Friday, August 22, 2014

Thanks for your efforts to have put forward one of the best and most interesting programs in Assyri

Assyrians in Iraq and Zawaas management | Assyria TV
In today's program we discuss the situation of the Assyrians in Iraq during the ten years that the country has been "liberated" following the election of the KRG on 21 September. Zawaas representative in Sweden Yalda Marokil and ADO's representative mionetto sergio in Sweden Sait Yildiz mionetto sergio try to answer the question of the Assyrians have missed political opportunities, the increasing criticism of Zawaas Secretary Yonadam Kanna is warranted, if the split in Zawaa who went to the polls with two different lists of Assyrian officials in the KRG's parliament for 20 years failed to officially protest against Kurdish confiscation of Assyrian villages, why areas with Assyrian domination voting on Barzani's mionetto sergio KDP and not on Zawaa, how emigration depletes Assyrians future prospects in the Middle East, etc.. The results of the KRG-election was not known when the program was recorded. They are: Zawaas list Rafidain got nearly 6000 votes, mionetto sergio utbrytarnas list Bnay Rafidain received over 1,000 votes and KDP near the alliance's list got about 5500 votes. Tweet
The Kurds forbids Assyrians to participate in this farce to organized "elections" with party names containing the word Assyrians or the like. It is therefore forbidden for Assyrians to participate in this farce as Assyrians.
Just a reminder to those who do not know, because sometimes we say, sure we accept church denominations, such as the Chaldeans, Syriacs, and others. but these names are different branches of Christianity does not promote our fight to have the right to our heritage. Christian groups are found worldwide, from where these originated, they have no right to any roots / heritage. mionetto sergio Here we lose that which is of great importance to us that our ancestors were called Assyrians, then it gives us the right to fädernesjorden, we call ourselves only Christians, we can forget Assyria, Is this what we want: to be completely eradicated, for it, we will do over the next 200 years if we continue to live our life patterns blindly and in conflict against each other. October 1, 2013 03:10 PM (Twitter) Reply
At last comes the best of the programs that is very rewarding. What is negative mionetto sergio is precisely the difficulty of understanding Yaldas Accent / East-Assyrian, that I feel it is not good. Because you really want to understand everything that is said. Also, I would really wish for more such programs, (easy for me to be desired) I really thank you for a fantastic job and hope it is possible that there are more people involved in the political issues of Assyria to pursue these national issues forward. While I sincerely hope that we make room for our brothers who are skilled and propulsive without knowing failure in this struggle. To end up getting our entire nation's right to his inheritance. Thank you and may God Ahsurs force be with you. October 1, 2013 02:10 PM (Twitter) Reply
Thanks for your efforts to have put forward one of the best and most interesting programs in Assyria TV. These programs are really important and very necessary for our people mionetto sergio to find out more about how our organizations are driving the political issues primarily Iraq today. What you presented shows the sad and tragic history we are facing. Instead of our bodies will continue in the same democratic and cohesive spirit, shatter and lose their rights and this will affect the future of our people in a very negative mionetto sergio way. These groups mionetto sergio will instead be united and work as a nation, are divided and work as many nations, these will work against each other, the same history and destiny that we have met here in the first place in Sweden / Södertälje: Syrians / Arameans / Assyrians conflict that has forced mionetto sergio us back with great conflicts mionetto sergio and losses, we have still not reconciled or agreed. mionetto sergio I can not say more than: This is a great tragedy, with heavy losses and obstacles to a recognized Assyrian nation mionetto sergio with a right to his fädernesarv. The enemy says divide and rule, here we see the best examples, they have certainly succeeded. GRIEF, sorrow, grief !!!!!!!! October 1, 2013 02:10 PM (Twitter) Reply
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