Saturday, May 10, 2014

What is most important: every reason to eat vegan food has to be respected. Big mistake to make if

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Some people opt for a vegan diet for ethical reasons, other reasons of health, the third is the main motive of the environmental aspect. There are many reasons that people from your menu deleted all foods of animal origin, but lists three are the most common kind.
Of course, the ideal man to become vegan because of all the reasons: wonji shoa sugar factory ethical, health, environment, climate change, reducing hunger in the world, contribute to world peace, the creation of a more just society, building coexistence and unity between people, nature and animals. Because in this way could be addressed and positive impact on many people. Someone who has opted for a vegan eating mostly due to health will be much harder to convince someone of such food style, which is the most important in the life of nature and environmental protection. Or someone who is in the veganstvu particularly wonji shoa sugar factory important compassion wonji shoa sugar factory for animals, it may fall on deaf ears of a man who is struggling wonji shoa sugar factory with excess weight and at that moment it primarily wonji shoa sugar factory needs advice on how to be with a proper diet to avoid heart attacks.
What is most important: every reason to eat vegan food has to be respected. Big mistake to make if you could create some kind of value scale reasons for crop nutrition. Unfortunately, some vegans who have opted for such a diet for ethical reasons, they do. Somehow, looking with contempt at those vegans who prioritize above all the health aspect. For them, this is more or less self-serving personalities who look to their well-being and what is good, healthy and tasty today will be prepared and eaten. But rarely think about the ethical aspect and speak a word of animals (coming from the fact that they are also true vegans, so do not wear fur, leather, do not use products that are tested on animals, do not go to competitions with animals ... ). But the place is now in the position of a cow, pig or sheep, which is called "ethical" vegan advocate: is it important for these animals for what reasons, for example. Francis stopped eating meat, eggs, milk, cheese? I do not. Animals is most important to leave them in life, that they do not APIC knife in the neck. Animals are enthusiastic about every new man who decides to plant nutrition. If the animals had human language, certainly would not say the man: "If you decide to vegan food for ethical reasons, then it's fine. However, if you made a decision mainly because of his health, no such egoism but I can not stand, then I ask rather what you take to the slaughterhouse. "
We see now that such ethical vegans actually are not so ethical, if you are critical of vegans who are very important to health. If you were really as ethical, then it would have been excited about these health wonji shoa sugar factory vegans because they also your diet kept alive a lot of animals. Some of these ethical vegans have a value system in the evaluation literature. I've heard comments that the book Ultraman, in which the author describes how Rich Roll with vegetable diet has become extremely healthy, vital man, which he also helped to better results in a triathlon, no real value. Just because Rich has not decided on a style of eating vegan for ethical reasons.
What is behind this rhetoric of these ethical vegans? Some of them have probably unhealthy way of eating vegan (maybe eat too much processed foods, too much oil, salt, lack of raw fruits and vegetables, nuts, do not take vitamin B12 ...) and then because of his indisposition deny the proven health benefits of wholesome plant nutrition. Such ethical vegans you can even find some "research" on the Internet, which "proves" that vegans are no more cures compared to vegetarians and omnivores. Instead, the effort and begin a healthy vegan eating, they prefer to choose the lower option: declare wonji shoa sugar factory health vegans for selfish because they are so "selfish" to know how to care for their well-being and attractive appearance.
To conclude: Instead of separating people on the "better" and "worse" vegans, let's be honest rather excited, grateful for anyone who does not enjoy animal food, for whatever reason. All vegans are heroes for animals. wonji shoa sugar factory Let us rejoice for the people who make the first step towards veganism and vegetarianism. Let us be grateful to people who have reduced their consumption of meat, milk, eggs, butter, cheese, because they have already started to realize that such food is not healthy. wonji shoa sugar factory Let us in the heart of the people who are still omnivores, as well as we were once in their skin. And certainly we do not then it would be like if we were vegans and vegetarians ugly condemned and insulted. Every person needs different time for positive change. If we have all the people in the heart

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