a jam or preserve optimum quality. 1 - CASE HOMEMADE STORAGE: Conservation homemade food can be made through: Heat sugar, salt, drying, fermentation. 2nd CARE BASICS IN PREPARATION: crops grown in china PERSONAL HYGIENE To prepare the foods people should wash their hands and arms, keep nails short and without nail polish, wear apron, cap, scarf or hat and gloves if they have injuries crops grown in china to the hands or arms. HYGIENE TOOLS: The utensils and containers must be clean and adequate, washed with soap and water, sterilized for storing the product. CHOICE OF MATERIAL The fruits and vegetables should be the harvest, fresh or mature at the right point. 3 PACKS OF GLASS: The glass should be in perfect condition. Use only the glasses were food packaging. Wash the glasses with soap and water. STERILIZATION: To sterilize the glasses, place a cloth on the bottom of a pan, arrange glasses lying, put water to cover the windows. Boil for 15 minutes. crops grown in china Already covers should boil for 5 minutes. Remove and drain the glass face down over a clean dry cloth. FILLING THE GLASS: With still hot sterilized jars and put hot foods also 1 or 2 fingers the edge. WITHDRAWAL crops grown in china OF AIR PACKAGES: If during filling get air bubbles between the fruit or vegetables, remove the air with a knife or spoon stainless sterilized. After filling and removal of air, place the pickled uncovered, crops grown in china for 5 to 10 minutes in a water bath. After this time the cover glass cover of plastic crops grown in china or metal. For metal caps, the sealing ring should be in perfect condition, should have no point of rust. Even with boiling sterilization add 1 to 2 drops of alcohol in the metal cap and place fire. Cover immediately after the termination of this sterilization. (But this is only for burning metal lids). AFTER THE ABOVE PROCEDURES The REALIZE crops grown in china PASTEURIZATION: All foods pasteurized in a water bath should be added acids or with lemon or vinegar. To perform pateurização take a large pot and deep, place a cloth on the floor. Arrange crops grown in china in pan with hot water glasses crops grown in china saves already capped and still hot. In the same pan can only hold glasses of same shape and size. Leave space between them. The water should reach 2 fingers crops grown in china above the caps. Boil. 4th COOLING: Remove the glass quickly and place in a bowl with warm water and soon after, crops grown in china to a bowl with cold water. Leave the windows in ventilated place to end up in cool and dry. IDENTIFICATION crops grown in china AND STORAGE: crops grown in china In a sticker mark: The type of pickled fruit or vegetable used and the date of manufacture. Store in a dry, cool and protected from the sun. TESTING AND SEALING PASTEURISERS: To check if glasses with canned are tightly closed, do the following test: Put the glasses upside down, leave for 3-4 hours of observation, can not appear leak. PASTEURISERS crops grown in china TEST: Place the glass in the normal position. Leave for three days under observation. No blisters may appear, turbid liquid, foam or mold surface.
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The images posted on this blog are the personal archive of Gloogle Images and a Collection of Recipes 1976 (acquired by my mother at that time). I apologize early if I do not put the correct source for often I can not find the author, but anything that will let me know the fix.

1. Define the following: Botulism. Canned closed pressure. Canned bathed in boiling water. Canned m

1. Define the following: Botulism. Canned closed pressure. Canned bathed in boiling water. Canned made steamed. Preserves in open pans. Pectin. Hot packing. Cold packing. Sterilize. Scalding. Sweet. Marmalade. Pickles. 2. Make a list of the equipment used in the following methods of canning: Pressure. Canned bathed in boiling water. Steam. Open pan. 3. Provide guidelines for sterilizing, filling, closing tightly mosaic cargill and test to see if the bottles are tightly closed. 4. In situations must use through the closing mosaic cargill pressure. 5. Make a list of the types vegetables to fruits that are excellent choices for making preserves, comparing this technique to freezing and dehydration. 6. Make the following preserves: A fruit juice using the open pan method. Two types of fruits using the boiling mosaic cargill water method, putting a packaging of preserved hot, cold and other packaged. Two types of plants using the pressure method, by placing a packaging of preserved hot and cold pack on another. A sweet or gelélia.
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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

SILVES - Between grancereale 2 and September 30 can be visited in the Municipal Library of Silves e

