Sunday, August 31, 2014

ACSA Swedish Svenska Turkce Suryoyo Supplies Swedish Svenska methods of preserving foods Turkce Deu

Fanaticism about "name conflict": ACSA TV - Assyrian Chaldean Syriac Association
ACSA Swedish Svenska Turkce Suryoyo Supplies Swedish Svenska methods of preserving foods Turkce Deutsch Video / TV Politics Motions Interpellations FAQ Debates EU Parliament EU Commission Conventions Reports Academic Writings Historical Documents Books / Books Contact Old Acsatv
Latest comments Hello. I am interested methods of preserving foods in this issue because methods of preserving foods it recently fell to me ... What a good opinion piece, you are really paying attention. This is really gratifying, for by this article have you noticed why ... Shlomo haurone ya, u artiel ano towewa bu alemanoyo towo getowewa that one can be so naive and think that it's just about a name and nothing else, why write ... hardly methods of preserving foods think I need some lessons in either history or about how state looks like in today's Syria and the rest ... Very intelligent response, creep back under the rock you came from instead of discussing things you do not understand any of. Hi, would be great if you could view the source for me to spread this news! Taoro, instead of you to sit and preach about what is false and what is not, think instead ... Taoro. It is dirty types you doing to our people will never agree. Do us all a favor ... Such as you will certainly not uttryka behind a screen Altt call themselves Taoro just shows that you do not ...
Some reactionary groups as life's mission to keep the "name dispute" alive. Most recently, when News did a feature on the Assyrians / Syriacs all hell broke loose and rained down on protests Aktuellts editorial. Still have Johny Messo and SUA has not reported the EU decision that recognizes the Syrians as indigenous.
Would it be so hard to let the most talented researchers gather, of course with the payment, and prove from where our roots are derived, considering the language, culture, environment. We also think that the Assyrians it is sad that we throw our national and mighty name, Assyrians, and adopts an unadorned name that can take away all our rights to our ethnicity and roots. This is what we stand by the Assyrians. We can not just throw our mighty roots and adopt other names that can pass us away from our roots in total. Is that what the Syrians / Chaldeans want us to be uprooted forever and disappear from history completely gone with the wind on a few centuries? When you have succeeded, for we are unfortunately on the way to our worst nightmare ever !! All people, regardless of their names and whatever their church methods of preserving foods names are on the road to what I call the end of the world, our dear people's downfall, then we can continue the war in the end of the world, then we have really succeeded in achieving the devil wanted, the worst thing people can do to another, against his own brother. Good luck to war against each other, you have managed methods of preserving foods to build a great future for the coming generations, so sad, so sad, my sadness has no funds.
A eshmone hrere flighutho li ne, lu hrowo, li chsara, fshore lu, lu ksho'o, u lu kattlo ne! Ida ahna dqo Korena Ruhan u a'mo d Aloho, u QO saymina a medonani, WA wayle a'hlan! Ayqo yo in hubo dbaynothan dqomar a'hla in Mgalin awqith u Qthobo Kadisho!
U shroro writes:
A jeddonaydan ksaymatte mdaglone? methods of preserving foods U eshmo suroyo Hesh cateq mu suryoyo methods of preserving foods yo. Kitle shetesto cateqter mu suryoyo. Base cal you lishonaydan lo kthiw, in macnayda lishono hathoyo? U SUROYO kitle maktabzabno the 2600 eshne, ma lo hathe cow makfyo elan?
How long must we keep on sand box level is not enough 40 years of energy consumption of this conflict what does matter if we called one or the other as long as we do not produce something themselves. Stop now concentrate on more important issues "our languages are dying out" our culture melts away "our heritage is taken confiscated by the second we die out as a people Nation what are we with names Assyrian Chaldean Syriac Aramean Maronites Malkoye list goes but for what purpose. ???????
The problem really is not about what we call ourselves mutually, without it, we can continue to call us what we want. The key is to have a collective name internationally! If we call ourselves Suraya or suroyo. That comes from surayu originally. It's about dialects. I do not think the old Assyrians were ignorant. methods of preserving foods Calling his country suryoyo his people suryoyo their language suryoyo writing suryoyo! You see how crazy it sounds. One must say real truth because we took advantage assurayu and surayu simultaneously methods of preserving foods in the Akkadian language tyngvikten put the "u". But östassyrierna methods of preserving foods developed Suraya from surayu to fit into the language as we developed suroyo. methods of preserving foods Our spoken language units surayt church language specification suryoyo suryoyto Church we

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Some time ago sent the satellite TV channel Sat Suryoyo a program with representatives from SUA. Th

Do you have a passport - free of charge? Ring Johny on SUA ACSA TV - Assyrian Chaldean Syriac Association
ACSA Swedish Svenska Turkce Suryoyo Supplies food from india Swedish Svenska Turkce Deutsch Video / TV Politics Motions Interpellations food from india FAQ Debates EU Parliament EU Commission food from india Conventions Reports Academic Writings Historical Documents Books / Books Contact Old Acsatv
Latest comments Hello. I am interested in this issue because it recently fell to me ... What a good opinion piece, you are really food from india paying attention. This is really gratifying, for by this article have you noticed food from india why ... Shlomo haurone ya, u artiel ano towewa bu alemanoyo towo getowewa that one can be so naive and think that it's just about a name and nothing else, why write ... hardly think I need some lessons in either history or about how state looks like in today's Syria and the rest ... Very intelligent response, creep back under the rock you came from instead of discussing things you do not understand any of. Hi, would be great if you could view the source for me to spread this news! Taoro, instead of you to sit and preach about what is false and what is not, think instead ... Taoro. It is dirty types you doing to our people will never agree. Do us all a favor ... Such as you will certainly not uttryka behind a screen Altt call themselves Taoro just shows that you do not ...
The Internet food from india has many good ideas come to make life easier and made our society more convenient. Contractors and statesmen have spread through the Internet and achieved great improvements in the community. Examples of these ideas include Google and Facebook. Even statesmen use the Internet to spread their vision and change food from india society for the better.
There are also bad ideas that come out into the community, and there are many. The latest to be added to the crowd crazy ideas is that the Syriac Universal Alliance, SUA, intends to issue passports. One can not help thinking once and twice and again to read what is written. Is that true?
Some time ago sent the satellite TV channel Sat Suryoyo a program with representatives from SUA. The program focused largely on what SUA has had for activities and its future plans. After a baroque accounting completed SUA's representatives by calling on viewers to join the SUA help with money to push through SUA's grand ideas.
Okay, that is, on reflection, not controversial that an organization recognizes preposterous food from india ideas, there are plenty of those and it is not contrary to the law. But when you spread food from india falsehoods and comes with absurd ideas that idiot says viewers do nothing but in a mocking way bring viewers behind the light.
SUA's representatives madness continues and it gets better during the program. The worst overshoot came at the end of the program when a Daniel Aksan announced the following: - SUA plans to issue passport for our people. For example; when I travel from Holland to Sweden I show my Dutch passport but in the future, we want our people to show their own Aramaic passport.
The question is whether Daniel Aksan and other SUA members know what they say? The SUA and seems to have confused the national passport with regular, honest business cards that can be ordered on the Internet from which printing anywhere.
These baseless claims and crazy workouts-made ideas of SUA's members of "president" Johny Messos presence. The president Johny Messo not react to the data indicates that these have been approved by him also. When you hear these great minds talk can not help but think of "Baghdad Bob". You are free to fantasize ...
A passport is a formal identity document issued by a state agency that identifies the holder as a national citizen and is used as an international identification documents at border controls. So this is nothing that can be ordered through the Internet than if not SUA intend to be pioneers and start delivering passports via the Internet. Wondering directly if they will charge a fee for this? One wonders if the SUA shall be included in the Schengen cooperation? Yes, the questions are piling up.
As seen in the television program food from india Qolo Hiro has taken the information seriously and contacted Suryoyo Sat to take note of the source of information on the EU's decision on the indigenous food from india population. food from india Any response or information about the source is still, after two weeks, is not presented even though the contact person at Suryoyo Sat assured return after consulting with Johny "Baghdad Bob" Messo.
Childhood is fun asta time in life, but it ends after a certain ålder.Troligen continues SUA leaders and those others who are round about in their adult clothes that they wear, and heals still barnläk.! VÅKNAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
I do not know who

