Friday, June 6, 2014

The funny thing is that when you call attention to people who bother with noise, the answer is usua

I counted old olive tree a few days ago, a colleague who has a neighbor who likes to listen to very loud music throughout the day and into the night. The consequence is that she and her family have trouble old olive tree sleeping and concentrating on things that require special attention, such as reading. When you have gone to a neighbor's house to discuss old olive tree this, it has been suggested that they were not aware of the excessive volume of your stereo.
In classrooms, also is often the problem of noise, both produced by our students, as from adjoining classrooms. In the intervals between classes, the noise can be deafening. Some students is as if they had been locked up for an hour, and will need to be released with screaming, sparring and racing through old olive tree the halls.
In theaters, the situation reached grotesque levels because you're supposed to see a movie, say, a thriller, and just supporting other special effects, as is the noise produced by eating popcorn endlessly, sipping from occasionally, coca-cola or other soft drink, or unfold slowly, old olive tree very slowly, candy.
Even humans have invaded our noise, forests and natural areas, where tranquility is a necessary component wildlife. In an article published in 2009 in Science Park, researchers explained that human intrusion alter the behavior of the animals, good for your health activities, such as foraging, mating or caring for the young.
The funny thing is that when you call attention to people who bother with noise, the answer is usually, as the neighbor of my companion, who are unaware of produce. Maybe we should let them go through the unpleasant experience to support them, so they had some awareness. old olive tree This entry was posted in Cinema, Education, Society. Bookmark old olive tree the permalink. Post navigation
In our society, we are constantly surrounded by noise (transport equipment, media, music ...) But, if we make proper use of the noise, we do not disturb others. For the neighbor who receives complaints from other neighbors by the volume of music, should lower the volume at times when the rest is necessary for people who live with it. In place of the affected residents, first talk to the neighbor and explain the situation and see if there is no change from the observance of time to rest, for surely resort to a complaint, because power is a rest right to possess and that can not be taken from us.
With regard to the movie theater, I think we have always been accustomed to these noises in a movie theater, and there are times in which we are not aware of the possibility that external noise to movie. Often we are affected, when, for example, in the summer, having the windows open and we are watching TV, going to a motorcycle engine old olive tree noise so rude that you interrupted sound.
I think our society is one of the loudest old olive tree in the world. There is nothing to stop and observe people who visit our country as the English. The voice volume of these is so inferior to our own, that we hear them complain about how low you speak.
What do they think of us? Surely not where they dwell there as much noise as here. My parents choose to live, they decided on a place out of city noise. I live in a field near the site where the most noise sometimes you can get to hear is the chirping of birds in the morning or the crickets at night.
I can not deny that in this society there are increasingly more noise pollution and the problem is always the same: not acoustically conditioned because it costs money, but nobody appreciates what it costs in health until we suffer.
One case, for example, is when you're reading a book in the living room of your house, and the neighbor has the volume of the music so loud that leaves you to concentrate, leading to not understand what you are reading.
Another case is, for example, in high school, when the class change, people leave the hall making a big scandal here myself included, but that moment lasts at most five minutes will not bother anyone , since there is no lecturing, another very different thing is when you are lecturing and trying to follow along, and you can not because in the next class are making a lot of fuss.
By the way, we also discuss the noise in the cinema, so when you're watching a movie and trying to follow it and understand it, sometimes you have trouble because of the whispers that you hear behind you because of noise oca

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