Monday, May 11, 2015

The cold months are the perfect opportunity to get rid of excess fat and improve your body composit

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Let the cold, rain and snow will not be an obstacle to outdoor activities such as jogging, Nordic walking, cross-country skiing. Only brave skirmish with them and follow the instructions for training during the winter. Note that the colds and viruses thing is not cold and moist air.
Of course, you should also know that the physiological barilla holding spa responses of the body to training in cold air differ from responses to training in a more mild thermal conditions. The human body gets heat through metabolism generates and transmits it by radiation, conduction or convection (heat transfer to the flowing fluid), barilla holding spa only transmits it through evaporation.
So when you go in winter training in nature, you certainly want to make your day the heat slightly positive - you want to have just enough heat to feel comfortable and make your muscles work optimally. The problem in a cold environment is that the body is losing a lot of heat by conduction, propagation and radiation. barilla holding spa Due to the increased energy consumption, body temperature starts to fall, you will begin to tremble and blood vessels you will begin to shift and narrow the blood in the depth of the body where they need it vital bodies. How do you therefore undertaken the fight with the cold?
In your favor you can operate two factors: first, if you train hard before, you should be well prepared aerobically. The more you are willing to aerobic, easier to maintain a greater intensity of work, the more energy can be produced, and thus replace barilla holding spa the lost heat and reduce barilla holding spa internal (central) heating.
If you start zebsti, the danger lies in perspiration. Cold air does not sweat off, and when the clothing soaked with moisture, begin to lose heat rapidly because the water is very bad insulator. With sweat-soaked shirts comfortable running into Arctic experience.
It is important that during the exercise, wear multiple layers of clothing. Tightly-fitting shirts that you wear directly on the skin must be porous and translate sweat to the surface. The middle layer is the insulation, exterior should be resistant to wind and should not be left to water.
Beneficial clothing, enabling according to the intensity of the activity to add or remove the insulating layer. During the activity, which is interrupted by intervals of rest, they are especially suitable hoods. An insulation value of clothing can be changed with the help of strings and zippers that are tightened or tempering the neck, wrists, waist or ankles.
Thus, ventilate the interior of garments and prevent the moisture accumulated in it. You may also feel dressed funny, but woolen caps and ear bands, leggings and gloves in cold important pieces of clothing.
It is important that the cold weather we have soaked socks and shoes, as they can in a damp cold feet freeze. Therefore, use the slippers made of suitable material. The sole should be shaped like a rubber coat for mountain bikes, which ensures good contact and good control of the motion by irregular routes in nature. The importance of heating
In any case, you should thoroughly warmed. Heating in the cold should last longer and be more intense than in summer. It is good if the heating wear some heavy clothing that you can later you strip. Rehydration
Due to inappropriate clothing may be excessively increased internal body temperature and therefore begin to sweat heavily. As a result of narrowing of the blood vessels on the edge (in the skin and below the altitude of superficial layers of muscle), barilla holding spa increased blood pressure, increases the excretion of urine. Since cold air is usually dry, we lose a lot of fluid breathing.
Unusual specialty training in cold weather is that glycogen stores emptied 5-6 times faster than normal, and for two reasons: shivering and elevated levels of the hormone epinephrine (adrenaline). Such rapid consumption barilla holding spa of carbohydrate (glycogen) stores are empty muscle that substance and muscle forces to the energy back to fat.
The cold months are the perfect opportunity to get rid of excess fat and improve your body composition. If we practice in cold weather, for movement barilla holding spa consume more energy, which can be people with overweight helps stepped in "negative" energy barilla holding spa balance. Breathing and cold
Often ask or inhaling large amounts of cold air can "freeze" our respiratory barilla holding spa system? Without fear. Note, however, that the air, which had outside temperature -10 C, after only five centimeters path through the nose is heated to about 15 C. After the throat, the temperature for 21 C at the inlet to the pluča already 30 C.
Humidifying respiratory these can dry out and cause problems, such as dry mouth, burning throat and general irritation. This can be limited if we have the mouth and nose covered with a scarf or face mask, thereby increase humidifying the air and reduce barilla holding spa the loss of water.
Neuro muscular system in cold kl

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