For those who have mastered the Turkish language was no doubt that Mr Egemen Bağış, contrary to med

Why lie Syriac Federation regarding Egemen Bağış excuse? : ACSA TV - Assyrian Chaldean Syriac Association
ACSA Swedish Svenska Turkce Suryoyo Supplies Swedish Svenska Turkce Deutsch Video / TV Politics Motions Interpellations FAQ Debates EU Parliament EU Commission Conventions Reports Academic Writings Historical Documents Books / Books Contact Old Acsatv
Latest comments Hello. I am interested in this issue because it recently fell to me ... What a good opinion world population prospects the 2006 revision piece, you are really paying attention. This is really gratifying, for by this article have you noticed why ... Shlomo haurone ya, u artiel ano towewa bu alemanoyo towo getowewa that one can be so naive and think that it's just about a name and nothing else, why write ... hardly think I need some lessons in either history or about how state looks like in today's Syria and the rest ... Very intelligent response, creep back under the rock you came from instead of discussing things you do not understand any of. Hi, would be great if you could view the source world population prospects the 2006 revision for me to spread world population prospects the 2006 revision this news! Taoro, instead of you to sit and preach about what is false and what is not, think instead ... Taoro. It is dirty types you doing to our people world population prospects the 2006 revision will never agree. Do us all a favor ... Such as you will certainly not uttryka behind a screen Altt call themselves Taoro just shows that you do not ...
Turkey's "European world population prospects the 2006 revision Affairs" Egemen Bağış is true to his habit to offend, taunt and insult the victims who were murdered during Seyfo - the genocide of Assyrians / Syriacs 1915th When Bağış was last in Stockholm, he was interviewed world population prospects the 2006 revision by the Syrian National Association President Kenan Constants of the TV channel Suryoyo Sat. After the interview trumpeted Suryoyo Sun and other media outlets linked to Syriac Federation of Sweden (SRF) that Bağış has withdrawn its defamatory statement about genocide-Seyfo. The question now is whether this was really true? Does he really offered an apology?
For those who have mastered the Turkish language was no doubt that Mr Egemen Bağış, contrary to media outlets linked to the SRF states world population prospects the 2006 revision continues world population prospects the 2006 revision to mock and offend the victims of Seyfo - the genocide of Assyrians / Syriacs 1915th He goes even further and accuse all politicians who engage in Seyfofrågan to spread hatred and manipulate people to access their pockets.
SRF, which has thousands of members (many without the knowledge of its membership) has brought these deceived with lies. Why have SRF invented a "apology" that does not exist? This is a question that each member is set to charge. What was the purpose?
Is concerned the handling of the alleged excuse commencement aggregator in Suryoyo Sat on to say: "The Turkish Minister for EU Affairs world population prospects the 2006 revision Egemen Bağış take back his insulting statement about Seyfo genocide". world population prospects the 2006 revision
It mentioned the meeting came after my call. It was a late dinner meeting that took place in the Turkish embassy. I was on a brief visit in Stockholm, only 24 hours. Despite this, I have spent three of my hours to meet the Assyrian / Syrian officials. I wanted to listen to what problems they had, and discuss how we could solve the problems that the church members in Turkey. This was a private / closed meeting and nothing should leak out.
Honestly I really do not remember if I've world population prospects the 2006 revision used that word (masturbation). I ask the ambassador, she can not remember. I ask my assistant nor he remembers. But it is human, sometimes some words slip out of one's mouth. If I've said that word I am ready to appease all Assyrians / Syriacs.
Another thing that makes me sad is that we had seven guests (Assyrians / Syriacs). If I had said the word, ought to at least one of these warn me and tell that it is not fitting that I express myself in that way. Why no one responded world population prospects the 2006 revision ?, no one said anything.
Only after it had been three weeks and three days before the president world population prospects the 2006 revision Gul's trip to Sweden, this suddenly slams on the internet. This seems to have been done intentionally by malicious people to prevent us from taking care of and solve our Assyrian / Syrian brothers' problems in Turkey. I feel that these people are out to destroy the peace and harmony that prevails in Turkey.
Despite all this, I want to emphasize that since I became involved politically, and myself come from Siirt which is close to Mardin and Midyat, I have grown up in an environment close to the Assyrians / Syriacs where I always tried to find solutions to the problems of my brethren. I have committed myself to questions about Istanbul congregation. I am the first serving world population prospects the 2006 revision minister world population prospects the 2006 revision who attended world population prospects the 2006 revision an event hosted by the Assembly in Istanbul. It may Bishop Yusuf Cetin testify.
I have always tried to help, from planern

Friday, August 29, 2014

Ayman Qadri Zacharias del monte fruit cocktail and Dante Opokua Britton, Asabea Britton and Amat Le

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Column del monte fruit cocktail 1 Amat Levin Amanda Mann Bjorn Werner Brita Zackari Emelie Thoren Festival Blog Column 2 HanaPee Hello Sonja cake Kristin Zetterlund Michael Gill Nanna Johansson Column 3 Parisa Pelle Tamleht Rebekah Soraya Soran Ismail del monte fruit cocktail Hashim Svante Allmungs Column 4 Supervalbloggen Tobias Boström Frans What will the rap?
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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Kaliteli Paylamn mono