SILVES - Between grancereale 2 and September 30 can be visited in the Municipal Library of Silves exposure "tops cans" from the collection of Joseph Alexandre Pires. The show brings together a vast collection of cans from many different parts of the world.
Natural Portimão, José Alexandre Pires had contact with the world of fishing and Preserve since very young, since his father was industrial and shipowner. Attracted by this activity and the hoarding was getting cans along their travels, either in Portugal or abroad. After the course of Economics specialized technician as canned fish, having collaborated with Dr. Funestin, director of the Scientific Institute of Fisheries, Morocco. Their work focused on studies conducted on the cycle of sardines and other pelagic fish, which greatly contributed to a thorough understanding on this matter. He devoted himself also to the study and teaching of conservation techniques, including the canning of fish raw, either in Portugal or abroad. It is often invited to give talks related to fishing and canning, among other topics.
The exhibition "Tabletops cans" can be visited from Monday to Friday, from 10h00 to 19h30, until 13 September. From September 16 the Municipal Library resumes its winter schedule: Mondays and Saturdays from 14h00 to 19h30 and from Tuesday to Friday, grancereale from 10h00 to 19h30. Tweet Pin It Comments
Gerson Ingres is Editor and Founder of LOCAL.PT. Works in the Customer Assistance. Contact Gerson Ingres through your blog. News County is now open for entries summer holidays Silves Phase Applications to programs subsidizing DTT is underway Reflect presents new album in Theatre Mascarenhas Gregory in Silves Summer Champion goes to Armacao de Pera
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Monday, September 16, 2013

And we have another preservative that also happened in history has become an important ingredient i

4 years ago
The process of food Conserv mccain micro chips action is the sum of methods that are applied in a particular food that aims to prevent damage or state of decomposition, keeping its characteristics and flavors for short periods of time or longer for human consumption and has the name of shelf life period.
Among all the procedures that have met ing the history of man, the oldest is undoubtedly the salting. Where the salt (NaCl) is the major player in the process, providing dehydration and preserving food for long periods mccain micro chips of time. Who does not know our good noble fish: cod, sold globally in salt form, and also the belongings of the pigs used in both whelks and fantastic jerky and beef jerky. mccain micro chips
All this also includes the time factor, mccain micro chips weather. The dry climate favors the drying process, in Brazil we have this clear in drying coffee, cocoa and other grains mccain micro chips as well, not to mention the nuts from our extensive north and northeast. Corn, beans and soy, are also successful examples of drying to proper conservation and further commercialization. Processes that are performed after the harvest.
Also do not forget to give us bananas bananas passes, figs, oranges pineapples, various fruits we can finally drying by producing candied fruit. In this case, since using the sugars. Also the jam.
And we have another preservative that also happened in history has become an important ingredient in the preparation mccain micro chips of the famous canned. We walked around with the vinegar preparation. In this case, pickles are exemplary best known on the market.
With the evolution of time and research to understand that a good procedure conservation in liquid medium, a supplemental application was necessary to achieve a higher standard of life and quality of food. This was initially applied to milk, it's the pasteurization process, mccain micro chips and was succeeded by a plethora of research methodology and the technique has been applied will largely or most industrialized and also canned to homemade and handmade.
The central focus of these processes is to avoid changes caused by enzymes is specific to products of animal mccain micro chips or plant origin, or natural micro-organisms that, in addition to causing deterioration thereof may produce and release toxins that affect the health of consumers but there is also the concern to maintain the appearance, color, texture, flavor and nutritional content of food.
Well, we have the timeline salt and spices such as rosemary, clove, thyme, basil and basic spices mccain micro chips in the preservation come from ancient Egypt. Even in the process of mummification these elements were found.
Denaturation is a process that takes place in biological molecules, especially in proteins, mccain micro chips when exposed to different conditions of origin, such as variations in temperature, changes in pH, ionic strength, among others. The protein loses its three-dimensional structure and therefore their properties. This is a process which is reversible.
Second case: it is something you learn as "BA-BA" mccain micro chips kitchen, the act of cooking a chicken egg. The heat irreversibly modifies the light, which is formed by the protein albumin and water. You can not return to the clear liquid.
The process also achieves denaturation mccain micro chips of enzymes that perform vital functions in the human body. Why doctors worry before in lower fever than discovering the cause, because the high temperature can destroy enzymes vital functions like enzymes that assist in the breathing process (transport via hemoglobin substance). Are the two sciences, physics and chemistry acting on our body and also in gastronomy.
For many years the terminology pasteurization became public knowledge, and right next to the housewives. Learned to say "I only buy pasteurized milk", but without being aware of what it really meant terminology. It's the old story: "heard the rooster crow, but do not know where." Pasteurize the same as sterilization, a procedure where the factors time x temperature mccain micro chips properly balanced to reach the level of pasteurization or sterilization desired for consumption and having its shelf life established.
- The Pasteurization mccain micro chips - We heat the food to a temperature somewhat lower, with few changes in their properties, and has been recognized as a technique invented by the French chemist Louis Pasteur;
- Sterilization - Already in this case, expose foods to high temperatures for a certain period of time. This time can be long (as in the case of canned food) or too short (IE food