Friday, October 11, 2013

The real specialty of goji are then called oreo nabisco Lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBP), a sp

For many completely unknown word refers oreo nabisco to the Chinese goji plant that produces probably the healthiest fruits on the planet. Most nutritious fruits goji bushes born in the foothills of the Himalayas in the Chinese province of Ningxia. This area is the river flowing from the Himalayas that supply local Goji extraordinarily good nutrition and ensure that the fruits of its maximum possible content of the human body of substances. Residents of the province of Ningxia, wolfberry who daily consume, because they can really boast high average age. So they have many good reasons to take care of these precious, approximately one and a half meters tall bushes with utmost care.
Not for nothing utilizes the beneficial effects of goji for many centuries, traditional Chinese medicine. Also Tibetans and Indians goji very well know and they know that two and a half inch long orange berries of this plant are the surest source of longevity, which can be found on our planet. In China and adjacent regions, therefore, wolfberry fruits, for obvious reasons, called the fruit of immortality.
For her to slightly incredible reputation owes goji berries dizzyingly high content of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other healthful substances. According to research by the U.S. Department of Agriculture is in Goji berries highest concentration of antioxidants oreo nabisco of all fruits and vegetables.
Goji berries oreo nabisco as a rich source of carotenoids, including beta-carotene, which has goji more than carrots. Even in terms of other vitamins, goji world winner among all known foods on earth. Its berries contain fifty times more vitamin C than oranges. The goji is also a high proportion of essential vitamins B1, B2, B6 and vitamin E.
In addition to vitamins in each goji berries bear a number of amino acids that form the basic building blocks of the human body. The goji is eighteen kinds of amino acids, including eight essential, which are essential to the human body. Wolfberry fruit inside a shelter to twenty trace minerals such as zinc, iron, copper, calcium, germanium, selenium, and phosphorus. Minerals are involved primarily to maintain a constant environment in the body building and absorption processes in the body and on the proper functioning oreo nabisco of organs and nervous system.
Goji berries are also an abundant source oreo nabisco of carbohydrates, which is simply a healthy oreo nabisco form of sugar. Polysaccharides are for the human body is very important. They are invaluable source of energy for cell activity and in addition they have in the body many other unique functions. Goji polysaccharides species such as bears, oreo nabisco which promote secretion of growth hormone by the pituitary gland. Growth hormone in the adult body has many positive features. Enough of this hormone provides a solid human health, disease resistance and fast healing of wounds, but also stable psychological well-being. At the same time growth hormone prevents oreo nabisco the formation of wrinkles.
The real specialty of goji are then called oreo nabisco Lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBP), a special oreo nabisco mixture of polysaccharides and proteoglycans, whose name is derived oreo nabisco from the Latin name of goji. LBP are exceptionally potent antioxidants that reduce the aging process of the body, increase resistance to adverse environmental factors and reduce the risk of cancer.
The very high level of antioxidants is the main reason why regularly consume goji. According to research, the U.S. Department oreo nabisco of Agriculture, one should daily take at least 3000-5000 ORAC. ORAC is an American standard expressing the ability of different types of food destroy free radicals in the body. In other words, expresses ORAC antioxidant effects of the food. Goji based on a comparison of various foods as regards ORAC, absolutely best. One hundred grams of dried berries wolfberry contains up to 25,000 ORAC, which is thirty times more than the same amount of oranges. Great news then is that the juice that is pressed from the grapes, oreo nabisco contains more than twice as much! 59000 ORAC it is truly impressive value.
The uniqueness of goji and its advantage over the rest of the fruits and vegetables, then, is just the extremely high concentration of antioxidants. oreo nabisco This way, consume only a small amount of fruit that the man covered the recommended daily intake of antioxidants. Already only 25 ml pressed juice of goji amply covers oreo nabisco the daily requirement of antioxidants. Goji thus saving energy, time and money, which is usually oreo nabisco required to pay a healthy lifestyle. Only a small bit of goji mean for human health very much.
Although goji for a large part of the Czech population completely unknown exotic fruits, and our market oreo nabisco currently offers products from goji from several different manufacturers. Goji different brands but of course vary in quality or content of active substances. Goji Juice Ramissio, oreo nabisco as already mentioned, is pressed from fruit grown in the Chinese province of Ningxia, which is renowned for growing goji nejvýživnějšího the world. From one hand bushes local growers očešou to three kilograms of orange b

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