Kaliteli Paylamn mono & diglycerides Adresi mono & diglycerides FrmArtuklu> (`. (` .Mzik Dnyas Sanatlar).)> Mzik & Sinema> Sanat Tantmlar Brooke Shields Kimdir - Brooke Shields mono & diglycerides Biyografisi Nickiniz Beni hatrla ifreniz
Sanat Tantmlar icinde Brooke Shields Kimdir - Brooke mono & diglycerides Shields Biyografisi konusu, Brooke Shields Kimdir - Brooke Shields Resimleri - Brooke Shields Biyografisi - Brooke mono & diglycerides Shields Hakknda Fdelsenamn Doum Ad Brooke Christa Shields Brooke Christa Shields mono & diglycerides Domu Born May 31, 1965 (45 ...
Brooke Shields Kimdir - Brooke Shields Resimleri - Brooke Shields Biyografisi mono & diglycerides - Brooke Shields Hakknda Fdelsenamn Doum Ad Christa Brooke Shields Brooke Christa Shields Domu Born May 31, 1965 (45 s) 31 Mays 1965 (45 yl) New York New York Active r YI Aktif 1966- 1966 - Make yapmak Andr Agassi (1997-1999) Andre Agassi (1997-1999) Chris Henchy (2001 -) Chris Henchy (2001 - ) significant roles nemli roles Emmeline in the blue lagoon Emmeline ylnda Blue Lagoon Susan in the TV series Kra Susan Susan serisi TV Sevgili Susan IMDb IMDb Brooke Christa mono & diglycerides Shields, FDD May 31, 1965 in New York; is an American fashion model and skdespelare. Brooke Christa Shields dodu 31 Mays 1965 ylnda New York'ta, olan bir American actress ve model. Kariyer She began working as a model when she was already 11 months old. O 11 aylkken bir model olarak Almaya baled. She began her vein skdespelarbana as children. O da bir OcUK gibi oyunculuk kariyerine Balad. mono & diglycerides r 1978, she played a 12 rig prostitute in Pretty Baby, something that was controversial. Iinde 1978 o Eski oynanan 12 yllk Hayat kadn olarak Pretty Baby tartmal oldu. Her other major role was as a child "Emmeline" in the blue lagoon (1980), where she, along with "Richard" (Christopher Atkins) who shipwrecked experiencing the first breathtaking tonrskrleken on a paradise. Onu studies Byk rol "olarak bir OcUK" Emmeline oldu Blue Lagoon (1980 '(), O woe "Richard Christopher Atkins) olarak cennet ada ilk genlik AKM bir Nefes shipwrecked ya yor. At the beginning of the 1980s, she was the 14-ring the youngest model who has been on a Vogueomslag. 1980'lerin balarnda o ise sadece 14 HAS BEEN yl model gene yal Vogueomslag. Same year, she made commercials for Calvin mono & diglycerides Klein -jeans with the phrase "You want to know what comes between me and my Calvins? Nothing." [1] [2] (Want to know what comes between me and my Calvins. Nothing.) Ayn yliin advertising yapt Calvin Klein ifade kot ile "Sen benim Calvin and Me arasnda Comes istiyorum biliyor musun ? Hibir ey. " (Calvin Benim ve benim aramda geliyor bilmek lard reach. Nothing.) She has the millennium most had roles in TV series and TV movies, Shields break in television came the world from 1996 to 2000 with the lead role in the 93 episodes of the series Kra Susan, a role that television times rendered her a Golden Globe -nominering. O filmler ve Yeni ounun televizyon ve dizi bin making rollerde mono & diglycerides televizyon, televizyon dnyasnda Shields atlmiinde ona Kazanlan rol iki kez Sevgili Susan, Seri olarak 1996-2000 Ile ancestor rol nnblm 93 Altn Kre adayl. From 2008 she is one of the leading roles in comedy drama series Lipstick Jungle. 2008 ylndan beri dizi dramedy olduunu oynad iinde Lipstick Jungle. She has belnats from their skdespelarinsatser ten times, and five of these prices is the People's Choice Awards, USA. O zamanlar on abalar Hareket mono & diglycerides edildiini dliin yapt woe fiyatlar bu ask varðr People's Choice dlleri, ABD. She has also played the mother of Miley Stewart (Miley Cyrus) in the television series Hannah Montanah. O da (Miley Stewart oynad anne Miley Cyrus serisi TV) Hannah Montanah. Shields is the daughter of Frank Shields and Teri Shields, FDD Schmonn. Kalkannkz Frank Shields ve Teri Shields Schmonn dodu. Brooke mono & diglycerides Shields is of Italian hrkomst by his grandmother and r ttling with Henry IV of France. [3] Shields was married to tennis player Andre Agassi from 1997 to 1999 Brooke Shields bykanne onun kkeni tarafndan talyan olan ve soyundan Olan Fransa Henry IV. [3] Shields Oyuncu mono & diglycerides tennis oldu evli Andre Agassi from 1999 1997. Since 2001, she is married mono & diglycerides to Chris Henchy. 2001 ylndan beri evli Chris Henchy. They have two children. Onlar iki ocuklar was. No Shields had her first child she suffered frlossningsdepression, which she wrote about in the book sjlvbiografiska no rain falls My vg out frlossningsdepression (Down Came the Rain: My journey through postpartum depression). OcUK ne zaman ilk Shields was onun o muzdarip doum sonras depresyon) depresyon (Depresyon Postpartum araclyla Journey Rain: My Down Came postpartum dnda My way, o zaman kitap yamur yaar sahip otobiyografik yazlm hakknda. This also led to a publicized dispute with fewer opponent Tom Cruise, mono & diglycerides who criticized mono & diglycerides her for having spoken out for antidepressants lkemedel. Bu da RA

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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

ACSA Swedish Svenska Turkce Suryoyo Supplies Swedish Svenska Turkce Deutsch Video / TV Politics Mot

