Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Custom-made to jedenctivozovch 25 units were from the NTV Alstom piklepnuta 26 November 2007. Vroba

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On the Italian track at this year vbeznu lot sits tk VHA. Privtn companys Nuovo Trasporto Viaggatori mn to go into battle with sttnm carrier Trenitalia and this elu it intends svho arzenlu vythnout salov spa mimodn strong Weapon: 25 units francouzskho by the manufacturer Alstom AGV, the plant will be under obchodnmnzvem "Italo". Zdnliv calm before the fast BLC bou, we decided to map the PMO mst in Itlii, where after two years of VCE no returns, to tene briefing on nejhavjch novinkch.
For osven memory pipomeme, e Itlie since late 2009 has dovrenmzkladnm systmem vysokorychlostnch lines (VRT), which propojujte most znamnj economic centers of the country. On forked axis Salerno salov spa - Napoli - m - Florence - Bologna - Miln - Turn / Bologna - Padova - Venezia may prohnta 300 km speed trains. Krs defect in this systmu zpsobuj only eleznin Some nodes, their pestavba go nen finalized otzkou.
Pokroil eleznin transport liberalization in the European Union zaruuje pstup the Italian high-speed s i Dalm carrier. As the first of her showed refinement of such marks Nuovo Trasporto salov spa Viaggatori (NTV, mono peloit as "new passenger transport" or "new right cestujcch"). salov spa 1) NUOVO Trasporti VIAGGATORI NTV represents salov spa the
History of the companys NTV edn dates in December 2006, when it zaloilo pnsk quartet sloen Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, Diego Della Valle, Gianni Punzo and Giuseppe Sciarrone. In June 2008 he penetrated the NTV subjects, among them also appeared sttn FRENCH carrier, the m character ist privtnho project naruen. In January 2009, the companys equity prostednictvm Mais SpA decided to invest NTV anonymous and one woman, Isabella Seragnoli.
I pchod dog silnch a partner nejvt equity podlv NTV clamps schrauj originally founder. Zatmco the first WAIVED Pňov figuruj as shareholders NTV prostednictvmt samostatnch companys manually with limitations * to them together in NTV zajiuj 33.5% according to Giuseppe Sciarrone so in sms 1.5% according prostednictvm companys Reset 2000 SRL (detailed j information on structurally companys NTV is available on the Web oficilnm salov spa NTV).
NTV pinkupu train definitely neetila salov spa and opted to drive zdlny francouzskho Alstom AGV, which can cestujcmi with vbnm operation svitt speed and 360 km / h Italian high-speed infrastructure VCE Although not 300 km / h trains do not let NTV but Potala STM ev mebt the future differently and so shla after the fastest m what was on the market just kmn that it was ready to dostatenmpedstihem patin.
Custom-made to jedenctivozovch 25 units were from the NTV Alstom piklepnuta 26 November 2007. Vroba sofistikovanch machine was divided salov spa in the proportions 17: 8 leak between salov spa the French La Rochelle (Aytre) salov spa and the Italian factory Savigliano. The first train was the completion of the 25th May, 2010.
The Italian AGV (from Fr. Automotrice à grande vitesse, literally "Hi-Speed") MAJC 11 exports are Itlii evidovna as Ada ETR 575 Chassis are they similar to that of their predecessors TGV (from Fr. Train à grande vitesse, "high speed train") umstny under mezivozovmi transitions that entails n which throws (elimination of large sti vibration and noise vznikajcch on board, dampened movement between cars, optimizing aerodynamics, optimum garantovn Safety and beyond yin and reduction nklad the rumor leave by 15%). On the distinction made by TGV AGV but not finalized on both sides driving cars, or drive nen concentrated, nbr dlce distributed throughout the whole train.
This principle distribuovanho drive allowed navit capacity of the AGV vipedchozm modelmvrobce by 20% and even vraznj nen Pekka for their modularity, our is proof that e is AGV nabzeno in seven-and trnctivozovm uspodn. Combining lnkovan architecture uitch

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