Wednesday, September 18, 2013

1. Define the following: Botulism. Canned closed pressure. Canned bathed in boiling water. Canned m

1. Define the following: Botulism. Canned closed pressure. Canned bathed in boiling water. Canned made steamed. Preserves in open pans. Pectin. Hot packing. Cold packing. Sterilize. Scalding. Sweet. Marmalade. Pickles. 2. Make a list of the equipment used in the following methods of canning: Pressure. Canned bathed in boiling water. Steam. Open pan. 3. Provide guidelines for sterilizing, filling, closing tightly mosaic cargill and test to see if the bottles are tightly closed. 4. In situations must use through the closing mosaic cargill pressure. 5. Make a list of the types vegetables to fruits that are excellent choices for making preserves, comparing this technique to freezing and dehydration. 6. Make the following preserves: A fruit juice using the open pan method. Two types of fruits using the boiling mosaic cargill water method, putting a packaging of preserved hot, cold and other packaged. Two types of plants using the pressure method, by placing a packaging of preserved hot and cold pack on another. A sweet or gelélia.
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