COME AND PROTEST peanut shelling machine AGAINST THE TURKISH PRESIDENT! : ACSA TV - Assyrian peanut shelling machine Chaldean Syriac Association
ACSA Swedish Svenska Turkce Suryoyo Supplies Swedish Svenska Turkce Deutsch Video / TV Politics Motions Interpellations FAQ Debates EU Parliament EU Commission Conventions Reports Academic Writings Historical Documents Books / Books Contact Old Acsatv
Latest comments Hello. I am interested in this issue because it recently fell to me ... What a good opinion piece, you are really paying attention. This is really gratifying, for by this article have you noticed why ... Shlomo haurone ya, u artiel ano towewa bu alemanoyo towo getowewa that one can be so naive and think that it's just about a name and nothing else, why write ... hardly think I need some lessons in either history peanut shelling machine or about how state looks like in today's Syria and the rest ... Very intelligent response, creep back under the rock you came from instead of discussing things you do not understand any of. Hi, would be great if you could view the source for me to spread this news! Taoro, instead of you to sit and preach about what is false and what is not, think instead ... Taoro. It is dirty types you doing to our people will never agree. Do us all a favor ... Such as you will certainly not uttryka behind a screen Altt call themselves Taoro just shows that you do not ...
After the implementation of a systematic genocide in 1915 killed millions of people brutally from these ethnic groups. Turkey's population stands at 75 million, but only about 100,000 non-Muslims left. Even in Turkey's modern history, when many have been living with the misconception that the country is secular and pluralistic, all non-Muslim groups have been persecuted. While the Turkish state rewards today approximately 100,000 mullahs from the Treasury, so nothing goes out of the Treasury other than representatives of Sunni Islam.
The Turkish state has never had any respect for the old, the millennial churches or monasteries which is the symbol of Christianity. Haga Sofia in the town of Iznik, 1,600 years old, has been converted peanut shelling machine into a mosque. Deputy Prime Minister recently revealed that it will also transform the Haga Sofia church in Trabzon to mosque. The Syrian Orthodox monastery of Mar Gabriel has been sued by the state organs and with various manipulations peanut shelling machine of the legal system, the state has confiscated most of the monastery peanut shelling machine property.
How can one expect that this country peanut shelling machine could be a harmonious and peaceful country in the EU? We demand that the Swedish government should instead speak plainly and protest against the systematic destruction of the Christian heritage in Turkey. We demand that the Swedish government should stop all financial EU assistance to Turkey, which amounts to the equivalent of 10 billion. We demand peanut shelling machine that the Swedish government peanut shelling machine presses Turkey both at national and international level to recognize the 1915 genocide Turkey will never be a democracy without acknowledging the 1915 genocide!
We would really demonstrate and protest during all his attendance peanut shelling machine days, think about the people gathered in the compound were first hired buses with driver and then helped peanut shelling machine each other to get away, it would be cheaper and easier for more and more people would be willing and able to participate. Such tllfällen must be better organized, both practically and theoretically, in order to facilitate for even more people to participate, provide a more cohesive and effective force and effect. Such occasions are very important and long term affects our people, primarily in the home and other care in the world.
I am also thinking that we could gather peanut shelling machine in all of the compounds before and revise Plancher, slogans, texts written in several languages, English, Swedish, Assyrian, peanut shelling machine Arabic, Turkish. Plancher, written in large, visible text and symbols, very important. Bring some flags, both Assyrian, Syriac, Swedish, Turkish. It is very important that we have prepared some work and all received information and got the message and act right then. Hope demonstration falls on the right day, otherwise it's no good if he is in Uppsala, and we demonstrate in Stockholm. Imagine peanut shelling machine if more buses would be hired and bring so many unhappy people as possible to this demonstration. Hoping for greater effort, participation and involvement of as many people as possible. Such opportunities may we not every day ...... ..
I agree with both previous comments hold demonstration during the day he is in Stockholm and a demonstration on the same date and time in more municipalities. Very good post and well thought.
Because it is a living peanut shelling machine can not many example from Gothenburg to come. Why not invite assy

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

In the early 1900s, nabisco mallomars a quarter of the population of modern Turkey non-Muslim Assyr

Sweden will profit from TURKISH crimes against humanity? : ACSA TV - Assyrian Chaldean Syriac Association
ACSA Swedish nabisco mallomars Svenska Turkce Suryoyo Supplies Swedish Svenska Turkce Deutsch Video / TV Politics Motions Interpellations FAQ Debates EU Parliament EU Commission Conventions Reports Academic Writings Historical Documents Books / Books Contact Old Acsatv
Latest comments Hello. nabisco mallomars I am interested in this issue because it recently fell to me ... What a good opinion piece, you are really paying attention. This is really gratifying, for by this article have you noticed why ... Shlomo haurone ya, u artiel ano towewa bu alemanoyo towo getowewa that one can be so naive and think that it's just about a name and nothing else, why write ... hardly think I need some lessons in either history or about how state looks like in today's Syria and the rest ... Very intelligent response, creep back under the rock you came from instead of discussing things you do not understand any of. Hi, would be great if you could view the source for me to spread this news! Taoro, instead of you to sit and preach about what is false and what is not, think instead ... Taoro. It is dirty types you doing to our people will never agree. Do us all a favor ... Such as you will certainly not uttryka nabisco mallomars behind a screen Altt call themselves Taoro just shows that you do not ...
In the early 1900s, nabisco mallomars a quarter of the population of modern Turkey non-Muslim Assyrian-Chaldeans, Syriacs, Armenians, Pontic Greeks and Jews. 1915 murdered millions of people from these communities. Turkey's population stands at 75 million, but only about 100,000 non-Muslims left.
The Turkish state has never had any respect for the old, the millennial churches or monasteries. nabisco mallomars Haga Sofia in the town of Iznik, 1,600 years old, has been converted into a mosque. Deputy Prime Minister recently revealed that it will also transform the Haga Sophia nabisco mallomars in Trabzon to mosque. The Syrian Orthodox monastery of Mar Gabriel has been sued by the state organs and with various manipulations of the legal system, the state has confiscated nabisco mallomars most of the monastery property.
The Turkish government, which has thousands of properties confiscated from Christian individuals or institutions, refusing to return them to their rightful owners. The Turkish state has thus in a criminal way and through genocide and the continued abuse of its Christian inhabitants come across extensive property.
No one has respect for the fences, nor in the larger political, international context, it should nabisco mallomars deserve any respect to do business with such organizations or states that have come over his assets in a criminal way.
Most commented fanaticism about "name conflict" Why lie Syriac Federation regarding Egemen Bağış excuse? Sait Susin: Siz kimsiniz? Do you have a passport - free of charge? Call Johny at SUA Debate on Syria, Aziz Duzgun and Sait Yildiz Carl Bildt refuses to recognize the genocide Yalanci Tuma Çelik'i dinleyin YOU ARE A LIAR AND unwelcome TO SWEDEN Yusuf Cetin Continued nabisco mallomars debate on Syria Sait Yildiz nabisco mallomars and Sadik Duzgun Replay: Bishop Hazail Soumi denied nabisco mallomars visit historic, heroic action by YILMAZ Kerimo Turkey's puppet Bishop nabisco mallomars Yusuf Cetin debate around nabisco mallomars Egemen Bagis scandal continues Robert Hannah: I'm gay, the Turkish Army to train Sudanese army to kill more civilians
Category Select category Acsa (54) Academic Writings (2) Articles (20) Books / Books (3) Debates (1) Deutsch (1) English (3) English (13) European Commission nabisco mallomars (1) European Parliament (1) External (1) FAQ (3) Historical Documents (1) Interpellations (2) conventions (1) Motions nabisco mallomars (1) Politics (11) Reports (1) Suryoyo (4) Swedish (45) Swedish (10) Türkçe (7 ) Türkçe (18) Uncategorized nabisco mallomars (1) Video / TV (78)
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Monday, August 25, 2014

Razil, Yalanci, inkarci Yusuf Cetin. allahin huzurunada kendini nasil savunursun. 2 Korintliler 11:

