Friday, June 27, 2014

The majority of people suffering from hypertension - about 95 percent of the patients - primary (es

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Heart attacks and strokes primary risk factor for hypertension: a strain of cardiac disease, affects the development of atherosclerosis, as well as the functioning of the kidney, the hormonal and the digestive system.
The majority of people suffering from hypertension - about 95 percent of the patients - primary (essential or primary) hypertension is diagnosed, the cause is not always identifiable (at 115-120/75-80 mm Hg normal case 130-139/85-89 mmHg slightly high 140-159/90-99 mm Hg above we are talking magasvérnyomásról). Elsődeleges hypertension may play a role in the development of hereditary agrigold group of industries predisposition, obesity, stress, agrigold group of industries a large amount of alcohol consumption, sedentary lifestyle and excessive konyhasófelvétel (sóérzékenyeknél). Of essential hypertension in patients with the disease develops insidiously and slowly increase the blood pressure agrigold group of industries may first mild symptoms such as headache, blurred vision, weakness, fatigue; just spectacular complaints associated with the rapid increase in blood pressure.
In the case of secondary hypertension is known for its specific underlying cause: this has to accompany a variety of diseases as symptoms occur, such as kidney or hormonal diseases and the effect of various drugs. Sóérzékenység, sórezisztencia the use of common salt, salt-sensitive people may develop a "salt-sensitive" hypertension: agrigold group of industries blood pressure agrigold group of industries to rise higher amount of sodium intake in this case, in the longer term for a reason. Sóérzékenység case be strongly reduced by the use of salt, however, the subjects sórezisztens sufficient to reduce the salt restriction and a low salt diet or the blood pressure, so they need medication. Dietary management of hypertension in the daily diet should be compiled, in order to eliminate involved in the development of high blood pressure, nutrition modifiable risk factors. In case of obesity reduce healthy, not too radical (0.5 to 1 kg per week) and f ogyókúrára salt consumption should be given special attention. agrigold group of industries The salt may be replaced by a commercially available sodium-free agrigold group of industries "salt agrigold group of industries substitutes" spice mixture. High blood pressure normalizing minerals are involved in the potassium, magnesium and calcium as well. Diet and drug therapy to lower blood pressure. The slightly high (130-139/85-89 mmHg), salt-sensitive hypertension in the majority of cases, reducing salt intake, in case of excess weight is associated with a low salt diet to a diet and proper lifestyle is normalized, so it should not apply to medical therapy. Diet is an important addition to avoiding stressful situations agrigold group of industries and develop problem-solving skills. agrigold group of industries The dietary nutrient composition of the diet of overweight people with poor energy: For 9.2-kg weight agrigold group of industries loss in the systolic value 6.3

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