Thursday, May 15, 2014

In fact, some individuals do not even need a program which I will describe below. For some, especia

Fat loss and maintaining muscle mass are at this time of year primary goal of almost every fitneserja. At the same time, when you are trying to enjoy all year round enough calories to gain muscle mass, it is very likely that you have gained some excess preserving meat fat and want to lose before you go to the beach. preserving meat In the flood of different diets and information available, especially online, it seems that the choice DIETS should not be a problem.
However, just the opposite is happening. Most individuals too complicated and looking for magic solutions to the most complicated diets. preserving meat The results are often completely destroyed or slowed metabolism, excessive loss of previously hard-won muscle mass and excessive overeating at the end of the diet.
In fact, some individuals do not even need a program which I will describe below. For some, especially young people with a fast metabolism are enough to only a small reduction in calories, replacement of calories derived from carbohydrates preserving meat and fats, protein and good intensive preserving meat training with weights and aerobic activities. It is true that it can be more chances that you might not have one of those fortunate individuals preserving meat and you need to score to invest a little more effort. After many years of dealing with the competition bodibildingom and coaching a number of riders and non-runners can assure you that it is a diet based on cikliranju carbohydrates a person who does not have excessively high percentage of fat, the most effective and easiest to implement.
Below is a look at what should be a basic implementation of a diet based on carbohydrates cikliranju. This is one of the diet, which is about twenty years ago after a period of ketone-protein diet used by bodybuilders old school, established in these circles. I remember preserving meat that it was one of my first diet that I have it used in the preparation of the competition, even before the World Wide Web has emerged as a rich source of information for us, and when there was no home do not like foreign magazines such as that you are reading. We all draw their knowledge from the few books on the subject that we came under the arms. So I remember one of the first read books on bodybuilding bodybuilding Championship. The author preserving meat of this book, which is now one of the most renowned coaches, it's time to write about cikliranju carbohydrates and calories for fat loss and in particular the preservation of muscle mass as one of the most effective methods for the preparation of a competitor. In the following years there have been many variations, preserving meat including the use of cyclization in gaining muscle mass and maintaining body weight. The basic purpose of cyclization was always the same, to maintain a fast metabolism so that the body has no chance preserving meat to get used to the slower, namely that it always surprise you with daily changing intake of nutrients.
For this diet is characterized by three days of various carbohydrate intake, the intake preserving meat varies from day to day, which is also the starting point cyclization. The first day of the intake of carbohydrates large, on the second day low, on the third day, the carbohydrates do not benefit, other than a few vegetables. Then, this cycle is repeated three days. Daily while maintaining a constant intake of protein preserving meat and fat. Although in recent times often be traced to the body for optimal fat loss does not need a lot of meals a day, my experience and practice in bodibildingu and fitness show that the fitneserjih this is not true. Emergency is at least five servings per day of high quality, better yet, if there are six. Daily are necessary, to satisfy the need for three makrohranilih, it's protein, fat and carbohydrates. For the most effective DIETS it should be according to the daily needs of the body to adapt to the relationship between preserving meat these macronutrients and their right to choose sources. Therefore, the distribution of the makrohranilih look in more detail below. protein
Protein is the most important macronutrient for each diet. Prevent the loss of muscle mass and help speed up the metabolism, while also filled. Fitneser would have to diet per day to consume at least 2.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, better yet, if a little more. Each of the six servings should contain from 30 to 50 grams of protein, depending on the body weight and muscle mass of an individual. Very important is the quality of the protein. Choose should be high-quality protein foods low in fat, such as lean red meat, fish, poultry and egg whites. However, at this point out, as it will be followed by the below to be on a diet to eat some quality fat and cholesterol. Therefore, for example, whole egg as a source preserving meat of high quality protein, fat, vitamins and minerals to a complete food. Fats
Some fat in the diet is essential. Some fats, such as omega-3 (EPA eikosapentenolna acid) and DHA (dokosaheksaenolna acid), which are primarily in fish and fish oil help you lose weight, but others are essential to the formation of testosterone. Cholesterol from foods of animal origin

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