YOU ARE A LIAR AND unwelcome TO SWEDEN Yusuf Çetin: ACSA TV - Assyrian Chaldean Syriac Association
ACSA Swedish Svenska Turkce Suryoyo Supplies Swedish Svenska Turkce bahan sticker Deutsch Video / TV Politics Motions Interpellations FAQ Debates bahan sticker EU Parliament EU Commission Conventions Reports Academic Writings Historical Documents bahan sticker Books / Books Contact Old Acsatv
Latest comments Hello. I am interested in this issue because it recently fell to me ... What a good opinion piece, you are really bahan sticker paying attention. This is really gratifying, for by this article have you noticed why ... Shlomo haurone ya, u artiel ano towewa bu alemanoyo towo getowewa that one can be so naive and think that it's just about a name and nothing else, why write ... hardly think I need some lessons in either history or about how state looks like in today's Syria and the rest ... Very intelligent response, creep back under the rock you came from instead of discussing things you do not understand any of. Hi, would be great if you could view the source for me to spread this news! Taoro, instead of you to sit and preach about what is false and what is not, think instead ... Taoro. It is dirty types you doing to our people will never agree. Do us all a favor ... Such as you will certainly not uttryka behind a screen Altt call themselves Taoro just shows that you do not ...
March Gabriel Bishop Samuel Aktas was present. He started bahan sticker in a courageous way to describe how the Turkish authorities over the years have harassed the Mar Gabriel to access the monastery property. He grew into a hero during the meeting and Erdogan became more and more frustrated.
Angela Merkel turned to Erdogan bahan sticker and stated: "You must know that the monastery which is 1600 years old is rare in the world. What you are doing is unacceptable. All monasteries have woodland. We will follow this case all the time. "Erdogan bahan sticker was upset, and there was tension during the meeting.
On March 4, arrived in the Turkish Deputy Prime Minister, Bulen Arinc, on official visit to Germany, where he will meet with many politicians. He knew in advance that the Mar Gabriel case would be taken up everywhere. This time, he had therefore bring the Syriac bahan sticker Orthodox bishop bahan sticker from Istanbul, Yusuf Cetin.
The bishop everywhere pronounce the Syrian Orthodox are very satisfied with the current AKP government. The bishop, who is a puppet in the hands of the Turkish government, to take openly lies to suppress criticism of the Turkish state.
We express hereby puppet, Bishop Yusuf Cetin, "You bahan sticker are unwelcome bahan sticker to Sweden. You are a disgrace to your own ethnic group and drag the shame of you exactly the 3 anniversary of the Swedish Parliament recognized the Assyrian-Chaldeans, Syriacs and Pontic Greeks, alongside Armenians were subjected to genocide 1915. "
With the support of John's Revelation, chapter 21, we finally health: "To him who is thirsty, the Creator, give to drink freely of the fountain of the water of life. He who overcomes shall inherit it. But the fearful, and unbelieving, those who have done what is shameful, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone; This is the second death. "
Filed under Acsa, Swedish bahan sticker Tagged with
Bu Adam matranlikla alakasi Yok. Judas, the take kendisidir. satilmis Mardinli Istanbul tucarlarin icinden para gözlerini sasirtmis. (fotrafta görduguz gibi) böylesini kendine Matran Yada suffering kabul Eden the ancak onun karakterinden ola Bilir
Eger okadar cesursaniz turkiyeye gidin bir Turkish channel line deginki Bize Karsi turkiye Cumhuriyeti soykirim yapti ilk base yasadiginiz Avrupa bahan sticker ulkelerinde Suryani soykirimi kabul ettirin ORNEK isvec ondan sonra bunu turkiyeye cumhuriyetine kabul ettirin gerçekten cesursaniz Yada satilmadiysaniz bahan sticker bunu bilzat kendiniz yapin ozaman bizi Sizin elinizi öpelim.Sizler gibi Avrupa sisteminin usakligi yapanlar icin yazmak elestiri yapmak kolay cesaretliseniz word konusun.Politika bizim your adamlarimizin ISI degil siz COK biliyosaniz gecin muhattab olun.
I think we should sign him and Turkey to the European Court of Justice. bahan sticker This man is avskyd of his people, he represents no Assyrians. We must do something, because I think it is hypocrisy of the highest level.
Razil, Yalanci, inkarci Yusuf Cetin. allahin huzurunada kendini nasil savunursun. 2 Korintliler 11:14 a.m. Buna şaşmamalı. Seytan da kendisine Isik meleği Susu verir. 15 Ona Hizmet joint mud they kendilerine doğruluğun hizmetkârları Susu vermesi şaşırtıcı değildir
March 10, 2013 at. 01:13
Kendi halikina ve a yüksekte temsil ettigi inanca ihanet Eden, hic sevmedigi Halde SiRF Kendi koltugunu karumak icin cellatlarina hizmetini her türlüsünü yapmaktan cekinmeyen Yusuf Cetin,

all of you who will argue god or folk things wake up we are in 2013, and remove it from the Islamic

