Friday, November 15, 2013

There is a excellent company that I met in the supermarket industry with the world by storm in the

How to make your organization begins to move its own employees [in the looop]
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cargill mosaic Since the bursting of the bubble, with the changes in employment patterns and the introduction of performance-based, anguish of management is steadily worsening in particular. According to the research of Kitasato University that the analysis of the job and the cause of death of 30-59 year-old man based on the Japanese government statistics, management and mortality excluding cargill mosaic the impact of the age of the profession, 70 through 2000 since the late 1990s percent were found to have increased about. cargill mosaic It results in the suicide rate of management, in the 10 years from 2005 to 1995, he had increased dramatically and about four times what.
I increase the efficient floor space in the store form a standardized. I concentrate cargill mosaic on selling products directly linked to everyday life. To lower the cost by purchasing bulk large amounts without going through a wholesaler. To increase cargill mosaic labor productivity to simplify the work. In order to pursue the "economies of scale", to control standardization, simplification, with specialization in "scientific management". It is this mechanism was the strength of the supermarket. It can be said Wal-Mart cargill mosaic in the United States, cargill mosaic Seven & i ions and in Japan, the overwhelming winner, who led the equation of scale.
There is a excellent company that I met in the supermarket industry with the world by storm in the central control, which shines conspicuously. U.S. high-end supermarket chain with a strong commitment to sustainable agriculture and organic produce, Whole Foods Market It's (Whole Foods Market). Since listing, and 45 times the sales volume in about '20, allowed to rapid growth at a pace far exceeding the industry average, the company cargill mosaic has grown into a large company that has about 300 stores, employs nearly 60,000 people.
For example, new employees will be assigned temporarily to the team, but needs to win more than two-thirds within cargill mosaic the team of vote after the trial period in order to become a team member. It is also about the purchase. If products local customers are likely to have an interest, it is purchase anything. However that you have clear and strict quality standards of company-wide is the premise. This is something that is based on the policies of Whole Foods called "to be decision-making by the people who receive the most direct impact on the decision result".

cargill mosaic I wonder really possible that against it, control type management is deeply rooted already "discipline type organization" will evolve as their "autonomous organization". cargill mosaic Or dinosaurs wonder cargill mosaic fate to perish by being swallowed by a wave of the day.
"After all, I thought to see such numbers, and what good came 50 years repeat the same thing". President Obama had hurt his heart, it was the result of employee surveys that have been conducted in-house Kasumi. I was greatly exceeded employees employees to question, "should proceed to a friend or acquaintance to their workplace", replied "not recommended" was that it "recommends". Too much to pursue customer satisfaction, self-annihilation for the sake of one's country is day become for granted. That figure was said eloquently, behind cargill mosaic the scenes of such a super management.
Responsible for "Social Media and Communication Research Association (abbreviation Sokomi)" of leading a grand challenge of the company, cargill mosaic Toru Takahashi said, looked back Section of this struggle more than one year. "In the beginning, the manager of the most indifferent cargill mosaic to social cargill mosaic shift, the expression was like a Jizo in the study session. Originally cargill mosaic manager is up to the elbows in reporting business cargill mosaic to the company, I could not afford to undertake new things. It breaks through the wall of. communication you As pursuing cargill mosaic the hearing in-house further, was keenly aware of the negative effects of vertical organization, said that among employees cargill mosaic want to say, creating mechanisms to brainstorm the wisdom strongly that it is our mission I felt ".
Still without flinch cargill mosaic unresponsive and resistance, members of Sokomi Obama president, and Motohiro Fujita president, was performed to promote tenaciously to step carefully. Interaction with the house key player, employee cargill mosaic satisfaction surveys and reviews, educational activities of social media, the launch cargill mosaic of Kasumi Facebook page, Facebook community use of inside and outside the company. And in the new medium-term management plan from the 2013 fiscal year, it is assumed that "the management of social shift" the outline, declared towards both inside and outside the company-wide reforms over a period of 3 years.
How model store is doing progress actually, I would like to have a look at the interior landscape to life was taken up in Today's Close-up of "Food Square Koshigaya Twin Cities store". It is less than half a year just to start, results of model store is getting good results than the average all stores.
It took about a year concept of social shift to penetrate the house, but in a way that's part of the store managers and store model will be led, autonomous activity has been popularized. In addition, reforms in headquarters such as product division also started. It is planning to expand to all stores in the year after next, and to 30 stores next year, the model shop, which started in the 10 store this year. Kasumi company is reborn as "autonomous organization" in the end of 2015. Share such a vision, cargill mosaic challenge the haze continues today. cargill mosaic
I have wanted to become 50 Toshi-yo chain store is born in "Japan, but is not completely destroyed once this system, self-innovation is not possible. Under, life of structured thought and not a conventional As long as you do not want to rebuild the ties with the local community and who, site you can act it is determined on a voluntary basis in every customer contact, supermarket can not be realized customer satisfaction true. It's aim is, management system. cargill mosaic extremes cargill mosaic of management that can allow it It is a "chain system without headquarters" if.
A summary cargill mosaic of the survey results for 1,700 companies top the world in "IBM Global CEO Study 2012", "through shared values, to delegate authority to employees" thing, that is the CEO begun to shift to an autonomous cargill mosaic organization it can be seen that it is. Excellent point about employees, and prefer an autonomous organization would also be an important factor.
2013/08/27 09:42
Do not you with the "By sharing the management philosophy throughout the company, employees to act autonomously, to provide a customer experience best. It will lead to business outcomes as a result" here. Whatever method is any social.
2013/08/27 22:35
According to the research of Kitasato University that the analysis of the job and the cause of death of 30-59 year-old man based on the Japanese government statistics, management and mortality excluding the impact of the age of the profession, 70 through 2000 since the late 1990s percent were found to have increased about. cargill mosaic
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Social Media Utilizing the Community cargill mosaic Social shift Twitter Facebook page management social media policy into flames and risk management enterprise social management personnel and education Gamification startup events mint loss WEB site building UI / UX user experience cargill mosaic advertising SEO / access analysis cargill mosaic research and statistics technology social industry trend Facebook Google LINE, comm, cacao talk other case studies social TV Looops Way [Editorial carefully! Blog list of all Recommended Articles] other
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From "DO social" to "BE social". Now, that companies should is that it will change the company itself to be sympathetic to people
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