Saturday, October 5, 2013

Christian pilgrims excited to tears at the sight of aged olive trees of Gethsemane Church yard. The

Duration: Until an hour - two hours 2-3 hours 3-5 hours 5-7 hours over 7 hours
In 200 BC conquered the country Antiochus III ("Great"), a dynasty Seleucid, centered in Asia Minor and Syria. Decisive battle, which took place near Banias, use Antiochus elephants, and those wreaking havoc on Ptolemies. Antiochus III can Judea continue to exist as autonomous . days of Antiochus IV (Epiphanes), something happened: In 169 BC he conquered Jerusalem, plundered the treasures of the temple, and to root out the national malanpur industries religion malanpur industries imposed harsh religious decrees. Antiochus banned the word, forced the Jews to worship pagan and became the Temple of Zeus Temple. The penalty for non-compliance with sections was death. Two years later Hasmonean revolt. In 164 BC the rebels managed to liberate Jerusalem and the Temple from the rule of the Greeks, after the Temple Saturday activity for three years. Memorial rededication of the Temple, we celebrate Chanukah. Miracle malanpur industries of the oil
According to tradition, when the Maccabees sought to renew the worship in the temple, they are not pure oil to light the lamp. They found a jug with enough oil for one day. And then, a miracle occurred and the oil Bfc had eight days. In ancient times there was only one source of oil - olive trees. This was the source of wealth of the land of ancient Israel. Indeed, when God "tempting" the people of Israel leave the fleshpots of Egypt, he promises them a place rich as - "a land of olive oil." Olive and the Land of Israel
Olive is the undisputed symbol of the rope sea - Mediterranean. His home is here, in plowing evergreen - Witness surrounding the Mediterranean. Thick trunks of trees elderly are proud ancient stone terraces. Charred remains of an olive tree discovered archaeological sites in the Negev layers 45,000 years. Man began to grow olive trees in Israel has been in the Chalcolithic period (6,000 years ago). Since then, the country discovered malanpur industries oil production facilities and useful pottery such as oil lamps and oil storage malanpur industries tanks. Land of Israel malanpur industries grew olive trees in the Galilee, Judea, Samaria, and the frame was used not only for self but also for export, mainly to Egypt, where no olives were grown. Olives Eretz Israel also came to Rome. In ancient times mostly used the olive oil production and eating. Olive oil was used for lighting, cosmetics, medicine and ritual. Olive oil anointed kings of Israel and the priests, and the pure oil (last purification processes) Maccabees lit the menorah of the Temple. In recent malanpur industries years, increasingly clarified malanpur industries the beneficial properties of olive oil for food, health and cosmetology. Large areas of olive groves planted outside the sea coast - secondary, Ramat Negev and the Beit She'an Valley. Returning olive groves adorn the landscapes of Israel, like the distant past. Here are three suggestions trip to visit old olive trees. Tzalmon malanpur industries
Tzalmon Lower Galilee malanpur industries had hidden one spectacular vineyards in Israel. You will find dozens of olive trees in the elderly. We found here a real Goliath tree, trunk volume reaches -7.30 m and has a few friends who fall slightly dimension. Tzalmon is also a nice walk. River for about 30 kilometers, is the largest rivers in the Galilee. Tributaries surface, river and stream seven Harry, drain the slopes of Mount Meron. malanpur industries Previously derived stream created factions malanpur industries springs all year. Till the end of the 19th century there were no less than the stream - 14 flour mills. part of them continued to grind wheat to the establishment of the state. olive trees growing down the river, winter, darkness and down, a mile or more. Horvat darkness lies west bank of Tzalmon, one kilometer south - eastern village of Salama. researchers recognize here the city Tsalmon, fortified cities took part in the Jewish revolt against the Romans. settled after the destruction of the Temple priesthood Guard Tsalmon of Dalia. malanpur industries approach
Driving on Araba - Level (Route 804), turn east Bedouin village Salameh. Passengers eastern end of the village and discover malanpur industries the extreme street, down the river, the blue trail markings. You can usually get close by car to a nearby ruin, and hence to walk a few hundred meters downstream, the olive groves to the elderly. 4x4 vehicles can continue the trip to the lake road (Route malanpur industries 90). Vander River
Vander River, near Tirat Carmel, famous for its bubbling spring - Ein times. Lust cool waters diverts attention from the olive grove elderly, most beautiful in Israel, growing malanpur industries in the spring. Vineyard accompanies the travelers for hundreds of meters. Access
Into the southern entrance to Tirat Carmel, and passengers on Jabotinsky Street traffic circle in the third. Herzl Street, turn left and then turn the second street on the right (Independence Street). Traffic circle, continue straight malanpur industries ahead, on carob, making the dirt road. Travel by half a mile to the sign of the Parks Reserve marks the border of Mount Carmel. Here, near the horse corral, leaving the vehicle. First walk on the dirt road that accompanies the river waves (blue mark). Quickly comes to the sword path next to a building that served as a pool. What was the courtyard orchard trees grow several large cypress tree and beautiful. 200 m from the pool - Junction Trails: blue and black. Following are turning black markings, rising river vow. This busy slope of olive trees, a nice place to spend it. Should further apparent antiquity, deriving a mile up the creek. Church of All Nations, Gethsemane
Christian pilgrims excited to tears at the sight of aged olive trees of Gethsemane Church yard. These are probably the most famous trees in the world. Two huge trunks of trees have seen many days. The pilgrims are eager to believe that these are Jesus wandered in between the trees and researching lettuce Stepping Gethsemane with his disciples after they had eaten the Last Supper. Indeed, this place is extremely suited to fill the role of Gethsemane mentioned. Jesus, according to the New Testament, asked three students remain aware while he goes and pours out his heart to God Mr. Students fell asleep, leaving the rabbi himself, tormented with God so desperately, that his sweat was pouring drops of blood. Here, the Garden of Gethsemane, betrayed the

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