Robert Hannah: I'm gay: ACSA TV - Assyrian Chaldean Syriac Association
ACSA Swedish Svenska constellation brands jobs Turkce Suryoyo Supplies Swedish Svenska Turkce Deutsch Video / TV Politics constellation brands jobs Motions Interpellations FAQ Debates EU Parliament EU Commission constellation brands jobs Conventions Reports Academic Writings Historical Documents Books / Books Contact Old Acsatv
Latest comments Hello. I am interested in this issue because it recently constellation brands jobs fell to me ... What a good opinion piece, you are really paying attention. This is really gratifying, for by this article have you noticed why ... Shlomo haurone ya, u artiel ano towewa bu alemanoyo towo getowewa that one can be so naive and think that it's just about a name and nothing else, why write ... hardly think I need some lessons in either history or about how state looks like in today's Syria and the rest ... Very intelligent response, creep back under the rock you came from instead of discussing things you do not understand any of. Hi, would be great if you could view the source constellation brands jobs for me to spread this news! Taoro, instead of you to sit and preach about what is false and what is not, think instead ... Taoro. It is dirty types you doing to our people will never agree. Do us all a favor ... Such as you will certainly not uttryka behind a screen Altt call themselves Taoro just shows that you do not ...
To come out with their sexual orientation is not easy. Even more difficult is it when you have roots in Middle constellation brands jobs Eastern cultures. The lawyer and human rights activist who is active politicians within the Liberal Party has tired of living in a lie. Last week, Robert Hannah wrote a debate article in Dagens Nyheter, and stood with his sexual orientation. constellation brands jobs We need not deny, the subject is taboo in Assyrians / Syrians. Qolo Hiro took on the topic and invited Robert Hannah for putting the issue under debate. With the program also clergyman Abraham Garis from the Syrian Orthodox constellation brands jobs Church to give the Church's view on the issue.
Thank you Robert for being a strong guy and chose to tell the truth. I understand your mother's reaction, it is not always easy when your child deviates constellation brands jobs from the normal pattern, but this is not easy for you and it can not help you either. You just have to accept. I think your mom will be proud of you, as I am today, when I saw the program and realized what a talented and committed human being you are. You are really intelligent and versed in a lot of questions and we should really constellation brands jobs be proud of. I wish you luck and hope that our people show understanding and respect all people's sexual orientation, equality of all people. We have no right to judge anyone, neither the Church has this right or people. Thanks constellation brands jobs Kaldoyo and Rocyo for a very good program. Good luck in the future, I wish you all.
Hey, saw the program today, a little too late, but as the saying goes, better late than never. I would like to thank Robert for his involvement in issues related to human rights and his involvement in matters of our people. I did not know who he was before, but now realize what a fine and good man he is. He really wants to do a good job, and we should really constellation brands jobs be proud that there is a caring and kind-hearted man among us. As for his personal life, I would not say a lot, I think it's constellation brands jobs up to him and the rest, he may negotiate with God. Nor is our church's task to judge, condemn the church far too much and it is completely wrong. It should convey the love and nothing else. Thanks Kaldoyo and Yahkoub for very good program, especially Yahkoub, which is calm and wise as a philosopher with care and concern for his fellow man. Thanks and good luck in the future, everyone.
message constellation brands jobs of love were exchanged for dogmas that are adapted to the leaders today just a Kuhne says now you must pay for each letter we utter us missing so will our people as fools pay and bowing. constellation brands jobs
I must say that the guy is incredible constellation brands jobs manipulative! He's talking about God's love and trying to make people constellation brands jobs believe that God accepts homosexuality. It is true that (as far as I know) that Jesus said that you should constellation brands jobs hate the sin but still enjoy the sinner. But there is, however, removed any doubt about that homosexuality is a great sin according to the Bible! The same applies to sex outside marriage. In my opinion one can not reform the religion.
A Kohne oo amo Chud khoshew Rohe Kayes Me gives Lk tow francs mo sabab d lu ku fuhmi treat aloho mshiho dilan hubo we O mbasharle hubo Hatta midle Hada falitå mahwelelean o o d have latle htitho turn mhalek Owal kefo
all of you who will argue god or folk things wake up we are in 2013, and remove it from the Islamic era the h

Sunday, August 24, 2014

E-mail: Add us to your favorites. Category Select Category Debate (126) News Fla

Local Elections in Turkey and Assyrian candidates | Assyria TV
In today's program discusses Iskender DeBasso and Sabri Yildiz recent years political developments in Turkey and the Assyrians place in the winds of change blowing in the country. The Kurds have gained increasing representation on the local political assemblies in Turkey and has launched a charm offensive to attract Assyrians. A young Assyrian woman, Febroniya Akyol, has been named candidates in the election for mayor of Mardin, Ahmet Türk, together with the end of the current month. bolton manitoba spa Guests give their views on how the Assyrians should relate to the Kurds' overtures and calls for greater unity among Assyrian organizations. Tweet
It never shakes hands with his own killer?! Learn the history of ??? The Kurds will never give you anything if it does not serve their !! Remember this !!!! In other words, the Assyrians are just a pawn in the Kurds' chess piece and you are so naive to go on what they say and do. There are many Assyrian traitors among our people who work for the PKK and the KRG, which must be excluded from the Assyrian movement. one can draw a paradox of the situation of the Assyrians compared to China in the 50's when Mao ruled China. People who went against or wrote or said something against bolton manitoba spa the Communist Party under Mao's leadership quickly became labeled as lard revolution and the government did was to hang these terrorists or imprison them. Assyrians bolton manitoba spa have no parliament they have no kind of authority you have no right to exercise authority against citizens living in the country, although these are Assyrians and working against the Assyrians. So how do you solve this? To just exclude someone is no solution! The Israelis created including Mashed in Israel which punished many who went against their ideals. Maybe it's time for the Assyrians to create something similar. Believing that "Discuss" solves a problem - rarely do it, not when you have the Turks, Kurds, Arabs and traitors to do. One must move from words to action !!! March 13, 2014 11:03 PM (Twitter) Reply
ISIS background and peshmergas betrayal Patriarch Aphrem II Karim: We require self-government and self-defense forces MP Erol Dora's visit to Iraq Assyria News, 21 August 2014 (östassyriska) Panel discussion between various Assyrian organizations - Part 2 Popular Programs
Lecture on Assyrian identity Jan. 20, 2012 Dawronoye - who are they? January 22, 2014 Ishak - guerrilla who Dawronoye abandoned 07 May 2014 Anti-Assyrian revisionists revealed March 12, 2014 Send us your feedback
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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Shlomo Habre, tawdi la tahrasyothe basime u mawthrone, fsihoyena galabe bu Fros-Hezwo assyria telev

Interview with guests | Assyria TV
During invigningsceremonins break, we interviewed some of our guests and participants about their impressions of Assyria TV and its content. british sugar cantley They are in sequence; Sardanapal Asaad, Elizabeth Nison, Sait Yildiz, Gabriel Awrohum, Yilmaz Kerimo Yalda Marokil, Maha Shamoun and Mikhael Abdalla. We had planned to interview several more guests, but the time was not enough. We ask them about indulgence and hope to return in our programs in the future. Tweet
Shlomo Habre, tawdi la tahrasyothe basime u mawthrone, fsihoyena galabe bu Fros-Hezwo assyria television tawdi la mtaybe hill. d torutu in surtathe you commented lalel kowe tawter. shlome February 12, 2012 08:02 AM (Twitter) Reply
Shlomo Augin Taudi lu folhonayduch Fsihoyono Li-mishtaylonutoduch b Assyria tv.Tahinyoto Eloch L-hauronoch Kitlan Shobhoro Abchu Menkule Leban Axmaychuna Shlome Hamime Shabo S.Bar Melek-Me-Swissra February 11, 2012 08:02 AM (Twitter) british sugar cantley Reply
I have sat and enjoyed british sugar cantley to see the first part of the opening ceremony and the interviews in this clip, now are waiting eagerly to see the next part. Fantastic, well done, I'm pleasantly surprised by what I've seen so far on TV Assyria. Just one question, is there any reason why you have divided the inauguration ceremony in multiple parts? Personally british sugar cantley I wanted to see the entire opening in one long clip. February british sugar cantley 10, 2012 04:02 PM (Twitter) Reply
Shlomo Michael, british sugar cantley the reason why we divided the material is that the expertise of the online TV says that it will not be long elements. Statistics say that people can not be bothered to sit in front of the computer as long as the above standard TV. Personally, I disagree and believe that the interest continues to the end of the element, while the disinterested can click through to another. We test our way and we'll see from case to case. Since it is obviously more convenient to complete a deal and work with the rest in peace. We have extensive material from the opening and uploading of video files takes a very long time. The slightest change requires that the entire file is loaded on the server, which takes hours. Augin February 10, 2012 8:02 pm
Patriarch Aphrem II Karim: We require self-government and self-defense forces MP Erol Dora's visit to Iraq Assyria News, 21 August 2014 (östassyriska) Panel discussion between various Assyrian organizations - Part 2 Panel discussion between various Assyrian organizations - Part 1 Popular Programs
Lecture on Assyrian identity Jan. 20, 2012 Dawronoye - who are they? January british sugar cantley 22, 2014 Ishak - guerrilla british sugar cantley who Dawronoye abandoned 07 May 2014 Anti-Assyrian revisionists revealed March 12, 2014 Send us your feedback
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This program section was indeed a disappointment because lamb weston fries of that it does not hold

