Thursday, May 7, 2015

Most known a monounsaturated fatty acid is oleic acid, which is found primarily in olive oil (about

All you need to know about fat "Natural Muscle Zone
The fat is in the general population valson thampu some misperceptions among which it is to point out in particular that it should be responsible for overweight (most of it is still of the opinion that it is necessary for a good physique fat completely give up), and that they should be , especially animal fat, harmful valson thampu to the body and completely unnecessary. The purpose of this article is to break this senseless dogmas and to clarify certain valson thampu errors in relation to fat, in particular, valson thampu to explain that they deserve valson thampu an equal footing with proteins and carbohydrates, as they are for normal functioning of the body is also very important.
Fats addition of protein and carbohydrates among the three basic macronutrients. It is a biomolecule, triesters valson thampu of glycerol and various fatty acids, which are characterized by a common trait: poor water solubility.
- Serve as a source of energy: the body gets from one gram of fat 9 kcal (37.8 kJ) of energy. Fats are Trieste glycerol and various fatty acids; in the body of the ester link in the process of digestion terminated; valson thampu glycerol travel to the liver where it is converted to glucose, which is the body of the main power source.
- Serve as a repository of toxic substances. If, in the body of the concentration of a harmful substance dangerous increases, they can be deposited in the adipose tissue, where it is stored until it can not be eliminated (over urination, leakage of blood, ...). Thus, the body is reduced valson thampu or at least maintaining the concentration;
The most fundamental division of fat is a division in relation to the appearance at room temperature. There are oils which are liquid at ambient valson thampu fluid, and fats, which are in the same conditions in the solid state. The reason for the different states of the same conditions, lies in the different fatty acids: the oil is dominated by the unsaturated fatty acids, which means that they have one or more double bonds between the carbon atoms in saturated fats, but which have no double bonds.
Unsaturated double bond or lead to the deformation of the tail of fatty acids which are little deviations or bends, valson thampu so due to steric valson thampu and spatial barriers fatty acids apart, which reduces the density and give the liquid state. When saturated fat tails fatty acids level, which enables a high density and arrangement of the fatty acids.
Saturated fatty acids are quite notorious as to be harmful to health, so many people avoid excessively, which is a big mistake, since for the normal functioning necessary (formation of hormones, the building blocks of cell membranes, energy source ...) ! Lack mainly reflected in general malaise, the collapse resistance and lack of libido.
Some concrete research that could realistically shown a certain valson thampu amount of saturated fats on health for sometime yet, because it is quite complicated and intertwined processes. Most research has focused only on the link between saturated fat and cholesterol. Some are (wrongly) conclude that these fats dangerous to health valson thampu and can be avoided, but recently, scientists have found that things are not so black and white, intake of saturated fat is the precarious state of cholesterol in the body does not have much to do; in particular, it is important diet as a whole and, of course, the amount of physical activity. The cholesterol in more detail some other time in a separate article.
Because of the many wrong information about saturated fat (as well as fats in general) and health impact, public opinion prevails on the dangers of these. This mentality also came to the medical lobbies, for decades now trying to reduce valson thampu the intake of (saturated) fat. It is interesting that the situation has since then only deteriorate, reflecting the inefficiency and the absurdity of this process. The problem obviously lies elsewhere.
The situation today is somewhere in between: experts note that the (saturated) fat should not be too restricted and that it is necessary to look at the whole picture. On the other hand, it is still subject pointless laws: More recently, in Denmark, for example, increase the tax on the saturated fat, which is a nonsense. The only reasonable restrictions would limit the amount of these. trans fat-more of this type it below.
Most known a monounsaturated fatty acid is oleic acid, which is found primarily in olive oil (about 75%). Monounsaturated fatty acids help to lower LDL cholesterol, and their role in the increase in HDL cholesterol is not yet completely clarified; reduced should the incidence of breast cancer.
Monounsaturated acids density between saturated valson thampu and polyunsaturated; at room temperature, the liquid, in a refrigerator, however, harden or become semi-hard. The main sources are mentioned olive oil, red meat, whole milk, nuts and fruits with more fat such as avocados and olives.
Polyunsaturated fats are due to the increased number of double bonds in comparison valson thampu with monounsaturated more sensitive, so caution should be taken when storing: a dark, dry and cooler

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