Criticism of the ADOS position in Syria issue: ACSA TV - Assyrian Chaldean Syriac Association
ACSA Swedish Svenska Turkce Suryoyo Supplies Swedish Svenska Turkce Deutsch Video / TV Politics Motions Interpellations FAQ Debates EU Parliament EU Commission Conventions Reports Academic Writings Historical Documents Books / Books Contact Old Acsatv lamb weston fries
Latest comments Hello. I am interested in this issue because it recently fell to me ... What a good opinion piece, you are really paying attention. This is really gratifying, for by this article have you noticed why ... Shlomo haurone ya, u artiel ano towewa bu alemanoyo towo getowewa that one can be so naive and think that it's just about a name and nothing else, why write ... hardly think I need some lessons in either history or about how state looks like in today's Syria and the rest ... Very intelligent response, creep back under the rock you came from instead of discussing things you do not understand any of. Hi, would be great if you could view the source for me to spread lamb weston fries this news! Taoro, instead of you to sit and preach about what is false and what is not, think instead ... Taoro. It is dirty types you doing to our people will never agree. Do us all a favor ... Such as you will certainly not uttryka behind a screen Altt call themselves Taoro just shows that you do not ...
Adnan Challma Kulhan is moderator for the Facebook group Platform Turabdin who has repeatedly criticized ADOS role in Syrian opposition. In a true Qolo Hiro spirit, we invited Adnan Challma Kulhan to express his criticism in the studio and justify it. The program is also Sait Yildiz from ADO as motdebattör.
This program section was indeed a disappointment because lamb weston fries of that it does not hold a professional level. Presenter (kaldoyo) is sometimes biased by Yildiz. To maintain a professional lamb weston fries level, a hostess be impartial. Regarding Yildiz seems the whole aim to humiliate Challma. lamb weston fries I usually follow this program but I must unfortunately lamb weston fries state that the commute destructive to several directions.
It is tragic to watch this program. This from several aspects, but the most tragic and serious is that all program participants, Adnan, Sait and Özcan, seems a good cop for "Kurds". lamb weston fries Like a black slave who looks up to his Mass (master and owner) looking for these three to outdo one another in showing off his contacts with "Kurds". There is a mutual contest of who has been the most with "Kurds" and who have been told most of the "Kurds". Short as it is the "Kurds" here and "Kurds" there. I started to try to count how many times A, S and E repeated the word "Kurd". Believe me, I do not dried after I passed 100 times.
A reasonable question is why has not the ADO an armed wing and a defense force? How can such an established and so on. Will, if established, the people continue to flee Gzarto? What can we in Europe do to help ADO to form a defense force?
Why you can invite anyone to criticize and then only talk yourself and not listen to the guest? Every time you invite someone to get Kaldayo criticism that he can not perform his role as host, either way, you do not invite guests or you may find a solution to no presenter will be so excited that he can not stay from interrupting the guest.
Most commented fanaticism about "name conflict" Why lie Syriac Federation regarding Egemen Bağış excuse? Sait Susin: Siz kimsiniz? Do you have a passport - free of charge? Call Johny at SUA Debate on Syria, Aziz Duzgun and Sait Yildiz Carl Bildt refuses lamb weston fries to recognize the genocide Yalanci Tuma Çelik'i dinleyin YOU ARE A LIAR AND unwelcome TO SWEDEN Yusuf Cetin Continued debate on Syria Sait Yildiz lamb weston fries and Sadik Duzgun Replay: Bishop Hazail lamb weston fries Soumi denied visit historic, heroic action by YILMAZ Kerimo Turkey's puppet Bishop Yusuf Cetin debate around Egemen Bagis scandal continues Robert Hannah: lamb weston fries I'm gay, the Turkish lamb weston fries Army to train Sudanese army to kill more civilians
Category Select category Acsa (54) Academic Writings (2) Articles (20) Books / Books (3) Debates (1) Deutsch (1) English (3) English (13) European Commission (1) European Parliament (1) External (1) FAQ (3) Historical Documents (1) Interpellations (2) conventions (1) Motions (1) Politics (11) Reports & n

Friday, August 22, 2014

Thanks for your efforts to have put forward one of the best and most interesting programs in Assyri

Assyrians in Iraq and Zawaas management | Assyria TV
In today's program we discuss the situation of the Assyrians in Iraq during the ten years that the country has been "liberated" following the election of the KRG on 21 September. Zawaas representative in Sweden Yalda Marokil and ADO's representative mionetto sergio in Sweden Sait Yildiz mionetto sergio try to answer the question of the Assyrians have missed political opportunities, the increasing criticism of Zawaas Secretary Yonadam Kanna is warranted, if the split in Zawaa who went to the polls with two different lists of Assyrian officials in the KRG's parliament for 20 years failed to officially protest against Kurdish confiscation of Assyrian villages, why areas with Assyrian domination voting on Barzani's mionetto sergio KDP and not on Zawaa, how emigration depletes Assyrians future prospects in the Middle East, etc.. The results of the KRG-election was not known when the program was recorded. They are: Zawaas list Rafidain got nearly 6000 votes, mionetto sergio utbrytarnas list Bnay Rafidain received over 1,000 votes and KDP near the alliance's list got about 5500 votes. Tweet
The Kurds forbids Assyrians to participate in this farce to organized "elections" with party names containing the word Assyrians or the like. It is therefore forbidden for Assyrians to participate in this farce as Assyrians.
Just a reminder to those who do not know, because sometimes we say, sure we accept church denominations, such as the Chaldeans, Syriacs, and others. but these names are different branches of Christianity does not promote our fight to have the right to our heritage. Christian groups are found worldwide, from where these originated, they have no right to any roots / heritage. mionetto sergio Here we lose that which is of great importance to us that our ancestors were called Assyrians, then it gives us the right to fädernesjorden, we call ourselves only Christians, we can forget Assyria, Is this what we want: to be completely eradicated, for it, we will do over the next 200 years if we continue to live our life patterns blindly and in conflict against each other. October 1, 2013 03:10 PM (Twitter) Reply
At last comes the best of the programs that is very rewarding. What is negative mionetto sergio is precisely the difficulty of understanding Yaldas Accent / East-Assyrian, that I feel it is not good. Because you really want to understand everything that is said. Also, I would really wish for more such programs, (easy for me to be desired) I really thank you for a fantastic job and hope it is possible that there are more people involved in the political issues of Assyria to pursue these national issues forward. While I sincerely hope that we make room for our brothers who are skilled and propulsive without knowing failure in this struggle. To end up getting our entire nation's right to his inheritance. Thank you and may God Ahsurs force be with you. October 1, 2013 02:10 PM (Twitter) Reply
Thanks for your efforts to have put forward one of the best and most interesting programs in Assyria TV. These programs are really important and very necessary for our people mionetto sergio to find out more about how our organizations are driving the political issues primarily Iraq today. What you presented shows the sad and tragic history we are facing. Instead of our bodies will continue in the same democratic and cohesive spirit, shatter and lose their rights and this will affect the future of our people in a very negative mionetto sergio way. These groups mionetto sergio will instead be united and work as a nation, are divided and work as many nations, these will work against each other, the same history and destiny that we have met here in the first place in Sweden / Södertälje: Syrians / Arameans / Assyrians conflict that has forced mionetto sergio us back with great conflicts mionetto sergio and losses, we have still not reconciled or agreed. mionetto sergio I can not say more than: This is a great tragedy, with heavy losses and obstacles to a recognized Assyrian nation mionetto sergio with a right to his fädernesarv. The enemy says divide and rule, here we see the best examples, they have certainly succeeded. GRIEF, sorrow, grief !!!!!!!! October 1, 2013 02:10 PM (Twitter) Reply
MP Erol Dora's visit to Iraq Assyria News, 21 August 2014 (östassyriska) Panel discussion between various Assyrian organizations - Part 2 Panel discussion between various Assyrian mionetto sergio organizations - Part 1 Assyria News, 20 August 2014 (West Assyrian) Popular Programs
Lecture on Assyrian identity Jan. 20, 2012 Dawronoye - who are they? January 22, 2014 Ishak - guerrilla who Dawronoye abandoned 07 May 2014 Anti-Assyrian revisionists revealed March 12, 2014 Send us your feedback mionetto sergio
E-mail: Add us to your favorites. Category Select Category Debate (126) News Flash (22) History (125) identity (151) Culture (280) Live (1) News (149) Uncategorized (2) Politics (203) Sports mionetto sergio (76) Youth (16) Archive V

BUT ... you can actually see a bit more professionalism to increase the quality del monte meats of

Debate on Syria, Aziz Duzgun and Sait Yildiz: ACSA TV - Assyrian Chaldean Syriac Association
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Latest comments Hello. I am interested in this issue because it recently fell to me ... What a good opinion piece, you are really paying del monte meats attention. This is really gratifying, for by this article have you noticed del monte meats why ... Shlomo haurone ya, u artiel ano towewa bu alemanoyo towo getowewa that one can be so naive and think that it's just about a name and nothing else, why write ... hardly think I need some lessons in either history or about how state looks like in today's Syria and the rest ... Very intelligent response, creep back under the rock you came from instead of discussing things you do not understand del monte meats any of. Hi, would be great if you could view the source for me to spread this news! Taoro, instead of you to sit and preach about what is false and what is not, think instead ... Taoro. It is dirty types you doing to our people will never agree. Do us all a favor ... Such as you will certainly not uttryka behind a screen Altt call themselves Taoro just shows that you do not ...
With the article, Aziz Duzgun criticized the Arab Spring. According Duzgun has the Arab Spring del monte meats nothing to do with democracy. He also criticizes the Assyrian organizations cooperating with the opposition in Syria. Sait Yildiz from ADO treats Aziz Düzgüns criticism in Qolo Hiro.
BUT ... you can actually see a bit more professionalism to increase the quality del monte meats of the content. A host must not act in this way and be as biased as you are. Furthermore, it is disrespectful to you cancel your guests del monte meats and not let them be heard, like Belinda from SVT Debate.
Not that I intend to defend Özcans behavior but sometimes you have to cancel del monte meats the debate participants if they start rambling more than going straight to the point, which Aziz did a few times. Sometimes del monte meats "discussion leader" also cancel if the discussions go beyond the merits of the case, which both he and Aziz Sait did. Additionally, Duzgun may be above that stand in front of a camera, but if he changes his mind on the spot so need a debate leaders ask critical questions.
Sorry Ozo, but this prog was embarrassing. There's no debate del monte meats with arguments for or against a particular position. It is only nonsense, like karatch. Unfortunately, sait nihloyo also be held responsible for this embarrassing prog. You did not give any specific argument as to why the Assyrian must ally with the rebels / al-Qaeda instead of the government. What do we gain it? What happens to the Assyrians when the war is over, according to ADO doctrine.
I'm ashamed that I even added a replica to your opinions, but I did do before I saw the story. Now, after I've seen it. So I just nod her head. You do not seem to be a realist. Assyrian organization is a voluntary organization del monte meats that is fighting del monte meats for their rights, they live in their own country. You say it was better in Iraq when Saddam was in power, you should know that 50,000 Assyrian soldiers killed during the Iran Iraq war. If we had the troops today, the entire northern Iraq to attack del monte meats us. In Iran, Ayatollah forbade khumani that the Assyrians would be in war and kill Muslims (if Christians kill Muslims, it will not be Muslim to paradise) according to their religion. For this reason you should not participate in the war Assyrians in Syria! we demand our rights. del monte meats You say you are against diktatori, yet so try me dictatorial methods prevent our people to demand their rights.
Aziz, it is you that have opinions, start the debate and criticize ADO and give your advice on the Assyrians should stay neutral. But when the church does not keep itself neutral, say in the TV program, "It's their thing" and do not dare to have opinions about it. Why? Although I agree with you on many points, you lose your credibility in my eyes when you do not make the same demands on all Assyrian organizations. del monte meats It's del monte meats dishonest and cowardly to take on ADO consists of a small group of romantics living on past glories. But on the other hand, the Church is the strongest and most established, their importance is much greater. You should also know that in the Middle East define del monte meats themselves in their religious identity, age / affiliation. After the fall of the regime, people will remember that the "Christian" or "Syrian Orthodox Church" stood in Assad's side. And this will surely be noted by the new regime, which then legitimizes in their eyes retaliation against anyone who sided with Assad. But neither in the TV program or

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

This casa monte photo also appears in

Inna_Zyu 55 months casa monte ago | reply
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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

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McMurphy: guitar Randolph feedmill indonesia Patrick Murphy - guitar, attacks from above long and s

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"Live unbeatable ... without the Punk Rock Background feedmill indonesia of some members would be Los Bomberos maybe just a good but ordinary folk troupe. But they put the damn dance floor on fire. Extinguishing tests excluded. "Uncle Sally`s 130 2007
"With Los Bomberos de Monte Cruz we landed again in the world's musical cauldron of Berlin. Los Bomberos de Monte Cruz are more arsonists as firefighters, because in their mix of gypsy music, Russian polka, punk rock

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